Just so that you know, every writer from the dawn of time draws on their own life to write. It's completely normal. Stray thoughts spark an idea and before you know it, you're pulling inspiration from all kinds of things, even stuff you don't realize that you remember. So don't think that it makes you sound like you're tooting your own horn, us other writers totally understand.

We wouldn't be writers without our life experiences to draw from.
As far as blogging goes, I know very little about it. I have never really followed a blog before. I had always thought that it was more for the person writing than anything. But again, I'm clueless on the topic.
On another note, feel free to toot your own horn. Everyone needs to at some point. It feels good to recognize your own achievements, even if they aren't monumental.

Besides, sometimes others are too busy to notice the awesomeness around them until it's pointed out. Good luck with your blog if you do decide to do it.