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Obscure Word Challenge
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TOPIC: Obscure Word Challenge
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Re:Obscure Word Challenge 10 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 17
I suppose I should update this challenge rather than having banners hanging around on my computer doing nothing, neh?

n. Oblation: the act of offering something, such as worship or thanks, to a deity.

adj. Risible: arousing or provoking laughter.
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Last Edit: 2014/06/21 23:03 By Wunderberry. Reason: Oh great, the forum is wonky
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Obscure Word Challenge 11 Years, 2 Months ago Karma: 17
Why, hello there!

This is a challenge (no duh, it’s in the challenge section!). This is the Obscure Word Challenge. Each of the prompts aren’t words you’d probably use in every day conversation. From Rubicon to fauvism, if it’s out of the ordinary, I’ll probably get around to it. Of course, definitions are given with each prompt because I’m generous.

Anyways, here are the rules:

-You can use the prompt in any story, one you’ve already started, a new one (karma for new stories), a one-shot, a chaptered story, a drabble series, etc.

-Okay, maybe not every story. Each entry for the prompt must be more than 200 words (not knocking traditional drabbles, they’re nice and you’re cool for writing them, I just want a little more substance).

-The rating can be anything. K - MA, it’s all up to you.

-Any genre, from dark/horror (which would make Rin-Rin really, really happy) to humor.

-This challenge has no due date or time limit or whatever. Whenever you submit, twenty minutes from now (which makes me side eye you like crazy) to three years from now, it’s fine.

-I’ll try to post two prompts every two days. If I don’t, sorry, kind of busy and depressed and all that stuff.

-Whatever else, just ask.


n. Fauvism: A movement in painting characterized by vivid colors and free treatment of form. It was popular in Paris during 1905/early 20th century. Some call Matisse a leader of this movement.

n. Valetudinarian: Someone with a weak or sickly constitution; especially one whose chief concern is their health. Sort of, if not almost exactly what Kagome is in her friends' and teachers' eyes.

adj. Pecuniary: Consisting of or relating to money.

n. Tergiversation: Desertion of cause, position, party, or faith.

adj. Nocuos: Harmful, dangerous.

n. Couloir: A steep mountainside gorge.

adj. Polyglot: speaking or writing multiple languages.

n. Corrigendum: An error in a printed work spotted after printing and shown with its correction on a separate page.

adj. Itinerant: traveling from place to place.

adj. Incipient: Becoming apparent or beginning to come into existence.

adj. Orchidaceous: of, relating to, or resembling orchids.

n. Nidus: a nest or breeding place.

adj. Aquiferous: conveying, containing, or yielding water.

n. Duress: Forcible restraint or restriction.

n. Mishpocha: an entire family network comprising relatives by blood and marriage and sometimes even close friends; clan.

n. Bivouac: an encampment for the night; especially under little or no shelter.

adj. Inclement: Rough, harsh, severe - generally related to the weather.

n. Respite: a period of delay.

v. Importune: to urge or bed with troublesome persistence.

n. Kismet: fate or destiny.

n. Nephology: the study of clouds

adj. Tenebrous: dark and/or gloomy.

n. Doula: a woman who assists in childbirth.

adj. Cthonic: Dwelling in or under the earth; also, pertaining to the underworld.

n. Rubicon: a bounding or limiting line; especially one that changes a person irrevocably once crossed.

n. Bellwether: a leader or leading indicator.

n. Platitude: a banal, trite, or stale thought or remark.

n. Manse: a large and imposing residence.

n. Ablution: the washing of the body or some part of it.

itvb. Sojourn: to dwell for a time; also, a temporary stay.

n. Slugabed: one who stays in bed until a late hour

n. Gourmand: one who enjoys good food in great quantities.

n. Kaffeeklatsch: an informal social gathering for coffee and conversation.

adj. Xanthic: of a yellowish tint or color.

vb. Birl: to spin or cause to rotate

n. Exordium: the beginning of anything

n. Yeoman: a farmer in the past who owned a small amount of land.

adj. Violescent: tending to a violet color.

n. Satiety: fullness to the point of satisfaction or beyond.

n. Gamine: and urchin or mischievous girl/young woman.

adj. Uranous: of or containing Uranium esp in a low valence state.

adj. Gustatory: of the sense of taste.

adj. Pluvial: of or pertaining to rain.

n. Schmaltz: informal, exaggerated sentimentalism, as in music or soap operas.

n. Agitprop: propaganda, especially pro-communist political propaganda disseminated through literature, drama, music, or art.

n. Obliquity: mental perversity.

Adj. Spumescent: foamy, foamlike, and/or frothy.

vb. Abacinate: to blind with hot, red metal.

tvb. Asseverate: to declare or to affirm positively or earnestly.

adj. Bibulous: of, pertaining to, marked by, or given to the consumption of alcoholic drink.

n. Pokelogan: marshy or stagnant water that has branched off from a stream or lake.

adj. Umbriferous: casting or making shade.

vb. Deracinate: to remove or separate the racial or ethnic characteristics from a native environment or culture; uproot.

itvb. Galumph: to move in a clumsy manner or with a heavy tread.

n. Abiogenesis: the theory that living organisms can arise spontaneously.

n. Largesse: generous bestowal of gifts.

n. Oblation: the act of offering something, such as worship or thanks, to a deity.

adj. Risible: arousing or provoking laughter.

Easy Prompts:

v. Gamble: To be on uncertain outcomes

v. Guess: To form an opinion from little or no facts

adj. Melodious: A sound that is pleasing to the ear.

n. Reincarnation: Rebirth of a soul in a new body.

Medium Prompts

adj. Sodden: heavy with moisture or water.

adj. Doleful: full of grief, causing grief, or expressing grief.

Have fun and hope to read your entries soon!
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Last Edit: 2014/06/21 23:03 By Wunderberry.
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Aubrey Simone
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Re:Obscure Word Challenge 11 Years, 2 Months ago Karma: 11
Well this is interesting! I'll definitely be participating, although my newest story is definitely on the dark side so I don't know if I'll be able to work Fauvism into it...Although, what's the point of a challenge if it isn't challenging, right?


Anyway, I'll see what I can come up with, and thanks for making my muse take notice! Maybe I'll be more inclined to write now (hopefully).

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\"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those that mind don\'t matter and those that matter don\'t mind.\" - Dr. Seuss

~Aubrey Simone~
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Re:Obscure Word Challenge 11 Years, 2 Months ago Karma: 2
I wanna try! Though mind u I might or might not have writers block right now. I have like two or three drabbles Im behind on!
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Luna C.
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Re:Obscure Word Challenge 11 Years, 2 Months ago Karma: 9
Oooo I'ma try this.
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Re:Obscure Word Challenge 11 Years, 2 Months ago Karma: 17

Ooo, dark. *Grins*. Your right about that, it may be a little difficult but hey, as you said, what's a challenge if there is no challenge too it?

I hope you are!

And I swear I'm working on my one-shot for the 50 First sentence challenge/thingy. It's just, not been a priority.


Glad you are! As I said, no time limit so feel free to take as much time as you need.


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Last Edit: 2013/10/12 03:34 By Wunderberry. Reason: Unintentional pun is not funny
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Re:Obscure Word Challenge 11 Years, 2 Months ago Karma: 20
This might be fun, not that I need to be involved in anymore challenges mind, I'll have to start keeping an excel document for these lol. But this does sound original I like it a lot
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Re:Obscure Word Challenge 11 Years, 2 Months ago Karma: 17
@Mistress of Rave:

Lol, oh man, I know the feeling, though in the form of Chapter stories/drabbles. But lol at the excel doc. Yes, that is a good idea.

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Re:Obscure Word Challenge 11 Years, 2 Months ago Karma: 20
Title: The things this Sesshomaru would do
Rated: MA
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Re:Obscure Word Challenge 11 Years, 2 Months ago Karma: 17
Thank you! That was a quick, entertaining read before bed. Glad I checked my email before hitting the hay.
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Re:Obscure Word Challenge 11 Years, 2 Months ago Karma: 20
i'm happy you liked it, it was fun to write
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Re:Obscure Word Challenge 11 Years, 2 Months ago Karma: 17
I intend to post the next prompt tomorrow but because I was working on banners, I went and looked at the ones I made up and noticed four that I had made for this challenge back when it wasn't the Obscure Word Challenge. So you know what, rather than waste them, here you go. Four prompts that are actually kind of easy.

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Last Edit: 2013/10/12 22:21 By Wunderberry.
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Re:Obscure Word Challenge 11 Years, 2 Months ago Karma: 20
Here's my entry for reincarnation, I combined it with a prompt from Stella's Soundtrack, hope that's okay.

Reincarnated parental love

Rated: T

A little Latin will do you well
Rated MA
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Last Edit: 2013/10/13 04:15 By mistress of rave.
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Re:Obscure Word Challenge 11 Years, 2 Months ago Karma: 17
@Mistress: Hey, good job, I liked both of them.

As for future reference, you can combine prompts though I'd prefer just one prompt. So your entry for reincarnation is perfectly a-okay.

@everyone: As for the next actual entry, here you go:

n. Valetudinarian: Someone with a weak or sickly constitution; especially one whose chief concern is their health.
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Re:Obscure Word Challenge 11 Years, 2 Months ago Karma: 17
The third prompt:

adj. Pecuniary: Consisting of or relating to money.

Have fun!
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Re:Obscure Word Challenge 11 Years, 2 Months ago Karma: 20
Here's my entry for Melodious

Title: I've become the leader of the broken hearts
Rated: T
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Re:Obscure Word Challenge 11 Years, 2 Months ago Karma: 17
Here's number four!

n. Tergiversation: Desertion of cause, position, party, or faith.
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Re:Obscure Word Challenge 11 Years, 2 Months ago Karma: 17
Number 5:

adj. Nocuos: Harmful, dangerous.
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Re:Obscure Word Challenge 11 Years, 2 Months ago Karma: 20
My entry for gamble
Title: I've become the leader of the broken hearts
The pure ecstacy of it all
Rated: T

EDIT: Here's Nocuous

Title: i've become the leader of the broken hearts
Don't make me do it
Rated T
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Last Edit: 2013/10/19 21:27 By mistress of rave.
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Re:Obscure Word Challenge 11 Years, 2 Months ago Karma: 17

n. Couloir: A steep mountainside gorge.
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Re:Obscure Word Challenge 11 Years, 2 Months ago Karma: 20
Here's my entry for Valetudinarian

Title: A little latin will do you well
Rated: MA
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Re:Obscure Word Challenge 11 Years, 2 Months ago Karma: 17
Two because I've gone four days without prompts.

adj. Polyglot: speaking or writing multiple languages.

n. Corrigendum: An error in a printed work spotted after printing and shown with its correction on a separate page.
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Last Edit: 2013/10/25 16:51 By Wunderberry.
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Aubrey Simone
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Re:Obscure Word Challenge 11 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 11
Hey! My entry for Fauvism is Chapter Two of Post Tenebras: Lux (Rated MA, and NOT visible to anonymous readers). It's a very vague reference, but I did use it, so *shrug*.


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\"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those that mind don\'t matter and those that matter don\'t mind.\" - Dr. Seuss

~Aubrey Simone~
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Re:Obscure Word Challenge 11 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 14
Hello Rin-Rin,
Wanted to try out this challenge too
Here's my first entry for Fauvism; I tried to make it dark. Hope you like it!

Story: An Education
Chapter 1: What's A Little Torture Between Friends?

EDIT BY WICCAN: This story is rated M, no YIMs!
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Last Edit: 2013/10/28 22:06 By wiccanmethuselah.
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Re:Obscure Word Challenge 11 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 17

adj. Itinerant: traveling from place to place.
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Last Edit: 2013/10/28 22:14 By Wunderberry.
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