I can just imagine the bridesmaids' dresses, sequins everywhere. Rin as the flower-girl. A pillow tied to the back of a ebil plunnie carrying the rings. Spidey-kins drunkenly interupting the vows, objecting / not holding his peace. The pie-zukas loaded with confetti and glitter. Miroku preforming the ceremony, which is interupted every few minutes by a slap and giggles.
"Do you Saur, take this Zilla to be your lawfully wedded..." *KER-SLAP*
Walter and Jakotsu catering the wedding, which features food that range from un-edible (Jaken steaks with essence of Kagome) to "too freightening to behold" (pink heart-shaped foods, like hamburgers). Lady B is ushering people to their seats with her baton of justice. Kanna is DJ-ing. Whisper and Wicked are behind the bar, mixing drinks and flinging bottles into the air. Jaken is on clean-up duty. Oh the Humanity!
If this doesn't inspire a crack pic/fic, nothing will. *tries her damnedest to resist the urge to doodle*