Aww, Naraku. I'm sorry. It's hard to be lonely, especially on a holiday. It's also hard to feel like someone who is very important to you leaves you out in the cold. One thing about holidays, though, is they give you a good excuse to call the people you have been neglecting or avoiding, when you would never think of doing so on a regular day. Of course. When I do that, with my family

I usually end up being grateful for being alone, instead of feeling bad about being lonely! If there's anyone who won't make you feel worse, instead of better, you can just call them and wish them a happy Easter. If that seems like not a good idea, think of something you can do for yourself that you couldn't do with your mate, because they would hate it, or think it was totally uncool. If you have any money, blow it on yourself. If not, do something else fun and free. If the weather is good, and you live someplace you won't get mugged, go for a walk. Even if it is a sad, lonely walk, it will be good for your mind and body. Then there is always reading for escapism, one of my all-time favorites!