Dang that chapter was so intense. I actually started to cry at the end. I have not read something that intense in a long time. I love this story so far. This is the second time I have read this story and I cant wait to read the rest. Thanks for a great story so far.
Since first finding your work on this site, I must admit, I devoured story after story and been pleasantly entertained. This fic, like your others, was no less entertaining. Well written with only the slightest typos scattered far and inbetween, your work is of a caliber far greater than that of most fanfiction writers, though A Single Spark and Dokuga have an enticing amount of skilled and impressive writers. Dramatic without being overly so, hot without becoming purely smut, romantic without forcing your characters into terrible OOCness, you have admirable skill.
Yet... As with all of your stories I find myself feeling that there was something missing. Some word or some action, some manner of writing, or event that is lacking, and in lacking keeps your work from reaching that breathtaking height of some of the best works I have read. Perhaps it is the language that lacks the sinful decadence and imagery I so often associate with enthralling literature? Or perhaps the complexity of an impressively stirred plot, with layer upon layer or intertwining events? Or is it something else? Something far simpler such as the transition of a scene or the delivery of a character's lines? I cannot pinpoint it and only remain perplexed by it. It is a sure sign ( in my opinion at least) that there is yet plenty of unharvested potential within you just hovering at the edges of your work.
Aside from this there are a few things I'd like to mention more specifically. While in your other works you are very AU, with a Kagome who has never seen the feudal era, in this one that is not the case, yet your Kagome remains almost without ties to that world despite holding onto Rin. The way she reacts to most things demon in this fic seem a bit strange for a miko who spent such an important part of her life in the feudal era filled with demons. She seems in a manner, hesitant and very unsure when faced with all things demon, and she like Rin seems to display little fondness or desire to reminisce about that time of her life. It seems such a past would have more of an impact on the two than it did here, and it also seems unusual that the demons still alive would not remember anything of the shikon miko or even comment on it, particularly whenever Naraku was alluded to. I was also disappointed that no mention of Shippou's continued existence was mentioned as it seems to me Kagome once more acclimated to the continued survival of mdemons would at least make some inquiry about the kitsune she so cared for and perhaps the other demons she befriended on her travels.
I thank you for yet again writing such an entertaining and enjoyable work and wish to only see more of that wonderful creativity.
alloverthisfic (Chapter 1) - Fri 06 Aug 2010
Creative and original... nice first chapter.
ONE WORD..........MASTERPIECE!!!! WOW this story is so wonderful, I'm jealous!!!!! Your talent for writing is superb and I am honored to have read this!! Thank you!!
katlady (Chapter 38) - Wed 07 Jul 2010
i just got around to reading this the last few days have been tireing fore me so i wnet strait to bed and have been wanting to read this since last night
its is a sweet happy ending I LOVE IT
ah just to see what you will come up with next has me sitting on my toes
Great work XD
Loved it , thanks for another fantastic story.
Great Job!!! I loved this story.
Wow! Nothing like a fantastic lemon to end an even more fantastic story! Don't we all love it when Sesshoumaru goes all possessive?? I think I got a nose bleed from it. Yet being the amazing writer you are, you did not stop at the lemony goodness. Instead, you brought us back into the realm of emotions and love with the final part. It was just so sweet when Sesshoumaru expressed his desire to have a child with Kagome. Like, AWWWW moment. :)
My dear, you've definitely proven yourself to be one of the most spectacular writers here on Dokuga, and I have to tell you how much I enjoyed this entire story. It was so emotional, funny, dramatic, sexy and...oh gosh, there are just so many feelings you managed to evoke out of me with this wonderful piece. Great job on this, and congratulations on completing yet another fantastic piece. How do you manage to stay so motivated?? I wish I had half the determination you have when it comes to writing...I am still caught in my writer's block for Wisteria, which is really really sad because I adore that story.
Anyway, wonderful job done!
Your stories always have me coming back for the next chapter with an insatiable hunger. This story, For the Best, was no different. You are such a talented artist and writer and I hope you start a new story soon, because your works are a big reason why I am addicted to this site. You are truly amazing!
Toodles. :)
Aww the end was cute. Veery~ nice lemon! I love the dirty talk, especially the "big bad demon" part, haha. Thanks so much for writing and sharing this with us! I hope to see more from you soon~
Wow! so it ends, and another beautiful ending for you. Awesome job on this story! can't wait for the next one. You are definitely one of the best story tellers on this site!
Aww, Kago wants a baby. Now let's hope sesho can stop being selfish!!
dayna (Chapter 37) - Sun 04 Jul 2010
Awwwwww what a great chapter. I cant wait till the two of them have lil pups running around. I really liked this chapter. Cant wait for anothe update.
Aww such turmoil! I agree with Sesshoumaru that it's a little early in the relationship to start adding to the family. Sometimes females can ge a little irrational in their quest to be mothers.
I was rather impressed that you allowed Kagome to be... understanding of Sesshoumaru's baser instincts and his need for a more meaningful(?) apology from Hojo and Moriatsu. Most often Kagome convinces Sesshoumaru not to use any violence at all and for her, he complies. This is more fitting of his nature.
I assume that since Moriatsu helped in the destruction of Naraku that he knew Kagome was the Shikon no Tama Miko? He seemed to have the understanding when he asked that Sesshoumaru found his child and the miko.
I also want to say I rather like Omasu. He seems quite loyal and approving. I agree with Sesshoumaru, he made a good choice. This guy will defend his Lady without question. I also thought it was funny to bury Hojo's hand in the flower bed as fertilizer. Seeing as Hojo was into plants and healing when they were in high school, it seems fitting somehow. He'll always have a hand in helping them grow... JEN
REDWOLF (Chapter 36) - Sun 27 Jun 2010
I wish Hojo had got to see the real Sesshoumaru. It would had been funny for Hojo to piss his pants. Very good chapter. I like how afraid everyone is of Sesshoumaru.
Haha, that was good. I enjoyed the descriptiveness of the "apology" and Sesshoumaru's enjoyment of it all. xD
katlady (Chapter 36) - Sat 26 Jun 2010
He cut his own hand off some how I could see Sesshoumaru makign some one do that too
at least Kagome is being very open minded
PPPh I see another twist though
Update soon
Kanna37 (Chapter 36) - Sat 26 Jun 2010
And that's what he gets, lol! Stupid Hojo...
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