Okay, there's not much to go on simply because I thought I favorited this particular story, but when I went to look for it, it wasn't there!

I don't remember the title, but I do know that it's not in my favorites (no, it was not fun looking through them all) so If anyone could help me that would be amazing!
Okay, I remember in this story, it was in Canon universe, and everyone had died except for Kagome, and Sesshomaru found her...i think? or maybe was Inuyasha dying and told Sesshomaru to watch over her? I'm not positive. ^^; but the point is, all her comrades died and she's with Sesshomaru. She's mute for a good while. She won't talk or acknowledge him unless necessary. But after some time she starts to talk, and Sesshomaru gets mad at her at one point because she "presumed she was the only one who suffered loss" in the whole ordeal. Then Kagome realizes Rin isn't with him, and that she has died.
And over time they form a companionship, and become friends in a way, and Kagome is trying to hide the fact that she still has the jewel from the roving demons etc.
Does this sound familiar to anyone?