So i've done some searching for this particular story and i'm starting to get a bid restless now. This story about some shadow creature ladies which i believe where shikone, sent by the goddess Izanagi. Somewhere along the lines kagome and sesshoumaru get together and have kids/adopt or they simply are sesshoumaru's. Eventually they defeat the goddess and go on to live long lives, however one kid leaves and gets himself mated, and when kagome meets her kids mate she gets attacked. Kirara also end ups being the leader of the shikone, who are hidden in some well/pond. "LeSigh"
I'm so desperate to find this story that i'm even using google as my search engine adding in the words shikone, izanagi, izanami, dokuga, and a diffrent combination, but alas google has let me down. I hope one of you guys know the story i'm talking about.