That's a great synopsis, Hairann!!
A Single Spark was created by a lovely lady named ~Winter~ - and I want to make sure we all remember that, because it was ~Winter's~ inspiration and creation that spurred everything that came after!! If not for ~Winter~ there would never have been a Dokuga.
After running A Single Spark for many years, ~Winter~ needed some help and some respite... so she passed the reins along to another. Things sailed along smoothly for another few years, but then the site ran into trouble. The hosting company was bad, the site needed donations, and things really didn't run very well after that fiasco. ~Winter~ had pretty much turned the whole site over to the others, so there was little she could do either.
In stepped our creator, Miss Kagura. She had ideas that she felt could help make A Single Spark better, but people were not receptive. So, in her usual fashion, Miss K just decided to create her OWN Sess/Kag site and see where it went. And, voila!! Dokuga was born!
A Single Spark limped along for a few months, but it was clear that the site needed some major help. ~Winter~ regained control of the site and decided, for personal reasons, to close it. Rather than lose that incredible archive of classic Sess/Kag fanfiction, Miss Kagura approached ~Winter~ with the idea of conserving it. Miss Kagura promised to preserve all the images and stories in as much of the same format as possible.
It turned out that preserving the A Single Spark layout was more resource-consuming than Miss K thought, so it all had to be rolled into the Dokuga layout, but Miss K kept her promise that the A Single Spark archive would remain a separate entity.
And that is how, in 2008, two creative, talented, and dedicated ladies came to an agreement that allowed us to host some of the most fantastic stories written in the Sess/Kag 'verse!! My hat's off to both ~Winter~ and Miss Kagura. Not only will they forever hold a place of honor in the Sess/Kag fandom but, as long as I'm here, I will work to make sure that their contributions are not forgotten!
