I have had a request from someone who is not a member here. He's looking for interesting, intriguing stories to read, but he has a few parameters.
Basically, if any of our members can suggest well-written, interesting stories that might have any new or unique way of dealing with the whole 'Why Sesshoumaru and not InuYasha' question, we're open for suggestions.
His requirements include:
"Fics that do it without Kikyou, some stock heroic death or turning him into some flavor of asshole and don't just skip him by moving it 500 years into the future. Some kind of unique death is fine.
And not that all fics that violate the above are bad. I liked HotM and Temporal Sequence. Like Peanut Butter isn't bad. Imperceptible is okay.
And, of course, almost all AUs are cool. You don't need a graceful way to solve those three problems in an AU."
Now, my friend is pretty much a Canon Universe, canon-pairing kind of guy, but he's open-minded enough to read some good Sess/Kag that doesn't include the above cliches. Stories with good mechanics (grammar, spelling, punctuation) are a must. We ALL know of some terrific stories out there that are great reads - so I'm asking the membership... give me YOUR ideas, would you??
Any and all assistance in this would be greatly appreciated!!
