The things you're asking about here wade deep into the waters of individual preferences so it's impossible to definitely answer them. Every author has different experiences and opinions. Some might welcome constructive criticism, some might not.
Whether a review might come across as annoying to a writer also depends on a lot of different contextual factors not related to the actual review itself. The writer might be having a bad day. The writer might have received several comments in a similar vein so one comment just happens to be the straw breaking the camel's back.
The point is, you shouldn't overthink it.
There is no right or wrong way to review a story. 
Every reader has their own way of reviewing and writers will come across a lot of different types. Some people like to review every chapter even on a completed fic, some people only leave one review on the last chapter, some people might comment on a few chapters along the way where something notable / something they want to comment on happens.
I think generally speaking pointing out grammar errors, typos and wrong word usage would be ok to most writers as long as you do it politely and that is not the only thing your comment consists of. If you want to help you should also be specific about the mistake you saw. Just telling the author they have grammar errors isn't very helpful because then they won't know what exactly they need to fix.
Finally, here are some links you might find useful:
Feedback and perspective
Don't worry too much about commenting
All comments are cherished
Debate on constructive criticism