Please help me out! 15 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 2
Hello! I would like some help, if none of you are too busy. I'm looking for any story that has sesshoumaru or kagome turning into a dog. Either demonic or mortal, willingly or non-willingly, AU or CU, anything that has to do with dogs. I have this story i read stuck in my head, but the problem is i only remember one thing....it focused on dogs, or at least, thasts the one thing i remember. lol
So, if anyone can help, please! Help me with this!
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Re:Please help me out! 15 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 18
Well, I've got one where Kagome turns into a dog, Gone to the Dogs, and one where Sesshoumaru is a dog, Canis familiaris. They're both under my stories here: www.fanfiction.net/~tallymark
But, bunches of people have done Sess!dog stories (and there may be other Kagome!dog stories as well), so there's a bunch of stories it could be. I think hikari hime did one, and there was a long running one the name escapes me on...if I can remember it I'll let you know.
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Re:Please help me out! 15 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 1
there was a story on "Spark" that has Sess as a dog called "2nd Chance" that was very good but very long.
"... do I have issues? Dude, I have lifetime subscriptions!!!" quoted Shaggy
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Re:Please help me out! 15 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 13
"The Syndrome" is set in modern day, and Sess turns into a smaller dog form, not his demon form, because he cannot tell Kagome his true feelings. I think Sunset Miko wrote it.
When all else fails...read the directions.
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Re:Please help me out! 15 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 18
Oh yeah! Can't believe I forgot The Syndrome...Sunset miko also has a drabble series going called Puppy in the Past where Sess likes to wander around in modern day in miniaturized dog form and interact with the local dogs.
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Re:Please help me out! 15 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 13
"Puppy from the Past" is FUN-NY!! great suggestion
When all else fails...read the directions.
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Re:Please help me out! 15 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 4
Second Chance has Sesshomaru as a dog. I think it can be found hear and on FFN edited version ) and MediaMiner ( unedited ). The author is Striking Falcon and the story is very good.
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Re:Please help me out! 15 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 216
unfortunately, there are too many to count where kagome and or Sess get turned into a dog, either demonic or otherwise.
For us to really be able to help you we need to some somethings. I think that this plot tool is loved by many, b/c its sometimes gets nothing but interesting.
1. is it Canon or Alt. Universe?
2. Can you remember was it Sess or Kagome? or randomly both? [ this i havent seen!]
3. Is it a puppy, or a dog?
4. Do you remember reading it on FF, AFF, MM, other or Dokuga?
b/c just without thought i know that
TallyMark has 2 fics that fit this, as mentioned above: "Gone to the Dogs", "Canis familiaris"
Sunsetmiko has 2 also, "the syndrome", and "puppy from the past"
FourShotChild on AFF has 1, "The black dog" she's here on Dokuga as well though i cant remember her name here... the title's the same....
lord, FF has more then a few on this one...
Kagome Dog Days » by sesshys lover
Domesticating Dog Demons » by OtakuAnime131
Curse by the Name of Love by Dolphingirl32173
Every Dog Has it's Day » by Julian07
Beauty and the DOG » by alana124pyro
I'm sure there are more... if none of these are them. then try to give us more details. there's a really cute one on AFF where Kagome's turned into a pup, via a mirror of some kind and her mother puts her out on the street, papa finds her, he's a police officer, he takes her home to help Sess become a better kid, Kagome was like 6 in that story, i think its called "... i cant find it... :l sorry -=x
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Re:Please help me out! 15 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 2
Hm...well, i' know its not syndrom, candis familiarius, second chance, and gone to the dogs. i've read those, they are my favorites, actually. I followed the making of syndrome, which isn't done yet.....and the whole making of second chance, from the very begining. Sadly, non of those are it.....
To help out narrow it...im not sure which univers it was, but i am fairly sure 70% that it was both kags and sesh that changed into dogs. i think kagome was a golden version of sesshy.... i think i read it on here, but there was a shorter version on AFF.net....
If no one can find this, im open to reading stories that have them, either kags or sessh as dogs. I thank everyone whose helped! i'll work on giving you all karma! esspecially sugar0o! im going to read the ones i'v never read....that might take a bit, but im still open to more stories!
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Re:Please help me out! 15 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 18
I'm afraid I'm not familiar with that one...it sounds very interesting though.  I'll keep an eye out for it.
Since you're interested in more, I found hikari hime's, it's White dog, blue moon, which is a Sess-turned-dog one www.fanfiction.net/s/4216483/1/White_dog_Blue_moon
And you guys have posted several I didn't know of!
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Re:Please help me out! 15 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 216
if your old enough for AFF, that one i told you about where she's 6 and turned into a puppy, "Broken Mirror" on AFF by beliefinkakashi sorry we cant seem to find it, i cant remember but one where kags is changed into a golden inu, but its not a dog, its just a dog demoness, and it was never finished only got up to chapter 4.
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Re:Please help me out! 15 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 2
I want to thank all of you for the lists! I am old enough for AFF, so, i'll look into the Broken Mirror thing, although the name doesn't sound familiar. It was a few years ago that i read it, thats probably why i never thought to bookmark it, or save the name and author somewhere.
Anyways, thanks to everyone again! If anyone thinks or remembers of a good one with either of them turning into a dog, i'd love it if they gave me the name! And thank you Tally Mark for another story! *squeals* i cant wait to read it!
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the very well beaten and freshly tenderized demon was carried away by his friends
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Re:Please help me out! 15 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 2
Thank you Fubuki! I wont know if Destined for Me is the one until i read it, but im happy its a Long and Finished story. Most of the others aren't finished
Thanks again! Now to go and read the story! YAY! I'll let everyone know if this is the one!
Last Edit: 2009/12/24 19:54 By Kira Kilala.
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