Heartless, here!
I just thought I'd take a few minutes and post a HUGE "Thank You" to all of you wonderful Dokugans out there, who've taken the time to look at the fanart that I've posted here. And another "Thank You" to everyone who took the time to comment on them! If I could reach, I'd hug you all!
I noticed this morning that I've had more feedback (in general) on just my few fanarts here in the short time that I've been a member, than on ALL OF MY OTHER WORKS COMBINED over at deviantART.com. And I've been a member there for
You guys
To that effect, I'd like to give a
Shout-Out! to the wonderful TexanLady, who pointed this site out to me, and invited me to join. If it hadn't been for her, I'd never have been introduced to such an AWESOME group of folks! Also, a
Shout-Out! to everyone who had been so friendly and welcoming to me! Thanks so much, everyone! I hope to be a member here for a LONG TIME, and I hope to meet and chat with lots of you! Keep that feedback coming! (It's my bread and butter!) Feedback helps me to improve on my work! And it gives me some incentive to DO MORE!
Love and Hugs, everyone!