A Little Dissatisfied. 15 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 20
Are there any Harry Potter fans here ? I am one for a few reasons , the first being that J.K.Rowling did the near impossible ...she got my son D-man to actually like to read! Before he discovered the bools , he wouldn't pick up a book if I paid him to. That changed when he was required to read a book for something new his school had implemented called the A. R . [ accelerated reader ] program and every student had to read and take a test on a book they had read. He came home with Harry Potter andd the Sorcerers' Stone...and the rest is history. I read the books out of curiosity as to what was so great about them to get my son to spend almost every moment of his free time reading. I fell in love. Though I continued just to see those darn Dursleys' get what was coming to them for what they were doing to the poor child.
I have read ecery single book and seen every movie and while I try to stay open minded about little changes made to teh story line for whatever the reason [ content or time ...etc , ] This last one left me disappointed at how they changed things. They did not include how Dumbledore went to the Dursleys to let him know he had inherited the home of Sirius Black and cut out that he agreed to let the Order continue to use it as their base. Very important for the Deathly Hallows sequel. Luna did NOT find him on the train when Draco beat him up for spying , Tonks did - which tied into the story of unrequited love for Lupin ...they had then already together in the movie...not cool. They changed so much and left so much out that I was unhappy with it ...and a little leery of seeing what they will do to the last remaining book - which will be split into two movies , owing to the fact that there is so much in said bool that it was neccessary to do so.
Was anyone else unhappy with the movie as well ? 
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Re:A Little Dissatisfied. 15 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 2
I was. It was slightly better than the last one, but still not up to par in my opinion. There was too much teen hormonal drama for one thing. It was all make out, make out, cry, make out, wish you were making out, OH CRAP DUMBLEDORE'S DEAD! The also left out a lot of stuff that is important for the Deathly Hallows. Where were Bill and Fleur? Why on earth was The Burrow burning?
I was especially disappointed with the low significance they gave Dumbledore's death in the movie. I mean this is the man who has done so much for Hogwarts and Wizard-kind and he can't even get a funeral? Yeah the wand thing was cool and all, but c'mon. Where was The Pheonix Lament?
And I, tiny being, drunk with the great starry void, likeness, image of mystery, felt myself a pure part of the abyss. I wheeled with the stars. My heart broke loose with the wind. ~Pablo Neruda "Poetry" Life's a fleeting dream; don't let it go.
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Re:A Little Dissatisfied. 15 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 20
My point exactly...though I should have guessed it would happen what with all the media focus on the whole ' kissing ' thing. I mean , c'mon ...they're teenagers for gods sake. Of course they are going to be interested in that. Dumbledore was so important in so many ways that were never touched base on...at all. His resting place on Hogwarts' grounds was VERY important to the sequel .. The scene with Draco and Dumbledore left so much to be desired ...I had no sypathy for Draco at all..
As far as the Burrow burning ...your guess is a good as mine , and Bill and Fleur? [ shrugs stupidly ]. To me , they made a mess of things and i can just picture J.K. Rowling looking at the finished product - mouth agape and eyes as wide as saucers , saying ' What the @#&*'!? But , that's just me. 
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Re:A Little Dissatisfied. 15 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 3
A friend of mine is a huge Harry Potter fan and while she had a problem with the ending overall she really enjoyed it. But then again I also had another friend who loves Harry Potter and was so disappointed with the movie. I guess it's how you look at it. I feel like this movie wasn't so much about plot or the 6th book as it was about setting up the characters and relationships. It felt as if they were placing each person in the right place needed for the 7th movie. The ending didn't feel like an ending, more of a "to be continued" and I see the next movie starting up from this point. I do think that a lot of stuff from the book that wasn't mentioned in this movie will somehow find its way into the next, or well hopefully or that would really suck. I don't think the screenwriters and the director would leave all of those details out for no reason!
Despite the missing parts from the book, I did enjoy this movie, I thought it was shot beautifully and the acting great as usual. I enjoyed the darker look and feel. To Micah Rapp Cullen, I can see where you're disappointed with the teenage drama, but they are teens so they are just as affected by their daily dramas as they are by everything else. This movie served to remind me that while they are all growing up- they are still in some ways kids. The gravity of their situations is really setting in, in a way that wasn't so apparent in the first couple of movies. They are truly realizing that they can die and with no Dumbledore it seems more real than ever. Well that's my two cents!
I also must say that the part where Ginny goes to tie Harry's shoe was hilarious. It was then that I realized how many of our heads are in the gutter!
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Re:A Little Dissatisfied. 15 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 2
Lol! I can see your point about that sassycatattack. They are teenagers. I guess since it wasn't that heavy in the books, I was put out to see so much of it in the movie. Sometimes it's easy to forget that Harry is just a teenage boy when he has so much to do. I've been very critical of the movies since they began making them, but I am going to reserve final judgment until the last movies are done. The whole two part Deathly Hallows should be interesting.
And my friend's little brother's mind hit the gutter when Ginny bent down to tie Harry's shoe. Then, again when they were in the room of requirement and she told him to close his eyes. He was all, "This time she's blowing him for sure." LOL!
And I, tiny being, drunk with the great starry void, likeness, image of mystery, felt myself a pure part of the abyss. I wheeled with the stars. My heart broke loose with the wind. ~Pablo Neruda "Poetry" Life's a fleeting dream; don't let it go.
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Re:A Little Dissatisfied. 15 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 14
Honestly, I loved it.
See, former Communications: Film and Video major here. I don't work in the biz -- and I've only done a few, small projects, but I understand, intimately, how difficult movie making is. It's especially difficult when one is adapting a book to film. To put it simply, with a book, you can take all the time you want to tell a story, but with a film, you have, at the most, two and a half or so hours to tell the story you need to. And when you take a book and make it into a movie, you just can't put every single detail that's in that book exactly. If they did, you'd be looking at a really damn long film. (One page in a script equals one minute and considering some of the Harry Potter books topped a thousand pages -- that'd be a thousand minutes long... OUCH!)
Fact is, the only way you'd ever get every detail of the book in an adaptation would be if it were a television series. And, frankly, it would never have gotten made because it would be cost prohibitive.
Anyway, the task of any scriptwriter when penning a book to film adaptation is to find the heart and soul of the book, not to mention the most important points, and fit them into a two hour format that makes sense. In the end, the really essential points of the story will win out over the small details and side plots. I mean, I miss the fact that they never covered SPEW in the films, but I understood why it was cut. In the end, no one is ever going to be 100% happy with any adaptation because it will never be the book.
So, you really have to look at the films as being quite separate from the books and enjoy them for what they are.
Anyway, from a pure film-making perspective, the movie was lovely. They handled the sense of growing danger and darkness with the more lighthearted tale of Harry's last semester at Hogwarts very nicely. I was also pleasantly surprised by all the actor's performances, especially Tom Felton, AKA: Draco. And the editing was fantastic! (Sorry, I've always been a geek for good editing, even though I suck at it.)
Last Edit: 2009/07/21 23:47 By Noacat.
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Re:A Little Dissatisfied. 15 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 31
You know what tickedme off since the first movie?
Where the hell is Peeves??!!!!
They cut out characters that were important to the story line. Like Peeves and Winky. Peeves has a few important roles in the story. And I wanted to see Fred and George shout “Give her hell, Peeves!” when they left school during the fireworks scene in Order of the Phoenix.
But besides the Twins, and Snape *pantpantpantpant*, Luna is one of my favs. She is the geek who assended! I salute you, Evanna Lynch! 
Last Edit: 2009/07/22 15:26 By phishbon3s.
Reason: no yelling
When he heard a sound which was bitter sound and a sweet sound all at once, which began like hello and ended like goodbye. ~ The Storyteller
“And then, Dave made an improvised megaphone by using a squirrel, some strings and a megaphone.”
- The Narrator from Dave the Barbarian
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Re:A Little Dissatisfied. 15 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: -666
Let's not get too carried away here. You may naturally voice your concerns and debate, but no yelling and getting super upset 
I reject your reality and substitute it with my own.
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Re:A Little Dissatisfied. 15 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 26
I haven't read the books, so I don't think I'll feel too disappointed when I watch the movie. lol. But I was unfortunate enough to read the god-awful epilogue. *Shudders* I hope that doesn't make it in the 7th movie...
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Re:A Little Dissatisfied. 15 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 0
I have also read all the books and i was sadly disappointed with the movie i will say the movie was awesome but it really wanted to see the scene where the death eaters attacked the school and everyone was fighting against them. I was really disappointed with the death of Dumbley dorr  we all know how irrational Harry is when a love one is in danger and how much he has always found bad in almost everything Snape does so it was kind of a shock when Harry just stood there and let Dumbledore be ambushed by deatheaters. I was sad when they left the part out when Harry was very emotional as he stood there helpless watching Snape kill him.
I do believe that they will somehow tie all the missing important scene in the next to movies but i also do believe that it will be very hard since the golden trio have do leads on to what or where the other horcruxes will be.
Many people that i have discussed the Harry Potter films topic have said that there is a possibility that the cast could not act out the sad, heart-felt, emotional scenes and they had to be filled with additional scenes that were not in the book.
Lets have faith that they will be able to do what is need to be done to finish thelast two months with a job well done and so we will be able to remember that Harry Potter was and is the greatest fictional book out there.
Do not mind me all twilight fans i have not gotten the chance to read the book if it is all that everyone say that it is.
Thank you for reading my thoughts on the Half blood prince
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Re:A Little Dissatisfied. 15 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 10
honestly... i thought that the last two books were disappointing.... it did not end the way i wanted it too... and really! the epilouge! 19 years later? what is this? the Disney Channel?!? and not even just that! okay why would JKR put Hermione with Ron? i can understand Harry and Ginny being together... but Hermione and Ron as a couple is wrong on so many levels! and Draco Malfoy? She said his hair was thinning! have you seen his parents? they both have heads full of lots of hair! there is no way he'd be thinning! just the thought of the books make me angry! But you know thats just my opinion...
the movie on the other hand, i thought was actually ok....though Lavender Brown was a bit squeally and thoroughly annoying and Cormac McClaggen was disturbing, it was funnier than i thought it would be. But hats off to Alan Rickman! He plays Snape very well!
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Re:A Little Dissatisfied. 15 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 2
Lol. McClaggen was creepy. What was with that licking his finger at Hermione thing? Yeah, I agree that the epilogue sucked. I don't have a problem with Hermione/Ron, but the whole thing was just really cheesy. I think we all understood that Voldemort was done for at the end of the book, the whole "and his scar never hurt again" thing was overkill. Plus little Albus Severus is going to need so much therapy.
And I, tiny being, drunk with the great starry void, likeness, image of mystery, felt myself a pure part of the abyss. I wheeled with the stars. My heart broke loose with the wind. ~Pablo Neruda "Poetry" Life's a fleeting dream; don't let it go.
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Re:A Little Dissatisfied. 15 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 31
ladybattousai wrote:
Let's not get too carried away here. You may naturally voice your concerns and debate, but no yelling and getting super upset
I'm sorry, Lady B, about the yelling. I fixed it.
When he heard a sound which was bitter sound and a sweet sound all at once, which began like hello and ended like goodbye. ~ The Storyteller
“And then, Dave made an improvised megaphone by using a squirrel, some strings and a megaphone.”
- The Narrator from Dave the Barbarian
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