Here are a few that I have painted on my laundry room wall, I can' remember where I got them from. When I see a quote I like, I paint them there...
For each of us there is a desert to travel, a star to discover, and a being to bring to life
Share your knowledge, it is the only way to achieve immortality
(this may be a Buddist saying)
Remember that not getting what you wanted is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck
As I was walking past my new 2010 calender I remembered that it has quotes in it, here are some I thought might help
Your work is to discover your work, with all your heart, give yourself to it..-Buddha
that was the only good senior yearbook quote in it, the others were a little old ladyish....
my personal fav....Housework when done correctly, can kill you

but don't put that in your yearbook....
6 more months till graduation, summer break, enjoy it while it lasts