Posts: 234
Rude 16 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 9
How do you guys dea with rude individuals? I had a person write to me last night "yelling" that I HAD to put up a warning for my story Home because she could not stomach the pairing. Has anyone else every run into this issue?
She had inmplied that I did this on purpose to lure others into the story. I not only found this rude but also insulting. I'm I just over reacting or has any one else had this issue with those who don't support the Sess/Kag fandom?
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Re:Rude 16 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 51
Oh, definitely! I think a big part of the reason this pairing split off so hard from the general fandom is that some people really dislike it. I don't ee the point in being a torll over it though, like so many people are. If a person doesn't like something, all they have to do is not read it!
Special thanks to the Dokuga Reviewer's Guild for this signature!
You're like the hot guy in the club who keeps scratching his crotch - LadyB on why she doesn't click my links
The few, the proud, the morally corrupt. - Agent Phisbon3s
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Re:Rude 16 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 1
I've never understood why certain pairings are so hated. While I've never supported the 'canon' pairings in Inuyasha, through writing or otherwise, I certainly don't have anything against others writing in those pairings.
It's as if they think alternate pairings are a crime against nature, and they're so clouded by their own small world they choose not to see anyone else's imagination.
Non-supportive reviewers, especially hostile ones, should be either roundly ignored or politely smacked down for their intolerance.
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Re:Rude 16 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 0
If I don't post the pairings and the reader doesn't like who the pairs end up being, I have to almost find it a compliment that they complain. That means they like the story so much that they're disgruntled that either:
1. The have to finish it with a pairing they don't like.
2. Have to quit reading it because the pairing is so offensive to them.
Frankly, either way, it's their loss unless they finish it with an open mind. Write what you want to write, how you want to write it. You can always report a reviewer or delete the review if it is too offensive.
I'll admit there are pairings out there I don't particularly care for but I've read fics (that would be plural, more than one that I've read) where the pairing was properly handled and were wonderful reads. A good reader will roll with the punches and handle those kinds of plot changes without fussing at the writer. Hang in there, you've gotten a reaction which is a good thing!
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Re:Rude 16 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 8
I usually use a lot of big words (lol, that makes me sound dumb) and say something logical and condenscending (sp?) but not out-right insulting, so even if they could, they can't really reply without sounding like an asshole. *^_^* ((And if I can't think of something smart to say, then I just fight back. XP not the smartest battle plan, but w/e...))
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Re:Rude 16 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 26
I've had that type of reveiwer response. Not to that extreme however. Don't let it get you down! I agree with Twik. If a person gets all tied up over the paring like that, it likely means that they were actually enjoying the story. They simply didn't like the paring.
I wrote a particular story, (which was a Miroku and Kagome paring) and recieved a pretty rude review. What I came away with, was a sense that the reader found the story very plausable, and was angered that I had given them second thoughts about the paring. Not to say that I wasn't initially offended by the remark, mind you. I simply left them a response informing them that they were more than welcome to bypass my work in the future.
I guess what I'm saying is that it is completely pointless to try and please all of your readers, and there is no reason to stress yourself out by trying. When we put somthing of ourselves out there for all to see, there are going to be people who dislike it. It is going to happen, no matter what. I won't say that it is not upsetting when it does happen. Just know that they are merely rude little words on your computer screen that can easily be erased. They should not cause you to become overly upset or second guess yourself. For each one person who does not like your work, there are dozens of others who do. The best thing to do is to focus on the reviewers who support you, and not the ones who don't.
Pfft! I was gonna stop procrastinating, but I never got around to it.
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Re:Rude 16 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 39
I've had a few readers disagree with my pairing of Sess/Kag even though I put in the description that is was a Sess/Kag fic. I replied to them that, while I liked the cannon pairings of Inuyasha and all, I knew how their relationships turned out and wanted to work with something new. Of course, that is a partial reason why I like Sess/Kag fics, too. Anyhoo, in the end, these readers kept reading my story and I eventually turned them "to the dark side", as they said. Made my freakin' day! I know it won't always be like that and I do receive complaints every once in a while. I just reply to them, thanking them for taking the time to review and telling them that I respect their rights to their own ideas. I also ask them to respect mine. If they continue to complain after that, I just ignore.
Muses...cannot live with them, cannot kill them.
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Re:Rude 16 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 0
Okay so I definately don't believe you're wrong by not posting the pairing. Especially if it's on this site. [I mean hello its freaking everywhere, why repost it]. Some people dont like this pairing because its so above the norm, so..quixotic if you will, but you basically have to ignore the negativity.
Just my opinion
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Re:Rude 16 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 18
Conversely, one of the best compliments you can get is when you sway someone who doesn't favor the pairing--since many people show such extreme pairing loyalty, if they enjoy your story any way, you know it's good! ^_~ Really, you just have to ignore the negative comments--her criticism wasn't on the quality of the story, just the subject matter. Her accusation doesn't make any sense...why would any one want to "lure" in readers who aren't likely to enjoy the story? Nobody's playing bait-and-switch here, it's just fanfiction! Even when you post the pairing, sometimes you'll get someone who reads anyway and decides to complain (Why? Why do they read when they know they won't like it?).
Just shrug it off and write the best story you can. The readers who enjoy it are the ones who matter.
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Re:Rude 16 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 0
I was one of those that initially disliked the pairing of Sesshou and Kags. It took a bit of baiting, and a couple of really well written fics, to show me the dark side and keep me coming back for more
I started writing the pair because I thought it was a good pairing. One of the better alt pairings, in fact. And I do play with alternative pairings a lot in my work, in general - Sango/IY, Miroku/Ayame, etc are just some examples, because I feel that the two mains shouldn't be the only altship in a land full of altship potential.
And if that manages to anger someone - good. Thinking outside the box is what founded countries, granted plebes rights, opened the Bastille, started social and human rights movements, got women the right to vote and work outside the home for equal pay, made the internet and advanced communications possible, and made all them shiny things we love in our anime so durn pretty. Gibborme break. Either keep reading for the things you like or read someone else's work that doesn't offend your easily offended sensibilities. You can let me know about it civilly, at least.
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Re:Rude 16 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 11
 Don't sweat the incredibly small minded. I cannot tell you the number of times I have come across someone who felt it in my best interest to inform me how much they despise this particular pairing and yet they are drawn to the story. Usually, I politely thank them and just leave it there. On occasion, however, I come across someone rather "obstreporous" and I very quitely point out to each his own and then thank them for taking the time out of their schedule to voice their opinion.
Roll with the proverbial punches! The good point in all this? They loved what you wrote sufficiently to get so caught up with the story before being hit! THAT means, you DONE GOOD!  !!!!!!!!
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Posts: 234
Re:Rude 16 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 9
Thanks everyone, it's helped me out. I just hated that this person.whom I had always admired her and her writing, kept saying I did this on purpose to suck others in but this has shown a dramatic twist to her personality. It just goes to show you how small minded some can be.
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Re:Rude 16 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 1
I honestly don't write much so I haven't had much of a chance for anyone to dis me anywhere, but it has happened before that someone dissed me. I just tell the people who don't like me or my ideas and especially my stories that they're not worth it. I mean you sit there and spend time writing a story and not getting anything for it except those good reveiws. When they sit there and benefit from your free labor and are rude to you for it they don't even deserved to be acknowledged. If you really want to acknowledge them; let them know that you don't appreciate their opinion tell them that they aren't worth it because they're not doing all the work it takes to write the story, edit it, find others that are willing to double check your work, than actually get the guts to post a story where millions of people can read it.
Moral of the tirade: you're strong enough to ignore them if you're strong enough to put your stories up where we who appreciate them can enjoy them, and no matter what they tell you there are plenty of people who do and will love your work regardless of those peoples' stupidity. 
Last Edit: 2008/11/19 22:28 By ShadowTamer.
Never argue with an idiot: they drag you down to their level, then beat you with experience.
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Re:Rude 16 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 9
hmm well i would just probably be grumpy for a while then move on, ToraAngel, but if someone does it even if you tell them what the pairing is i would ask them why they even read it.
and had something like that happen with a different pairing of Zutara, i had reviewed for a different story and someone (a Kataanger) had pm'ed me about the review and was very very rude to me about the pairing i supported. some people are like that, just looking for thier "arch" pairing and leave nasty reviews.
Now i am very set in my parings, Sesskag, Zutara, Zelink, Minako/Kunzite, are just to name a few, and i will only read those stories, i don't go out and leave nasty reviews of my "Arch" parings, if i don't like where the story is heading i just stop reading, it is as simple as that.
it is the writers choice of where they want to go not the readers, and nothing the reader should say should truly affect the writer. Remember it is the writer's story and they can do what they want with it.
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Re:Rude 16 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 59
The characters aren't real, why do those people even care? I bet if S/K were the true pairing, they'd be screaming about I/Kag too =/ Hell, S/K is my absolute fav, but I don't mind sampling another pairing. I appreciate a well written story and if I'm not into it, I press the X, simple as that. Apparently those disgruntled individuals need to look up the word "fiction" in some dictionary because they are obviously missing the main point to the meaning:
Pronunciation: \'fik-shen\
Function: noun
1 a: something invented by the imagination or feigned ; specifically : an invented story b: fictitious literature (as novels or short stories) c: a work of fiction ; especially : novel
2 a: an assumption of a possibility as a fact irrespective of the question of its truth <a legal fiction> b: a useful illusion or pretense
3: the action of feigning or of creating with the imagination
I do agree with twik and others, however. Those readers are just upset that they stepped outside the box and actually like it. So they pass the buck and get upset at the author instead of admitting that, hey, maybe S/K is an interesting pairing after all.
<3 L
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Re:Rude 16 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 16
I haven't dealt with it, but I can imagine the die-hard cannon people throwing a fit.
I'll read almost anything, including Iuncest (though I've never been able to get into MPreg. It's just too nuts). I find that if something is written well enough, the pairing will BE believable to the audience. It's a woah moment. I do like some canon stuff, but at the same time, to me, it's not really adventurous. Everyone knows the pairing. It's almost like, "So... tell me something I don't know?"
I've seen some really good Kaugura/Kohaku fics. That can really twist your brain in knots if you let it...
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Re:Rude 16 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 2
Recently I received a really horrible review that made me want to pull down that little of my story that I have posted all ready. Another reviewer noticed it as well and was nice enough to discourage me from doing so. Don't get discouraged, if people don't like it, its honestly not like you are forcing them to read your story.
~Taiyoukai\'s Lady
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Shikon Miko
Posts: 1154
Re:Rude 16 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 34
Some people can just be jerks. I've had a couple of people send me reviews telling me that I was a bad writer and that my stories were horrible. It sucked. Then i found out that these people were actually the same person with different accounts. It bugged me and several others because this individual was dissing everyone, leaving flames and rude, offensive remarks.
What i learned from this is that you shouldn't let what reviews you have tell you what to do. If you wanna write, then write. If you wanna pair people that have never been paired before, go for it. Heck I've had inuyasha and Ayame pairings in stories before. Right, now I'm trying to get Sango with a wolf demon (not Koga) But still just do what you want, if you let others get to you the only person that is gonna suffer is yourself. Just take it in stride and if that doesn't work send a virus to said person's computer (just kidding) talk to an admin and explain the problem. They always help.
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Re:Rude 16 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 31
prettykirai08 wrote:
Some people can just be jerks. I've had a couple of people send me reviews telling me that I was a bad writer and that my stories were horrible.
I can tell you that's not true Kirai!!!! I love your, "Blindfolded" in your 'Series of Oneshots' fic!
The way I deal with them is ignoring them and simply not answering their reviews as I do the other reviewers.
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