loathed as i am to admit it, i'm not the best person to deal with things on a computer, i know how to use them but when they start to muck up i'm a bit lost. I've recently as in like the last hour realized that my computer's actual hard drive only has about 20 MB's of free space left on it. Whie i have externals i can attempt to purge and send some stuff to i'm unsure what to get rid of that could be taking up pointless space. Nor do i have the money to deal with this from a professional, and sadly none of my IRL friends are helpful in this either. Anyone out there know what i can do to free up a Gig or two? i really had no idea it was so very low until JUST NOW. its kinda upsetting b/c i really dont use a lot of extra's on here so i know i can get rid of stuff but i dont know what. If you know what your talking about , lil help please? If i dont get this fixed i cant open up my MSW which means i can't write @_@