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OMG..... It's the curse of.....Writers Block!!!!
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TOPIC: OMG..... It's the curse of.....Writers Block!!!!
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OMG..... It's the curse of.....Writers Block!!!! 9 Years, 2 Months ago Karma: 1
So I've been writing for nearly five years now but just recently started posting.
The thing is I've come to a standstill on my story and have done everything under the blue moon to try and get out of this funk.... I have what I want to write in my head but when I put it to paper (type it out) I just don't like it.... It's kinda like having a beautiful image in my head to draw but when I go to draw what it is I end up making something that looks like my 2 yr old drew it...
If anyone has any helpful advise I'd appreciate it.
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Kyndred Raven
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Re:OMG..... It's the curse of.....Writers Block!!!! 9 Years, 2 Months ago Karma: 22
I read this last night before bed and was too tired to write out a reply, but seeing as nobody has written anything yet, I guess I could try to relate what I do in these kinds of situations.

I've been writing for over a decade now, and I can tell you - this sort of thing doesn't get any easier. We are our own biggest critics, especially when it comes to art and writing. What I do when I get in a "funk" (as you put it) is either work on something else (another project) for a little while or keep writing.

If you're stuck on a chapter, for example, and you've written it out but you just don't like it, then move on to the next chapter. I find that doing that gives me a fresh perspective sometimes. Going back and changing things isn't too difficult after all, especially if you haven't posted yet.

Another piece of advice I can give is to try to find someone who might be willing to beta your story, at least partially if not all of it. Having someone who is outside the project look at it can give you valuable insight and can give you new perspectives.

Last but not least, I suggest that - after some consideration - you think about posting anyway. People here are really supportive. Even if there's room for improvement, getting suggestions for getting better is preferable to being stuck and not writing at all, right?

I hope this helped at least a little ^_^
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Re:OMG..... It's the curse of.....Writers Block!!!! 9 Years, 2 Months ago Karma: 1
Tons of help thank you... And your right everyone is super supportive here. I know people like what I write I just don't want to disappoint anyone I guess.
I've given some thought about getting a beta I just haven't found the right one yet but thank you so much for your reply... It really made my day.
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Kyndred Raven
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Re:OMG..... It's the curse of.....Writers Block!!!! 9 Years, 2 Months ago Karma: 22
Christy Dolan wrote:
Tons of help thank you... And your right everyone is super supportive here. I know people like what I write I just don't want to disappoint anyone I guess.
I've given some thought about getting a beta I just haven't found the right one yet but thank you so much for your reply... It really made my day.

I'm glad to help! I know the feeling very well myself. Every time I post a chapter, I'm scared stiff that people will not like it. Like posting the last chapter of Limerance last night...I was so scared <_> But it turned out OK So don't worry! Post and enjoy writing. We will all love you for sharing your world with us ^_^
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Time Traveler
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Re:OMG..... It's the curse of.....Writers Block!!!! 9 Years, 2 Months ago Karma: 156
I fully agree with Restless Quill's advice.

You can try to rewrite the scene/chapter, either on your own or after asking a beta or a friend for a second opinion and helpful critique.

Sometimes, you have to let it go and accept that no matter what you can't reach the ideal in your head. And maybe the critique, too, is all in your head in the end.

Or as a last resort, you could remove the scene altogether.

If you're still struggling, perhaps you could give this a try?

Also this is always good to keep in mind when you're feeling down:

Sometimes the reason your writing seems boring and predictable is because
    You wrote it
    You’ve read it like eight million times.
A person who has never read it before does not have this problem.
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Kyndred Raven
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Re:OMG..... It's the curse of.....Writers Block!!!! 9 Years, 2 Months ago Karma: 22
Chie wrote:

Sometimes the reason your writing seems boring and predictable is because
    You wrote it
    You’ve read it like eight million times.
A person who has never read it before does not have this problem.

This. So this. I've tried to tell myself that a lot too. When I think a scene lacks luster, I have to tell myself that A) I thought of it, B)I've read it so many times I can probably monologue it, and C)I have edited it to pieces and know exactly where it's headed...
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Re:OMG..... It's the curse of.....Writers Block!!!! 9 Years, 2 Months ago Karma: 6
I actually have this happen to me very often! I always want my stories to be absolutely perfect and give the reader the same excitement I get when I'm writing it, so I end up way over thinking some of the chapters and rewriting.

One thing that has helped me immensely is to write out a story map. I OFTEN add little extras to my stories, so it helps to have a story map to see if it fits in before writing the chapter. I also tend to write out individual chapter maps. It's essentially like writing out the chapter with very little detail, just the bare bones of what's going to happen in the chapter, and maybe any one liners you don't want to forget. That way, when you're writing the real chapter you know exactly what/how events are going to take place while adding more detail to the individual sections. It certainly helps to get your ideas out on paper without worrying about if you've added enough detail etc.

I hope that helps!
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Time Traveler
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Re:OMG..... It's the curse of.....Writers Block!!!! 9 Years, 2 Months ago Karma: 57
Hmm, sounds like you might be trying to force it, the creative process that is. It's probably why you've got writer's block. Happens to me too, and the only advice I can give you is set the story aside. Come back to it in a couple hours or the next day. Have another shot. Even do what Restless and Chie and Omyouji suggested. Write a small scene to get yourself back into the groove of the story, so that you have an idea of where the characters are, or what they're trying to do.

If it's a first fiction then getting the first sentence down on the page is crucial. I always suffer from starting new chapters. The only way I can, for example, continue a fic is too leave a hanger or a tie-in open in the previous chapter. That way it gives me a natural starting point for the next chapter.

Writing gets easier with practice.

You'll be fine.

Just have patience, you'll figure it out.

~ Pyre
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The Letter Keeper
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Re:OMG..... It's the curse of.....Writers Block!!!! 9 Years, 2 Months ago Karma: 0
I have the same problem all the time. I've never posted any of my stories on here before but definitely agree with the others. Sometimes you have to skip ahead and write a small scene to get things going and work backward.

I've had to do that a few times or I will go do something mindless for a bit and come back.

I hope this helps and that pesky little block gets a move on!
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Re:OMG..... It's the curse of.....Writers Block!!!! 9 Years, 2 Months ago Karma: 32
This is life.

Restless Quill wrote:
Chie wrote:

Sometimes the reason your writing seems boring and predictable is because
    You wrote it
    You’ve read it like eight million times.
A person who has never read it before does not have this problem.

This. So this. I've tried to tell myself that a lot too. When I think a scene lacks luster, I have to tell myself that A) I thought of it, B)I've read it so many times I can probably monologue it, and C)I have edited it to pieces and know exactly where it's headed...
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Re:OMG..... It's the curse of.....Writers Block!!!! 9 Years, 2 Months ago Karma: 32
Going along with everyone's suggestions...

What I do is if I can imagine a certain aspect of a scene that I know I want to include, I jot that down first. Also, any little blurbs or flashes of an idea, write those down too. Eventually, you'll just have to connect the dots and bam there is your scene.

Don't get me wrong though, it doesn't always work lol. I'm stuck on 'The Sword Smith's Secret' because I know what I want to happen, but I don't know how to get the scene there.

But I would definitely step away from your computer and do something else. Normally when I'm lying in bed at night, I'll think about my fics and start imagining certain scenes I can picture happening in my story. That's when I start jotting it down on the chapter.

Hope that helps a little.

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Re:OMG..... It's the curse of.....Writers Block!!!! 9 Years, 2 Months ago Karma: 1
My husband laughs at my misery telling me the same thing... To step away and go at another story until I get the angle I want. He doesn't even write let alone read so for him to tell me this just frustrates me further....

Thank you for your help as well Misskatt
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Re:OMG..... It's the curse of.....Writers Block!!!! 9 Years, 2 Months ago Karma: 1
Everyone on here rocks...thank you... It's mostly interaction scenes between the two so I did my research (watched pride and prejudice and every other romance movie I could think of) and I've got some stuff together now.... Thank you everyone
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