Reviews for For the Best by Oroyukae

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Daniella (Chapter 7) - Tue 11 May 2010
Hmmm I got a really creepy vibe off Gary in this chapter....something about him isn't right and I hope Sesshoumaru picks up on it or that I'm totally wrong! I love how Rin seemed to recognize him even though he was concealing himslef...she's going to figure it out before Kagome does I just know it. I just love your stories and will anxiously be awaitingyour next update! Best wishes as always!!!!

snowbird (Chapter 7) - Mon 10 May 2010

Ewww!  Yuck!  Why the hell did she have to sleep with Gary or invite him to be there that evening?  She evidently was not happy whenever he tried any movements on her that evening.  All week she's had her eyes on Sesshoumaru, so that's another reason not to have rutted with Gary.  I'm very disappointed in her.  I thought she had better sense than that.

I was excited there for a moment when Rin's instincts acted up.  She was with him long enough to know his aura without realizing it.  Plus, height and build along with the long blonde hair made him seem familiar.

Kagome might ought to be careful and not let Rin be alone with Gary since his comment and the way Sesshoumaru felt about the comment.  Also, I noticed that Rin stayed in her room while Kagome was gone.

I still get the 'yuckie shakes' just thinking about Kagome being with Gary.

kagomesirene (Chapter 6) - Mon 10 May 2010 i was wrong...sesshoumaru was insecure about interrupting the *family moment*


but i'm happy he got himself togheter so fast and is confident enough to conquer kagome right away XD

there you go sesshy...a nice lunch...maybe even dinner after discovering the city...i already see kagome falling head over heals for sesshoumaru....

please update sooooooon C:


knifethrower (Chapter 6) - Mon 10 May 2010

I think a dog would like  a cheesesteak sandwich very much!  I'm so glad this story is less sad than the last few, they were hard on me.  This one is just right, Kagome and Rin have difficulties to surmount, but I don't feel the hopelessness that makes it hard for me to read.

Tana_san (Chapter 5) - Mon 10 May 2010

I've known many a girl who said that they didn't think that seeing fireworks when you kiss or having your heart beating like crazy when you see him meant anything. Wanting to be with him every minute and grinning like a cheshire cat because he makes you feel like doing all kinds of naughty things when you think about him is just stupid. All those girls never stayed long with their guy. My own cousin married her high school sweetheart because they were "the couple most likely to marry" and he got along with her family and friends and they both seemed to want the same things out of life. Well, 10 shaky years and two kids later and they're divorced. She met a man a year later and had all those silly, romance book feelings and it's been over 20 years later and they still have those great feelings for each other.

I think Kagome should just listen to her heart and stop thinking that just because she's single and has Rin that she should marry. I will always believe that when the right guy comes along, you'll just 'know' he's the one and yes, I believe in all those silly romance book feelings because for me, it's going on 32 years with the same man, we've been through ALOT together and I still get a rush when he kisses me and I blush when he tells me sexy, sweet nothings in my ear.    JEN

kagomesirene (Chapter 5) - Sun 09 May 2010

>.< no kagome...don't settle for a relationship you don't really want just because everyone things it best for you

you deserve to be with someone you love too XD come on sesshoumaru, time to appear on the scene...especially because when someone seems to follow kagome and rin...i doubt that it was sesshoumaru...he would have announced himself...i'm sure he isn't hat insecure to stay away just because some other guy was i guess someone with not so nice intentions is around xo

please keep up the great work...

can't wait to read more soon XD  very very soon *lol*

katlady (Chapter 5) - Sun 09 May 2010

:;laughs and sings:  I know who was  wathcing  her..I know  who  was  wathing her

:;Sings more:  Kagomes  gonna be in trouble...Kagomes  gonna  be in trouble

::giggles  insanely::; oooohhh i  think I know  were your goign with this  its  just a guess BUT

OOh theres gonna be one  HECK of a show down when  Sesshoumaru and Kagome Meet again after 500+ years

:hugs and  kisses:

I love know that right XOXOXOXOX



knifethrower (Chapter 5) - Sun 09 May 2010

Another great chapter + really loving this story.  I wonder if she felt Sesshy watching them in the park?  Can't wait to find out...

katlady (Chapter 4) - Sun 09 May 2010

YATTA   HE FOUND THEM!!!...... I have to ask  Why Philadelphia?...But I am sure   I will find that  out in the  next  chapter



oooooooohhhhhh  I cant  wait  XD


this is startgin to get intresting  ehehehehhehehe

I love you I love this update and


you  better  update sooonn

I neeed  to know what is going to happen

Tana_san (Chapter 4) - Sun 09 May 2010

It's good to know that he's finally found a possibly where Kagome and her family moved after losing the Shrine. I don't believe any searches for her family name would have come up unless he broadened his search for other countries, but there would be no reason to do so seeing as they were the only Higuarishi family in Japan. I was under the impression he didn't even know her family name and I'm surprised that he hadn't come across one or more people in the area that may have known them as her family was friendly with everyone.

Oh well, none the less, he may have a good lead, but I honestly do NOT believe that Kagome will like the thought of him just coming in and taking Rin after all the time she and Rin have been together and the bond they've formed as mother and daughter. Hopefully, Rin will put the brakes on his idea of taking her away from Kagome after all Kagome has sacrificed to keep together.

I don't mean Sesshoumaru any disrespect. I know Rin was his little girl first and he gave her to Kagome to save her life but they're a family now and he shouldn't think that just because he comes back into their life that he has a right to just take the child from Kagome and go back to Japan. Hasn't he learned anything about human nature by now and of a mother's love for her child? Even if they were acting as sisters, the love is still the same. Sesshoumaru is going to have himself a fight if he thinks Kagome is going to just stand aside and let him call her irresponsible and unable to give his ward the life he thinks she should have had.

It's a great beginning. I can't wait to see how the meeting goes.  JEN

kagomesirene (Chapter 4) - Sun 09 May 2010

great chapter

i'm so happy sesshoumaru finally got a clue where rin and kagome might be...yay...mow that you mentioned it i myself wondered what might have happened to the gold too...could it be that someone found kagome and rin and instead of helping them, helped himself by taking the gold?

poor higurashis...the gold surely would have helped them in their situation


keep up the great work and pretty please update sooooooooooooooon

GlassDoll (Chapter 4) - Sun 09 May 2010

I get the feeling Kagome will blow up on him or be greatly insulted if he makes a comment on her being irresponsible. Hell I can picture Rin doing the same. xD Great story like always.

evilynmetal (Chapter 4) - Sun 09 May 2010

Nice chapter. I can't wait to see what he does to get into their life. Haha, if it had been 500 years ago, Sess would of just walked in and demanded that the child be ready to leave in an hour.

knifethrower (Chapter 4) - Sat 08 May 2010

Yesssss!  I'm so glad he found her, I like the way you managed that.  This story is going great!  I'm having so much fun reading it, you have me on the edge of my seat!

kagomesirene (Chapter 3) - Fri 07 May 2010

wow...just discovered your story ;P

.... great plot...i cannot wait to read more soon CX

poor sesshoumaru...still being alone...i do hope he gets a clue where they might be soon...


please update sooooooooooooooooon

katlady (Chapter 3) - Fri 07 May 2010




:p  a date with Gary :p  O  ca some how  see somehtin Intresting about to Happen  ehehhehehehehhe

  I love it so  far <3

Though the  fact that Kagome's family  is acting so mean  has  me  worried that  they would  try somehting


OOOOOHHHH no fair  you have me on pins  and  needles  Update  soon


:hugs and Kisses:


Haltia (Chapter 3) - Fri 07 May 2010

I wonder what Av said to Rin to make her so upset that she slipped on her speech?

And then her nice date turns out to be a sadistic, manipulative bastard who just wants to get laid and use her for his own gains. That would be... expected -smirk-

Please do update soon, I want to know what happens!

P.S For the last couple of days I've been reading through your other stories, and I have to say, you have good plots and writing skills with only a few mispellings here and there and the stories are LONG. I enjoy them greatly.

Sena (Chapter 3) - Fri 07 May 2010

Interesting story so far, how will sessh find them in the US? I want to see them meet up soon! :D

Tana_san (Chapter 3) - Fri 07 May 2010

It's always hard on a kid when they're different. Whether they're from a different state or country, or if their nationality is different. I really feel for Rin and with her being scholastically more advanced, most kids will brand her as a geek making finding friends difficult. I don't get Kagome's relatives though. 

Anyway, I think it's sweet how Rin is concerned about Kagome's social life but maybe after this date blunder, she'll give Kagome a break and maybe try to get Kagome to go on more girls day outings where they can both enjoy just hanging out together doing inexpensive things when Kagome doesn't have to work. Meeting Mr. Right will happen when you're not looking for him....  JEN


Tana_san (Chapter 2) - Thu 06 May 2010

Looks like Kagome lost the coins Sesshoumaru gave her and between the well disappearing and time moving on, the coins would be buried as deep as the well would have been.

Sesshoumaru can't find them because they had to move in with relatives a whole continent away. If he's sure that he may have the right location, he needs to find where the Goshinboku is located. From there he should be able to gather some information about Kagome and her family. The city may have taken it but because it's a Shrine and it's of historical value, I don't believe it would have been torn down but maybe used as a historical museum of sorts, much like how Grandpa used it to bring in money, only on a larger scale having more artifacts and such to bring in more interest. If this was done, Sesshoumaru would have information on the history of proprietors who lived there. After finding Kagome's family name he might find information through an internet search for that city. There would have to be something about the city gaining control over the Shrine and the reasons behind it. Maybe a local paper wrote up the story. ....Oh, jeez, there I go again.

I better stop before I end up rambling. You've got a good handle on how you want this to go and I'm sure you don't need me poking my nose into it. I do have one question though, what does Kagome's family have against a child like Rin? I know it isn't Kagome's mother or brother because they have hearts as big as hers but the family in the US who they moved in with, right? I'd move out on my own too if they treated Rin differently because she's not blood related. Kagome may be having a rough time but it's better than living with people who don't really like you or in this case, your child. Anyway, until the next post...  JEN

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