Wow, this actually made me cry.. =( This is so sad. I have never said this before, but I don't want Kagome to be with Sesshoumaru. He's a jerk and I like Bankotsu! Lol..
OMG i just knew it! I'm gonna cry!*Whimper*
I know its Banks blood, there's no way he could of beaten Sess, but pllleeeeeaaaaaassssseeeee don't let him be dead!!!! Yet i can't really see Sess letting him live now that he knows whats been going on with Banks and Kags! 'Aaaah' this is soooo fustrating, and exciting all in one, thank you so much!!!!:D
Also, i am very grateful to you for the regular updates, but seriously the cliff hangers are gonna give me a heart attack soon!LOL*Giant much appreciated Smile*
You know I like this story but was wondering where this is leading to. If Sess is a self-absorb megalomaniac (sp?) then it's safe to say that he and Kags will never end up together again as a happy couple? :( I think that InuYasha's wife is Sango. Can you give us little hint w/o spoiling the whole story? Good writing as usual. Keep up the good work *hugs and smiles*
phoenix-bennu (Chapter 20) - Tue 28 Apr 2009
i love that you update frequently but even this is killing me, i'll be at worki tomorow making checks on the internet and probably going to get fired for it....damn you!!!
i havent got a clue where you are going with this....
good work!
Great story. Delicious plot. Clarifications though; before Sesshoumaru cast out Kagome, didn't he say he moved on and wanted nothing else to do with her? As well as Kagome and Inuyasha having a sexual relationship was the only reason Sesshoumaru got so angry and started 'hating' Kagome or is there something else?
knifethrower (Chapter 20) - Tue 28 Apr 2009
Oh, no, not Bankotsu! Please, tell me that HE knifed SESS... Kagome was going to be so happy with Bank... I love your characterization of Bank by the way, I've always thought he was so handsome and I loved his personality in the anime, but I love him even more in your story. And I love the way you write Jakotsu, also. They are both totally edible...
BennaBear (Chapter 20) - Tue 28 Apr 2009
Oh no! Poor Bank! Why must you torture us this way and not continue with the chapter?
I must say though the story is developing absolutly beautifull! I am very excited to see what happens soon and what will Sesshomaru do? Though his reason to get so mad over the fact that she date Inu is ridiculous! But then I can see Sesshomaru doing that. Very nicely done, not something usual in the stories.
Wonder what will happen to Kagome now, since he basicaly had found her now?
Fairqueen (Chapter 20) - Tue 28 Apr 2009
love this story ty.
SakuraH (Chapter 20) - Tue 28 Apr 2009
Oh its really getting meaty now.
So I guess Kagome will end up going back to Sesshoumaru to save Bankotsu : (
All this, because InuYasha has a big mouth, well not that just that excuses all that Sesshoumaru has done.
After all he should have talked things out with his mate, not jumped to stupid conclusions, he's only hurt Kagome and himself.
He's got a lot of making up to do.
Omg bankotsu dead? Omg Kagome is going to like die D; that's so awful. Awful cliffhanger. Can't wait to read it tonight : )
Dani (Chapter 19) - Mon 27 Apr 2009
This is outrageous! They finally run into each other and then I have to wait to find how it all goes down. Oh, the insanity of it all. Well, that was certainly a good chapter now I just have to wait for the next one. I have the feeling it will be very promising. More please!
OMG, OMG, OMG!!!!! Bank faces off against Sesshy! The two hottest guys ever, and Sessh knows Banks been nailing Kagome... It's gonna get ugly, and I can't wait!
To all whom I have come to know as my fanfic family, We may not know each other personally but I have come to love and respect everyone of you. You are all the reason my life is a happy one. When I made the remark about pregnancy and conception it was in all fairness, out of love for all who read and enjoy these fine works of fanfiction. I would never intentionally try to hurt or offend the writers and for this reason, Oroyukae, I am sorry. You are a much loved writer and I would never think to upset you or anger you in any way. I certainly do NOT want you to stop writing this fic or any other. I have lost so many of my beloved writers and for you to stop writing for any reason saddens me greatly. I am disabled and I have relied on writers like you to give me entertainment and adventure that I can no longer get in the real world. I live through your imagination and it's because of you that I am no longer living in a depression. I was sincerely worried about saying anything at all about a male pulling out thinking a girl couldn't get pregnant so I had my 22 yr old read what I had and she said she could see it being taken both ways and if I thought that strongly about the subject to review on it but take in consideration that it may be seen as a flame. I bow respectfully to you dear Oroyukae and ask that you only see my concern for the under aged and uninformed girls that are reading.
I could have written this in a PM but I want all out here to know just what I feel and that my intentions are honorable. I am sure that there is no longer any need to clarify to change how you write such acts as this has already been addressed in your Authors Note. I am and always will be your fan. JEN
Crimson Rose (Chapter 19) - Mon 27 Apr 2009
Awww poor Bankotsu. can't wait to see what happens!
Oh My God i can't believe you cut it there! That's just too cruel!*whimper*
Sesshomaru was losing his mind and going back down memory lane more than he liked, then he was finally realising he may never see her again and that revelation was doing weird things to him, and now....'WHAM'! He's found where she's been and that everyone their kept her from him, then Bank comes along with her scent all over him, now he's out for blood. But i really really love Bankotsu in this story, but he is soooooo going to get hurt in the next chapter, i can just see it now!
But im still such a big fan of the whole Sess/Kag, but Sesshomaru has been a real ass to her, and Bank has just been wonderful, then he was going to purpose to her, but Sess is going to kill him, i just know it! OMG im soooo going to cry!!!
But i wanna read the next chapter sooooooo badly!!LOL
Great Work!
Oh my goodness SESSHOMARU FOUND OUT! I'm wondering how you will make the end..I mean this is a Sesshomaru Kagome fic...I'm just wondering it would turn out so that kagome would end up with him and bankotsu will leave her.. D: it's gunna end in heartbreak I just know it. GREAT FIC! Thanks for posting ^^
pauly (Chapter 19) - Mon 27 Apr 2009
Please, just don´t get rid of bankotsu, I really like him in this oh so wonderful story. :)
-sighs as I rub my temples, shaking my head- I never thought I would say this, but Sesshoumaru is in a terrible set of denial and needs help.
Great job! I'm glad I stayed up for this chapter! ^__^!!
uh-oh! Poor Bank! Hopefully Sesshy doesn't kill him.
Sounds like Sesshoumaru is a little confused with his views on things.
This chapter has him going through memory lane about the good and bad times he has with Kagome then in his mind to relieve pressure and tension he goes to the Serentiy in hopes of having a quick rut with Taija but once he smells Kagome's scent, all of sudden he goes feral and overprotective claiming he doesn't share.
He was the one to drop Kagome and end it. I don't understand what he's thinking.
It was another great chapter! It is getting good... Can't wait for the next update.
Your Fan,
Sesshoumaru's Lady
Noacat (Chapter 19) - Mon 27 Apr 2009
Sesshoumaru needs to realize how big he screwed up. I don't care what his reasons were, you don't treat someone that way. Instead of talking to her, like a normal person, he tortures her. *grumblegrumble* I never wanted Sess to be with Kagome less... he should crawl on his knees, begging her forgiveness. I really want her to end up with Bank -- with kids and the whole happy family thing -- while Sesshoumaru remains alone and in pain for always. The jerk.
Which is to say... I love this story. I actually check back here, like, a bajillion times a day looking for an update. Keep gooooooooing. MOAR!
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