I don't know if this counts, but in the story Belonging to Sesshoumaru, Kagome is sent further back in time by the well, and meets up with a very young Sess and his mom. She then saves them and Sess smells himself on her and thinks that she is his. She goes back down the well, only to show up when Sess is older, but still not in the Feudal era that she knows. He pursues her because then he's old enough to.
Anyhoo, Kags actually helped Inu Papa to save Inuyasha and Izayoi, so Inu grew up with both his parents and his older brother. Sess and Inu have a very cute and typical older/younger sibling relationship. By being further in the past, Kagome has changed what happens in the past that she knows.
There's more, and its a great fic (funny, in character, solid plot and writing skills...etc.), so even if it doesn't fit your criterion, you should definitely check it out

Hope you enjoy!