Yes, the link says it all. They just put FF XIII on the market. They are already showing signs of XIV??? Did this just new game not hit as big as they thought? I wouldn't really know. I can't afford to pay for 13 yet. If 14 is the online game they were talking about one buying and then it's free to play after that, I'll be ve3ry happy. The monthly costs I had been told about is why I didn't play XI. Well, that and that I didn't have money at the time for it either.
So, what does one think? Will it be good? So far, it looks similar to the races used in XI. I'd be more excited if they stayed out of the other worlds, like Ivalice, and go back to Terra or Gaia. Or maybe just bring back the older games again. My poor Final Fantasy IX can't be played anymore.

It would be nice if they brought it back out, along with all the other PSONE games. Even if they don't upgrade it, or add in new cinemas (which I'm perfectly fine with the idea of them NOT doing it), I would be happy to see them come back.
Let's not forget that evil FF7 remade opening trailer we always see. >.> That one would be good if they did remake it a bit. Square hands to bug me after a while. @.@ Though, that rumor/teasing trailer only makes it worse. ~.~ I'm not even a big fan of 7. Though maybe, just maybe, some improvement to it may make me enjoy it a little more. (It's not just the graphics. I just like FF 8 better.)
Anywho! This is about 14. The storyline is, once again, a war setting. War settings are nice, don't get me wrong. They just seem to be doing a lot more of that. Who knows what 'The Twelve', or their 'gods' for the game will look like. Probably a bunch of new summonings popping up too. I'm unsure. I'm starting to really miss Shiva though.

She should have never been made a ship. *sigh*
Besides all that, it does look pretty in the cinematic. I see a lot more knightly roles. That also doesn't help. I don't like Paladins, and there seems to be more and more of that class coming in all the games coming out. >.> Maybe make the main character a bowmen. That would be awesome!
Sooo, what does everyone else think? If any of you have played Final Fantasy 13, please tell me what you thought of it. It's the first time I didn't want to play a FF; and, it's not because of the price in all actuality with it. Storyline just didn't seem like something I would enjoy. Though, I may be surprised. Who knows? Smittee wants some juicy info that may make her want to play it.