OKay this was on FF and i think it was abotu 5 chapters long but its AU
and Kags is a miko and she's Sess' love slave.
One day a visiting lord comes by, and he's eyeing sess and Kagome's fearful of him
some how stupid Sess thinks that Kagome was making eyes at him and lets the visting ord have her for the night.
she turns out preggers, and sess is a total jerk and is like i wont have anything to due with you when your preggers with another male's child. So he abandons her for the whol pregnancy.
Turns out the pups, are his, and he makes it in time to see her before she almsot dies.
to save her life he puts her to sleep with a spell that will allow her to heal but it keeps her asleep until she forgives him which takes her 20 years.
her pups are full demon, and i remember Sess carving his name into her arm and so did the visiting lord.
if anyone has seen this or herd of it please let me know! thanks!