What's your OTP? 14 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 14
I know that some people obsess over specific pairings. I frankly don't- I obsess over many different pairings in each "category"- and I'm always unnerved when people bash the pairing that I'm obsessed with at that time. So, was curious about what other OTPs are popular and why.
Therefore, what's your "One True Pairing?"
And I don't mean just Inuyasha pairings...
Last Edit: 2010/06/12 09:48 By Sion Alphaios.
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Time Traveler
Posts: 789
Re:What's your OTP? 14 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 156
The one (true) pairing I obsess the most about is undoubtedly IchiRuki, that is Ichigo x Rukia from Bleach.
Because it a match made in heav ..uhm, made by Kubo Tite.  Even if he hasn't really confirmed anything, there are several beautiful canon moments.
Their chemistry is amazing and they compliment each other in so many ways.
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Shikon Miko
Posts: 1154
Re:What's your OTP? 14 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 34
I am currently loving:
Usui/Misaki from kaichou wa maid (i may have spelt that wrong)I LOVE THIS PAIRING!
tora/Misaki from ^^ (This one is far, far, far down from Usui/Misaki)
Sess/Kag obviously
Ren/Kyoko from skip beat
Renio/Kyoko from skip beat
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Re:What's your OTP? 14 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 11
Oh, goodness...
From Naruto
From Vampire Knights
From Final Fantasy 7 Advent Children
Sadly, since I don't have the time to have my own relationship, these pairings make me happy, happy.
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Re:What's your OTP? 14 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 26
My OTPs are:
Draco/Hermione ( Harry Potter)
Hiruma/Mamori ( Eyesheild 21)
Sesshoumaru/Kagome (from Inuyasha, of course. XD)
Zuko/Katara ( Avatar: the Last Airbender)
I'm also kinda fascinated by Ulquiorra and Orihime from Bleach, though I haven't read the manga or even watched the show. XD I guess I just love the fanart of it.
Oh! And Buffy and Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. 
Last Edit: 2010/06/12 11:46 By Honey-Bee.
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Re:What's your OTP? 14 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 4
Sesshoumaru x Kagome
Mass Effect:
Garrus x Fem!Shepard
Vegeta x Bulma
Gundam Wing:
Heero x Relena
Princess Tutu:
Fahkir x Ahiru
Status: Working on oneshots and fics
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Re:What's your OTP? 14 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 3
There are just so many of them:
I'll only name a few but I am currently becoming obessed with characters from J.R. Ward
s books.
*wipes drool from face*
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“I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do something that I can do.” - Helen Keller
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Re:What's your OTP? 14 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 11
Sesshou-Maru/Kagome for fanfiction and for the actual manga and anime (don't hate me for this) I like Inu-Yasha/Kagome (they can be so cute together)
Sonezaki Yui/Koenji Makito from 'Addicted to Curry' (Love! Makito is such a perv! My favorite kind of guy!)
Yuuki/Kaname from Vampire Knights
Aang/Katara from Avatar the Last Airbender. I honestly used to like Zuko/Katara, but the more I thought about it, the more they seemed unsuitable. They would just smother each other I think.
Duo/Heero from Gundam Wing A/C
Vala Mal Doran/Daniel Jackson from Stargate SG-1 (But this is only because I can't have him!)
I'm sure there's more... I just can't think of them right now.
Im never going to do that again until next week....
I iz the Master Agreer of Dokuga Island with my O.K. Stamp of Yes!
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Re:What's your OTP? 14 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 26
I Agree wrote:
Vala Mal Doran/Daniel Jackson from Stargate SG-1 (But this is only because I can't have him!)
Oh! I love Daniel and Vala, too. They're a riot. 
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Re:What's your OTP? 14 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 11
Honey-Bee wrote:
I Agree wrote:
Vala Mal Doran/Daniel Jackson from Stargate SG-1 (But this is only because I can't have him!)
Oh! I love Daniel and Vala, too. They're a riot.
Haha, yeah, I watch the episode where they first meet all the time! I almost peed myself laughing the first time I saw it!
Im never going to do that again until next week....
I iz the Master Agreer of Dokuga Island with my O.K. Stamp of Yes!
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Re:What's your OTP? 14 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 216
@_@ other then the obvious SK....
>_>  but then again. i cant really read many pairings for other genre's groups, i just dont get into them all that mcuh, but i can pair kags up with almsot anyone and read it... weird r0o is... yus
Last Edit: 2010/06/13 04:35 By sugar0o.
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Re:What's your OTP? 14 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 14
elisa128 wrote:
I'll only name a few but I am currently becoming obessed with characters from J.R. Ward
s books.
*wipes drool from face*
I'm glad I'm not the only one squee-ing over the Black Dagger Brotherhood!
Anyways, I just realized I never even listed my favorite pairings!
My current obsession is Severus/ Hermione fics... but I also like Draco/Harry, Draco/Hermione, Draco/Blaise, and Blaise/Hermione... I guess I have a thing for Slytherins...
~[...Still can't believe Blaise is supposedly black... I've always thought he was Italian...]~
As to Inuyasha fics, I'll pretty much read anything but I particularly like Sesshoumaru/ Kagome ('course I do or I wouldn't be here, lol), Sesshoumaru/Kagura, Sesshoumaru/Inuyasha, Sesshoumaru/Touga (bka Inu no Taisho), Sesshoumaru/ Bankotsu, Sesshoumaru/Kouga, Sesshoumaru/Naraku, Bankotsu/ Jakotsu, Bankotsu/Inuyasha Bankotsu/Kagome, Kouga/Kagome, Naraku/Kagome, Touga/Kagome, Kouga/Kagura, Kouga/Inuyasha, and Touga/Inuyasha.... Yes, I like Yaoi...
Um... I primarily read just Harry Potter and Inuyasha fanfics... And since I'll read "pretty much anything" the other pairings I read are too numerous to type here... and would require extensive reference to the uber organized "Fanfic" file on my flash drive (I've collected over... wait for it... 1300 fanfictions)... Plus, I don't think anyone, even me, cares to see that list...
Last Edit: 2010/06/12 14:53 By Sion Alphaios.
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Re:What's your OTP? 14 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 24
 Actually. For me it's Sesshoumaru/Kagome 100%. InuYasha is the only series I read fan fiction for and 98% of what I read is Sess/Kag :3
Maybe when Hakuouki becomes more popular with English speaking people and a bigger interesting for fan fiction for that series grows, it will be Hijikata/Chizuru. Maybe.

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Re:What's your OTP? 14 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 22
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Re:What's your OTP? 14 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 40
hm... I have quite a few.
Sesshoumaru x Kagome (Inuyasha)
Zuko x Katara (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Vincent x Tifa (Final Fantasy VII)
Kakashi x Sakura (Naruto)
Sieya x Usagi (Sailor Moon)
Vegeta x Bulma (Dragonball Z)
Usually, any series (anime/manga/videogame) that I happen to have an interest in, there's always one pairing that I'm drawn to the most.
Last Edit: 2010/06/12 17:19 By Rikayu.
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Re:What's your OTP? 14 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 31
I'd have to say Kurama/Kagome lol...fics w/ this pairings are my guilty pleasure lol
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Re:What's your OTP? 14 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 67
Inuyasha-Any pairing, crossover, yaoi and yuri included, except Inuyasha/Kikyo (too many cliches)
DBZ-Any pairing, but Vegeta/Bulma is the best pairing (Vegeta does surpass Goku in a couple of things, sexiness and lemony goodness)
Naruto-Any pairing
Final Fantasy VII-Any pairing
I don't read much Bleach, but I've read a couple of Aizen/Ichigo and Aizen/Orihime.
I have yet to read Hakouki fics, and I'm just getting into the series, which is a must-see.
Everyone has their addictions. Mine are fanfiction, Sesshomaru and KARMA!!!!!!!!!!
Bakusaiga is mine via the Claiming Game thread.
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Re:What's your OTP? 14 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 3
Even tho Im truly mad at this character at the moment: Sasuke and Saruka from Naruto. Im am so mad at Sasuke. I just ARGH!! And also from Vampire Knight: Kaname and Yuuki. Kaname and Sousuke from Full Metal Panic,Yuki and Shuichi from Gravitation.
~~~I claim Inu No Taisho\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
\\\\\\\\\\\'s eyes~~~
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Re:What's your OTP? 14 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 18
I suffer from extreme pairing loyalty; I have a hard time reading fics outside of my pairing, and I crave the pairing like a fix. Usually each fandom will only have one pairing that gives me that heart-fluttery zing.
A couple of favorites:
Inuyasha: Sesshoumaru/Kagome (of course)
Naruto: Naruto/Gaara
Labyrinth: Jareth/Sarah
Harry Potter: Snape/Harry (a friend got me hooked on this, lol).
Loveless: Ritsuka/Soubi
Yes, I hearts the yaoi.
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Posts: 237
Re:What's your OTP? 14 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 10
Hmm. I like to crossover Kagome a lot to various pairings though one of my personal favs that I guess many would consider a crack pairing:
Kagome/Byakuya from Bleach (I luvs this couple for some strange reason)
Kagome/Sesshomaru of course (duh)
Others I like:
Buffy/Spike - Buffy: The Vampire Slayer
Christine/Erik - Phantom of the Opera
Mai/Kaiba - Yugioh
Byakuya/Rukia - Bleach
Sephiroth/Tifa - FF7
However, I'd still say I mostly like the crossover I first mentioned. If I have a OTP thats it. I've commissioned two art pieces with the pairing so I guess I must 
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Re:What's your OTP? 14 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 1
My favorite pairings generally include:
Kagome and Sesshoumaru (Inuyasha)
Sora and Kairi (Kingdom Hearts)
Harry and Ginny (Harry Potter)
Hermonie and Draco (I can see her whipping his ass into shape somehow. Harry Potter.)
Eragon and Arya (Eragon/Inheritence Cycle)
Serena and Darien (Sailor Moon)
Hiei and Kurama (Yu Yu Hakusho. They're the only Yaoi pairing I'll read.)
Vash and Meryl (Trigun)
Tohru and Kyo (Fruits Basket)
Katara and Zuko (Avatar: The Last Air Bender)
Aang and Toph (Avatar)
But for the most part, I only really avidly read Sess/Kag fanfiction, but I do love my books and KH.
Last Edit: 2010/06/13 06:16 By Crescent.
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Re:What's your OTP? 14 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 11
Man I'm so glad to see some call-outs to non-anime and older stuff.
I'm a serial shipper, if there is a series/movie/show/book etc. that I've been into chances are I ship something
In order of when I shipped them starting 13 years ago (although I still ship most of them):
Labyrinth: Sarah/Jareth
Legend: Lily/The Darkness (tim curry's sexiest role, hands down. this was brief because there's no fandom for it)
Buffy: Spuffy (i.e. Spike/buffy - and my canon ends with season 5. UP YOURS 6&7!!)
Pride & Prejudice: Darcy & Elizabeth (swoons!!!)
Avatar: Zutara baby!!!
Fruits Basket: Like every single canon pairing (but mostly Tohru/Kyo)
Ouran: Mori/Haruhi
Bleach: Shunsui/Nanao, Orihime/Renji, Orihime/Grimmjow, Renji/Byakuya (I'm not usually into yaoi, I got into it trying to find buddy-buddy captain/VC-fic for them)
Kenshin: Kenshin/Kaouru, Sano/anything female,
Naruto: Sakura/whoever(Gaara, Kakashi, Neji, Itachi, Kankuro, Shikamaru) (she's like my fandom bicycle - anyone can get a ride)
Spirited Away: Chihiro/Kohaku
Inuyasha: Sess/kag (obviously)
Here's to keeping the shipping lanes open!!!
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Re:What's your OTP? 14 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 5
I have an OTP in each fandom I like...
Usagi/Seiya. (I had a dream about him last night... and spiders  )
Last Edit: 2010/06/29 00:01 By Lilly Akame.
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Re:What's your OTP? 14 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 2
I ship hardcore for a lot of things.
Yu Yu Hakusho: Kurama/Hiei (Fuck Mukuro, they were meant for each other.)
Hiei/Yusuke (But only if it's well done.)
Inuyasha: Sess/Kag
Kagome/Miroku (Thanks to forthright!)
Kyo Karam Maoh:Conrad/Yuri
Tamora Pierce: Alanna/Jonathan
RENT: Mark/Roger
Glee: Rachel/Jesse (Yes, he was a jerk. But they made beautiful music together.)
And I, tiny being, drunk with the great starry void, likeness, image of mystery, felt myself a pure part of the abyss. I wheeled with the stars. My heart broke loose with the wind. ~Pablo Neruda "Poetry" Life's a fleeting dream; don't let it go.
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Re:What's your OTP? 14 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 2
Sesshoumaru/Kagome (duh)they are the pairing that I am most loyal to. though I have read some Miroku/Kagome fics and have loved them...but thats very rare.
Ren/Kyoko (Skip Beat)
Yuuki/Kaname (Vampire Knight)
Tohru and Kyo (Fruits Basket)
Serena/Darien (Sailor Moon)
Sookie Stackhouse/Eric Northman (True Blood *BOOKS*)
Draco/Hermione (Harry Potter)
Zuko/Katara (Avatar: the Last Airbender)
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