Final day, people!

We're still welcoming submissions to other days' themes today too, so if you've come up with something for one of the previous days you can still send it in!
Day 7 - Giving Thanks
This is your chance to give thanks to all the creators and members in the SessKag fandom!
You can give thanks by leaving comments/reviews on fanworks you have enjoyed or by privately messaging the members of the SessKag fandom you appreciate or want to give thanks to!
If you want, you can
submit us messages to the people of your choice! Please use the following format when sending in your messages:
@[Tumblrhandle] or [Nickname of the person]
Link to their profile if not on Tumblr (optional!)
Your Message:
Feel free to include messages to multiple people in your submission/ask!
And again for you Dokuga folk, this day you don't need to send in a submission if you don't want to, approaching the people you wish to thank directly or via a comment or review will also be very welcome!
Thank you so much to everyone who's participated so far and I'll be posting masterlists of all your recs tomorrow!