I've been MIA for sometime and have decided that I've been gone for long enough. I made the decision to return to writing, because I love it.
My reasons for leaving are pretty simple: When you have a job that just freaking sucks, it tends to make you stressed and unhappy. When I am not happy, I don't write. I was the coordinator for a clinic in my hospital and have seen somethings from someone that are very questionable and I just don't want to have to deal with it anymore.
I went to the manager in my former clinic and applied for my old job back, but with the understanding that I want to do all of the coding for the clinic (if you can't tell, I'm in the medical field). So, I found out that I was hired on a Tues in late Dec. (It was a great Christmas after finding that out) and informed my office that I work in now that I am leaving. Everyone was glad for me as they know about this other co-worker whom likes to make life heck. I refuse to talk badly about anyone, but this one is making it so darn hard.
So, now this person is doing the passive-agressive thing and trying to get everyone to see that I am the uncooperative one and she is the 'victim' when she is the one going around and talking trash. It's a headache. And, I just found out that I won't be transfering until the end of this month. So, I am simply going to do my best work and ignore her, but there are times when I would love to get in her face, tell her the facts about herself, and then give her the bird. I won't do it, but you all get the idea.
So, there you have it. I'm back, but I think that until Feb comes, I'm going to be a very cranky angel.