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Sirinya (Chapter 8) - Thu 17 Mar 2011

So I'm assuming the world has to end before he would even utter the words "I'm sorry"? Sesshoumaru is such an ass in this story. I almost cant read it if it wasnt for Kagome. lol All he had to do was say sorry, but it's probably because he doesnt know what that feeling is like... yet.

I am happy she burst his Sesshoumaru-centric universe bubble though. Maybe he'll open his eyes (really open them) and finally realize other people have feelings as well.

I'm curious to see where this goes. Cause had I been Kagome, I would have washed my hands of him long ago. I cant stand people like that. :x

joyouki (Chapter 9) - Thu 17 Mar 2011

wow.....Ok he still couldnt tell her he was is this going to be fixed??

TruGemini (Chapter 9) - Thu 17 Mar 2011

It's about time she let it all out. Now, what will he do with that info. I bet it's going to eat at him the next few days.

Tana_san (Chapter 9) - Thu 17 Mar 2011

Absolutely, Positively, Amazing!!!! I was so shocked that he actually told the WHOLE story to his father. Then he actually listened and followed what his father wanted him to do. It's just too bad that it had gotten as far as it did because this, from my point of view, totally blew up in his face. Kagome performance was the amazing part. He just had to push her buttons alittle too far and BOOM!!! The damn, which was Kagome's fury, burst forth. I could feel her anger, her hurt, her humiliation for allowing him to use her. It was so awe encompassing!

That youkai was so very lucky that she knew how to control herself because that tingling, raw power of hers was right under the surface of her skin, just screaming to be let out for redemption. At least, that's the way I perceived it. He had it coming. Now if he really does care, he needs to do alot of soul searching because even I could sense he was feeling more than what he expected to feel when she said she wanted no more to do with him after this assignment is over. Sesshoumaru needs to do something he's never done or thought to do if this little human girl does actually mean more to him than he originally thought and I cannot wait to see what he comes up with.

Does Kagome hold his heart in her hands? Does Sesshoumaru actually feel love for another being? Or will Kagome try and purify Sesshoumaru only to find she can't hurt the one who she is intended to be with for eternity.  OOooo, I'm all tingly waiting to find out what will happen.

Excellent chapter! So thrilling!    JEN

Cherry (Chapter 9) - Thu 17 Mar 2011

Excellent story. Unique and very enjoyable. You have the best parts of both of them methinks.

Jenniferelaine (Chapter 9) - Thu 17 Mar 2011


NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! this must be fixed...and it must be fixed now!! DX<

lol...loved it...can't wait for the next chapter.

Tana_san (Chapter 8) - Thu 17 Mar 2011


Wow, looks like Lady O isn't being favored for this fic right now by alot of the reviews I see ... Aww come on now people, give the writer a break! If Lady O wrote stories that were so easily figured out, you wouldn't really be appreciating her full talent as a writer. Some stories have to start off with our faved characters acting less than perfect, even down right despising at times, until more of the storyline is played out. As for the confusion you may be having, that too may be part of the whole plot, to make you keep coming back because you just can't stand not knowing how this ended up.

Oroyukae is a very diverse writer. She doesn't stick to the same old plots that most tend to follow. If you aren't sure of her talent to give us a well written story, then maybe you haven't read any of her other fics. Am I a fan? You bet you *** I am!! She shows great talent, versatility, and a dedication to our beloved characters of InuYasha, as well as to us, the readers.

So, please, be patient. Allow this story to play out as the writer intended it to. No one said when these fanfiction sites were created that every beginning or end, for that matter, had to be happily ever after.


You, my friend, need to continue as you had planned for this. You HAVE NEVER failed to give us your best. You are doing a most fantastic job at making us hate Sesshoumaru right now. Remember "Broken Promises"? You had everyone up in arms for protraying Sesshoumaru as being so cold and cruel. Then what about "Wrong Number"? Now that fic was totally hot!!! Sesshoumaru loving phone sex! MMmmGood!

You're doing a great job, girl. Don't give up and don't change a thing.  I'm hating Sesshoumaru right now too. His high and mighty, I'm all that attitude makes me want to kick him right where he thinks he's so superior, but I wouldn't want you to change him in any way if that means Kagome can't have her chance at turning the table on him and showing him the error of his ways. She just needs some more time to get to that point and I'm just sitting here waiting for it.   JEN

Tana_san (Chapter 7) - Wed 16 Mar 2011

Oh for the love of Pete, Rumors are just that, rumors. Made to entertain those with nothing better to do with their time than to cause said victim trouble they can certainly do without. Honestly, people who entertain these cruel slanders are no better than those who created them.

I'm sure this will lend to another stupid arguement between Kagome and Sesshoumaru, since really, Sesshoumaru hasn't any real tact and sincerity when confronting Kagome with anything. I don't think Sessh even has a clue of how a real friendship works, let alone a friendship with a female. I'm sure he means well in his concern for her well being, but jumping to conclusions is fruitless and he seems to do this often.  Should I chalk his reactions being because he's a male with a one track mind? Takemaru didn't say it was a Planned Parenthood Clinic or a Welfare Family Planning Clinic, did he??? But then again, Takemaru didn't help with causing this line of thought to begin with.I can't wait to see Kagome rip into him for this.   JEN

joyouki (Chapter 8) - Tue 15 Mar 2011

What a complete jackass....omg I cant wait to read more...I can't imagine Kagome getting over his smug ass to fall for him, and how is he going to fall for her

lara (Chapter 8) - Mon 14 Mar 2011

I like this story but I'm confused by it. I don't know where its going.I really want them together but the more I read,the less I see a possibility for the two to be together. I know powerful people are usually attracted to powerful people.We already know he's powerful but other her excellent way of hiding she's a miko & her refusal to use her powers leaves us unaware if she's doing it because she's extremely powerful & hiding it for that reason. I wish the truth is that she's THE MOST POWERFUL MIKO living & she's had to practice hiding her aura & power since childhood. That's why when demons attempt to hurt her & Sessh feels she should use her Miko power, she refuses..I'd like if she were the most powerful miko(& that only Mikos of her power ,which are unheard of in this era can birth full blood youkai or full youkai with miko making them 2x as poerful) then I'd hope one day/night thinking she's alone after leaving friends & a bit tipsy,not knowing Sessh is following,a group of 10-20 powerful youkai attack her & before Sessh can help her,she panics & uses a bit of her power turning all of the attacking demons into dust & the only witness is Sessh & he's in awe of her power.She being tipsy when attacked snaps out of it realizing she killed them due to her lack of control,starts crying ,runs toward home, trips a block from her house where Sessh feeling her fear,pain & guilt in her aura,feels he must comfort her & hopes she doesn't know he saw.Somehow with her being so upset,him trying to calm her, she says 'I killed them' while crying & he says 'you had no choice,they wanted to hurt or rape you' she realizes he saw her & feels embarassed & he says don't I was trying to get to you to help you..telling her he sensed the demons angry aura & went to investigate....they come to an understanding .....yada,yada,yada

 please don't take offense at my babbling over my want to see Sessh & Kagome.

I love your writing & your story & if you enjoy writing then you must enjoy reading so I just ask you to imagine you are reading a book you love & your frustration at knowing you have to wait till the next edition or book in the series to find out what will happen with your favorite couple & think of all the possible scenarios you go thru in your mind while awaiting the next book & please understand that I mean you know insult & that my rambling is due to my love of your story & the fact that I'm so eager to see what will happen next that my odd babbling/writing is just my way of escaping the wait till your next update. I mean in no way to offend your story of your writing & I pray that you understand it is only my over eager imagination at work

I eagerly await your next update to see what will happen next.............I need more 

~Twisted~ (Chapter 8) - Mon 14 Mar 2011

i absolutlii luv this storii!! itz so amazin & cant help but admire sesshomaru*even though hii'z bein an ase* bcuz itz so him but there iz 1 thing that i dun "like". it seemz that sesshomaru alwayz winz n hii & kagome'z battle of willz, i think u should let kagome get her "revenge" & or out smart him everii once & a while >:3

TheMikoShivae (Chapter 8) - Mon 14 Mar 2011

this story is so much fun!  thanks for the updates!!! can't wait for more!

TruGemini (Chapter 8) - Mon 14 Mar 2011

Okay, she has to zap him at least once. He is soooo asking for it. Man Oro, she has the patience of a saint!!

Rev (Chapter 8) - Mon 14 Mar 2011

Even though I know it would do nothing, I soooooo want to punch Sessh, just to have the satisfaction of knowing I punched him. Rawr to him and what he stands for!!


hitnrungirl (Chapter 8) - Mon 14 Mar 2011

I'm sorry but I trully loath your Sess. I really couldn't care less if he is the most attractive male in the universe, his whole pompus attitude is beyond appaling, he might as well mate with himself; talk about shallow and deluded! That personality in itself would be enough to make him look disgusting to me if I'd been Kags, despite having any sort of attraction to him before. If it weren't for his amusement, he wouldn't have given Kags any more of his prescious time after the incident in the begining.

I am also pretty disappointed on your version of Kags, such a weak, uninteresting girl you made her out to be. She can't even outwit the arrogant dog even once and must she tell him and do everything he asks, just because he claims to be his friend? I'd rather have no friends at all if I had to deal with his type of friendship. All he does is manipulate her, mock her, torment her, corner her and still the idiot has feelings for the ass!? I would like nothing more than to kick Sess in the nuts and slap Kags. 

FayeMegan (Chapter 7) - Mon 14 Mar 2011

Interesting! I wonder what the "appointment" is really all about.

TruGemini (Chapter 6) - Mon 14 Mar 2011

Are we seeing the tables turning? Sess is beginning to see beyond himself a little. What will happen next I wonder?

Kat (Chapter 6) - Sun 13 Mar 2011

I love it!!! I wish the updates could be faster though! lol

Tana_san (Chapter 6) - Sun 13 Mar 2011

I understand the computer woes. I'm having trouble with my laptop. I've had the same problems since I bought this thing and until it dies, I just have to make due.

You know, since Sesshoumaru says he knows how women react to his charms and he knew how she would no doubt react, why would he pull this little stunt if his academic reputation for getting perfect grades was so important to him? It was his own fault for starting this little game with her since he felt he knew her so well. The outcome could only be one that would cause trouble that he didn't need (and neither did she, really) at that time. It doesn't matter that they both had a hand in this battle of the sex(es). He could have prevent this.

So now I think it's up to him to make this right if his precious grade is so impotant or he needs to shut up and let it go like Kagome wants so they can just get back to work. There is time for this 'point' to be discussed after the project is over.   JEN


FayeMegan (Chapter 6) - Sun 13 Mar 2011

More more more more more more MOORREEE. Please. ^_^

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