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TOPIC: Makomako-Sama?
Mistress Sianna
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Makomako-Sama? 16 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 26
I am really curious as to where the name "Makomako or Makomako-sama" came from? When I first started writing fanfiction, I had referred to Sesshoumaru's fur as a boa, or pelt.

At some point, I came across the name Makomako-sama, and I was like "What the heck are they talking about?" Understanding dawned rather quickly, but not an explanation as to where the name came from.

Does anyone know?
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Re:Makomako-Sama? 16 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 0
My understanding is that it is called Mokomoko, or Mokomoko-sama. I have also heard that Rumiko said it is a parasitic demon, not a tail. All I know, is I love it... and I want it!
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Mistress Sianna
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Re:Makomako-Sama? 16 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 26
Pfft! Well duh, everyone wants it!

A parasitic demon though? I've never heard of that one. Why would he tolerate a parasitic demon? Hmmm...
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Re:Makomako-Sama? 16 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 0
I was curious about that and had heard the same reference to the parasite and said the exact same thing you did! WTF?! But to each their own I suppose.
Then again it is no more explainable how it came about that it was his tail. It's not attached to him in any way so why throw tail out there?
The best explanation I've heard, and I use it now myself, it that it's his youkino. It's a manifestation of his power from his full-demon form (giant doggy) that he cannot store while in humanoid form so it was reverted to a youkino so none of that power gets wasted and can be harvested readily. The fluffiness was explained away to the fact that it blends in with his fur in full-demon form. -shrugs-

I don't know if that helps, but here's a reference from Wikipedia about his 'mokomoko sama'
The fur on Sesshomaru's shoulder can be extended to great lengths and used to whip or constrict people. It appears to be part of his body,[19] despite some misdepictions in the anime. When fighting Setsuna no Takemaru in InuYasha the Movie 3: Swords of an Honorable Ruler, Mokomoko is seen to bleed. Jaken has been seen clinging to it whenever Sesshomaru takes flight,but apparently Rumiko Takahashi said that it is actually a parasitic demon."
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Last Edit: 2008/11/04 20:57 By Winters_Snow.
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LC Rose
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Re:Makomako-Sama? 16 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 39
I don't know about the mokomoko being a demon all on its own or anything, but I know the name came from RT (shortened--her name is just too long). She called it mokomoko-sama in an interview. So, if it is a demon, does that mean that his dad had two of them attached to him and his mom, too?
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Re:Makomako-Sama? 16 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 0
maybe it's like a lamprey and it provides some sort of strength to Sess while he provides sustenance to it. The more mokomoko, the more strength you have.
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Mistress Sianna
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Re:Makomako-Sama? 16 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 26
Hmmm, that's and interesting point Rose.

I had always thought it was just some sort of fancy adornment to show the elite status of their family.

I thank both you and Winter for the interesting information you have given. Twik I find your theory interesting as well.

I hate parasites, but even if it is a parasitic demon, I still want to run my fingers through it!
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Last Edit: 2008/11/04 22:44 By Lady Sianna.

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Re:Makomako-Sama? 16 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 33
I think that this is not a parasitic demon but a symbol of the leader of the west. I hate that there are stories that make it a tail. I don't really see any evidence of this being a tail in the manga or the anime. His dad had a larger one, with two ends. Perhaps the stronger you are, or the more powerful, the greater it grows? I suppose it is all in the mind of the author...I have liked stories where it is a pelt that is just a symbol, I have also liked stories where it has a mind of it's own. Depends on your preferences.

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Re:Makomako-Sama? 16 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 10
If it helps this is a link that someone made to help describe certain things about Inuyasha. It also has a link to the actual interview with Rumiko Takahashi if anyone is interested.
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LC Rose
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Re:Makomako-Sama? 16 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 39
Has anyone else noticed that in both the anime and the manga the size of mokomoko-sama changes? Sometimes it is just overly fluffy (not that I'm complaining) and sometimes its not. So maybe it is a "carrier" of sorts for his energies....
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Firefly Kitsune
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Re:Makomako-Sama? 16 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 0
If any of you would care to know, if I remember correctly from Japanese class, "mokomoko" is like an onomatopoeia for "fluffiness" or the essence of fluffiness. I remember watching a Red and White (New Year's TV show) where a little boy covered head to toe in fluff jumped around yelling "moko moko" as he impersonated the smoke coming from a train and the bubbles inside a washing machine (so cute!) Thus the question is made - what does the sound of Mokomoko-sama sound like?
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LC Rose
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Re:Makomako-Sama? 16 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 39
Yes, I read somewhere that mokomoko-sama stood for Mr. Fluffy Fluffy. A good name, if you ask me.
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Mistress Sianna
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Re:Makomako-Sama? 16 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 26

You guys have given me some really interesting information! The unfortunate side effect though, is that the more I learn about the Makomako, the more I want it!

wah, haaah!!! I'll never have it! *sniffle*
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Kira Cross
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Re:Makomako-Sama? 16 Years, 3 Months ago Karma: 9
yeah i heard that it was his fur or his excess energy and it was called Mokomoko. i love have it "Alive" so to speak, and kinda pervy, it is so funny when it "Attacks" Kagome
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Re:Makomako-Sama? 16 Years, 3 Months ago Karma: 5
A parasitic demon you say? How morbid sounding.

What I took was that it was a tail. And I really thought I read somewhere that it was supposed to be his tail and that the artists rendition of the anime had it wrong when they showed both ends.

Anyway~ I also thought it was a tail because he has one, and his father has two. And I took it to be in the Naruto sense in where the more tails you have, the stronger you are.

Guess I'm mistaken~
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Re:Makomako-Sama? 16 Years, 3 Months ago Karma: 31
You know--all this time I've been thinking it's been Sesshomaru's tail.....I heard of it being called Makomako--but I thought that was just like a nickname or strange though that he'd want a parasite on him. O.o
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Re:Makomako-Sama? 16 Years, 3 Months ago Karma: 2
Apparently some even say it's armpit hair. sick!
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Re:Makomako-Sama? 16 Years, 3 Months ago Karma: 15
Nope the Mokomoko-sama is not his tail. I had never heard of RT referring to it as a parasitic-type demon, however, in the Inuyasha companion books I have laying about it does mention that it's simply part of his body in some way (but not a tail). I need to dig up the one book I have that has an RT Q&A in it, if memory serves I don't think she really knows what it is either!

Personally, I think it's just a physical manifestation of his dog demon form. In the manga (even in the anime) when he transforms you see that fur on the side of his body, where the Mokomoko-sama would be, is actually a little "fluffier", like it mimics itself in that form. When he looks human it just comes out looking like a rather outlandish boa, but in actuality it's really a part of him. It would also explain why it grows and shrinks (although RT admits that it got to be so damn big cuz she got carried away while drawing it )

In the movies his father had something similar (even though it was off his back and split up the middle) and in the manga his mom had one as well wrapped around her like a shawl while she was sitting. It might be a dog demon thing.
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Re:Makomako-Sama? 16 Years, 3 Months ago Karma: 31
akane342 wrote:
Apparently some even say it's armpit hair. sick!

LMAO!!!! That is nasty But hey--that's an original...xD
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Laia Moon
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Re:Makomako-Sama? 16 Years, 2 Months ago Karma: 0
Mokomoko-sama....I first read the term in a fanfic a long time ago...and since then I started using the term. I like how it sounds. "Mokomoko".... Now, thanks to all the comments, I feel like I´ve learned a lot about it.

Hehehe...all of you can be jealous....because I have a Mokomoko-sama myeslf. I had to make one for my Sesshoumaru cosplay. *evil laughter* I used really nice fluffy hair-cloth-material, and it´s HUGE (like it´s supposed to be, in my opinion). It was fun to carry it around all through the Con (San Diego Comicon 07, I mean).

I have to find a way to stuff it properly, though. Air-filled ziplock bags just don´t cut it outside of cons. They´re light, but tend to deflate. I want to have it on my bed to use as a pillow so bad....

EDIT: I still like the idea of it being a tail, though. It´s a good idea. Sad that it´s not true....*sigh* But I guess that it being a pelt with a mind of it´s own is also funny in it´s own way.
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Last Edit: 2008/12/22 09:37 By Laia Moon.
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Re:Makomako-Sama? 16 Years, 2 Months ago Karma: 26
I didn't really know what it was, and I still don't. I knew it wasn't a tail, though. I remember someone insisting that it was until I sent them a snapshot of Sesshoumaru with his fluffy pelt thing on either side of him. The guy was a little disappointed by this, but got over it pretty quickly. He just told me to keep it a secret from everyone else. lol. I see it isn't much of a secret if everyone else knows the same thing, so I don't feel bad telling you guys.

For a while I saw the pelt as something to show his status among other demons, but then I saw it as something to show what family he belongs to (after seeing his mother and father wearing the same fluffy things as he does). Then, after reading a fanfiction (I can't remember what one), I really liked the idea that it was actually something to absorb his power (or the aura of his power, rather) while hiding it at the same time... I'm not very good at explaining things, but it was cool the way they wrote it.

I guess, after reading the part about "absorbing his power", that it does kind of act as a parasite. Instead of being grossed out by this, I actually find it a little... cute. I know it must seem strange, but to me, I see it as Sesshoumaru being kind enough to sustain another life. lol. I know it's probably more like a show of strength to keep that wrapped around him, but I like to see the kinder side to it.
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Last Edit: 2008/12/22 12:21 By Honey-Bee.
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