UtterChaos247 wrote:
sugar0o wrote:
www.fanfiction.net/s/4663530/1/More_Than_Anything --(Naru/IY)--*
www.fanfiction.net/s/3516901/1/Koumajutsu --(Naru/IY)-- ***for the sasuke/kagome ones are they one's where Sasuke's not a 13 year old? i despise those -.-actually now that you mention it, there really isn't ... hm, not any that stand out in my mind at least, I know I've read a few drabbles/oneshots that have him as older, but it's always the same -- Kagome's a slave given to him by Orochimaru or something along those lines and Sasuke plans to revive his clan with her... meh, Sasuke was never really my favorite character...
Yeah i feel ya there, while i like those kinda, b/c he is older, i tend to hate the one's where they are 13. seriously? who finds love between 13 year-old's amazing and WOW? i only know one couple IRL that fell in love in middle school and are still a couple more then 10 years later. Seriously they have known one another since 6th grade, dated all through middle/high school, and they are in the early - mid twenties now, have at least one bebe.
13 year old kagome/sasuke sucks. ;l no one will change my mind on this. In fact the 13year old Narutoguys/13 year old Kagome just weirds me out and i just avoid those fics as a grand total. I'll read them when they age the character up or down to meet her age or when they age her up to meet another. But i cant do kid love/tween love. I just cant. i think that's why i dont often read much Naruto in general. sure there's 200k stories over all but the majority of them have everyone at 13 - 15. And while i understand that Kagome's only 15 in the anime/manga for IY i usually read for her as much older or sometimes really young which is amusing to see because usually cooties are involved.
On the other hand, yeah i see that one a lot too, where she's there and orochi gifts her. Seriously while i can kinda see it happening, i cant at the same time, mostly because Kagome's a fighter, and if Naraku couldn't get her, keep her and do this kinda thing i really cant see snake guy doing it either. I know its different worlds ninja vs miko but seriously, do you see Kagome as the kind of girl that allows herself to be anyone's slave? But at the same time it does make me want to write one similar but far darker, where its all violent, and bloody beatings, and finally sasuke drags her off with them to find Itachi. I think people would be all O_Oish too. oh course if i did that, i'd have her kill him before he could kill itachi, during the fight no less, Id have her be like, o.o you deserve that monster, and itachi would be all O_O but i'd have her help him. >_> and then itachi's be the good guy =x then of course there's be Itachi/Kagome bebe's with so much pretty black hair <3
So recently I've been reading:
www.fanfiction.net/s/5640014/1/Remember_Me_Jimmy_Kudo and its a Jimmy/Kagome fic, its okay. But it got me thinking what if for an Xover, it was Jimmy/Rachael vs, Kagome/L @_@ i have no idea why but the idea makes me giggle. Worlds greatest boy detective against worlds greatest detective.
Part of me wants to write one where Jimmy gets called in on a case and they cant figure it out, and so they end up calling L, and it would be a differential from before he got killed in the manga, Kagome saves him and helps him with the paranormal aspect of the Kira case. So he kept her on as a Paranormal detective & assistant to Watari. But after enough time they becomes intimately close.
Then it turns out that Though Kagome's a bit older then Jimmy he always had a crush on her, and he's Jealous of L, and Rachael's pissed and kikyo like b/c Jimmy wants Kagome and Kagome's like

over all of it. While L's like

at Jimmy.
So it'd be Post the majority of IY, but she never goes back to the feudal era after she comes back after the battle. Kagome would be about 23
Midway through DN, kagome saves L, and she becomes Watari's assistance, and thus L's second Personal assistant & lover. L would be abotu 26
and probably After CC/DC when Jimmy/Rachael are maybe 20ish.
(*for those that dont know CC/DC - Case Closed/Detective Conan)
am i just nuts? or no...?