sora wrote:
Im not sure if this one is A First for Everything, but theres this one fic where Kagome answers a personal ad about being a sex slave. she doesnt know who her "master" only that his name is Sesshoumaru. He's quite mean to her in it, forcing her to have sex with him even though she didnt want to and such.
At one point she finds out that he's the CEO of either a rival company or a company shes trying to merge with. and all the while Inuyasha is trying to get Sessh to treat her nicer.
I do believe that they ended up together, though i cannot remmeber the name
Hrmm, that kinda sounds like,
The Arrangement from BeautifulSilentDeath.
Everything is as you described, but in that story he doesn't "force" the sex really. It's a master/slave bondage thing. No he's not
nice to her, but uh, that was part of the point.

There is one scene (I won't explain it fully cuz it's kinda graphic) where he does kinda force her though, but she uh, enjoys it afterward.
Edit: Hrmm, most of the "Sesshomaru ain't all romantic and fluffy" fics I know of (and enjoy) are all lemoney (go figure). Don't know if you are looking for lemony stuff.