Is it really that bad? 15 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 4
Is it really that bad to ask for some reviews?
Or is it that my oneshot writing is plainly ridiculous and does not deserve a review?
I mean, if I put by the end of the story "please review" ... Would it sound like something to make fun of?
*huffs in frustration*
I hate publishing my writing!
Change of topic:
The most beautiful souls are those which can be bared with love.
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Re:Is it really that bad? 15 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 17
I don't think that it's bad to ask for reviews. Seeing new reviews fills me with joy. It's great to see how people feel about your stories. However, I will admit to being one of those people who will read and love a great story, and not review. That's why I try not to get too sad when no one reviews my stuff.
I want pringles! 
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Re:Is it really that bad? 15 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 42
It's not so bad to ask for feedback. I usually put 'I <3 reviews' at the bottom of my chapters and I remember another writer used to say 'Reviews are fuel' which I thought was cool. But don't get too worried about oneshots not getting many reviews, they get less than other stories no matter what because the readers have fewer questions about continuity and character development and such, and as silly as it sounds they probably feel like the writer needs less of that incentive to continue because they've already given up the whole plot.
In short don't take the lack of reviews too harshly. Once you have more stories out and readers see the name more often they're more likely to read and review, and if you start a chapter story that will probably get alot more reviews too.
Good Luck! MontiK
P.S. Be careful not to accidentally hold chapters hostage waiting for reviews though >.< I promise it only leads to really shoddy not in depth reviews that aren't worth the time or wait and the practice is frowned upon.
^~~~~ Teensie made me a pretty Banner!!!! :D
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Re:Is it really that bad? 15 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 13
Honey, you know I always put "Please Review" at the end of every chapter.
They don't seem to mind, you don't seem to mind, I don't mind.
And if they mind then tough, they don't have to review. Heck they don't have to even read.
Besides, publishing your work always have downs. Even a multi-millionaire writer always have anti-fans and such.
I mean, once you publish your work, you'll have to put up with the reader's comments. Whether they are good or bad.
Making a story isn't just "whoopy do, here's my work, please say nice things." It's all experience really. I learn from the rude comments and build up on it. Don't think too much of the rude comments though, or else you'll start to lose self confidence.
No one starts out as "OMG YOU'RE SUCH AN AMAZING WRITER". No one...
Who cares about those people who don't review or like your stories.
I'll be your biggest fan ^_^

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Minister of Silly Walks
Posts: 739
Re:Is it really that bad? 15 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 25
I wouldn't say 'please review', but maybe something in a different wording like "let me know what you think" or something about liking feedback. I have the same problem with one shots, save for a handful of amazing people that leave comments on damn near anything I post (I love you guys), but as a general rule they don't draw as much as a chaptered story. Like Monti said, there is just one piece, nothing longer to give the readers the urge to press you to continue.
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Re:Is it really that bad? 15 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 14
I completely understand wanting more reviews and such. Same time, you have to ask yourself: Are you writing to be reviewed or are you writing for yourself? Because, honestly, writing for yourself is, in the end, more rewarding. People may or may not like what you do. They're fickle that way. The only person you can really please, in the end, is yourself. Reviews will come and go. You probably will never have as many as you want. But so long as you're satisfied that you've written something you're proud of, none of that other stuff matters.
For the most part, I've always been happy with my stuff, even though I'm not the most reviewed author in the verse, because I've written to make myself happy. I have a small, but loyal following that truly gets my stuff and that's more than I could ask for!
So don't worry about review counts! Write a story and they'll come. It's, like, all Field of Dreams and shizz.
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Re:Is it really that bad? 15 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 11
Don't worry about reviews too much, Krazy4Fluffy. First of all, oneshots won't get as much reviews as others, such as multiple length chapter stories. Secondly, a lot of people are more for reading only and don't bother to review the actual story. (Sometimes, it's a bit of a hassle!  ) So that doesn't necessarily mean your works are bad. Third, it takes time for people to warm up to your works! You'll learn as you go and progressively get better as you continue to write. Who knows? One day, someone might say, "Oh, Krazy4Fluffy! I read some of her works before. She's pretty good!"
But don't hate posting your works! If you don't keep trying, you'll never know. And no matter if you get many of reviews or not, this is something you enjoy doing, so don't let what the masses think or do stop you from doing what you love.
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Re:Is it really that bad? 15 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 2
I think that you should put something there to let people know you want feedback. I know that I get a tingling happy feeling in my gut everytime I read a review ^_^. I read a story where the author made a small cute...thing at the end of the story out of letters and symbols that said review in the middle, and it was so cute I had to review.
I could not love thee, Dear, so much,
Loved I not honour more.
To Lucasta, On Going to the Wars
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Re:Is it really that bad? 15 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 4
Thanks all of you for your encouragement and opinion.
God, I'm already loving this forum more and more by every post I read. You're all so niiicee...
I agree with all of you. And as for asking for reviews or not, I just wanted to know if it was something wrong to do... But someone already answered me that question by PM  She told me that 'demanding' them was not good.
Either way, really thanks for all of you for answering my lil questions ^^ I bet all of you have kick-ass stories
~For MS~ and I'll be yours!!!
~For DestinysTears~ As long as you beta my chapter stories, I'll keep on loving writing
~For Noacat~ But if I write only for myself, then why should I post it? n_n It wouldn't serve me for anything if I only want my own opinion. I do write for relieving myself from the huge amount of scenes my mind comes up with. And I love my own writing -- if you just knew how many times I read them over and over again xD --, but I also like to know if people think my writing is worth someone else's eyes other than mine. . . But still, I know what you mean! And I think that your words are indeed endearing. Thanks a lot Noacat ^^ I bet you're hell of a writer n.n
~For MontiK~ I didn't think about it that way. You're utterly right n_n' Now that I remember, I don't review one-shots either (unless they cause me some shock or seem to need to be continued).
Woa... really.
This forum rocks  --- specially cuz I'm here, of course... xD
Anyway... WHO ASKED FOR PRINGLES???  I've got the bbq ones, the onion and sour cream one, and the natural (yeah, natural my butt xD) ones... Which one would you like? You can buy them with only a review per chip XDDD --- I'm JOKING, FELLAS!
No, really... who wants pringles?
The most beautiful souls are those which can be bared with love.
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Re:Is it really that bad? 15 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 13
Haha <3
I adore you Runya ^_^
Me wants some pringles too =D
I think I like the Jalapeño flavor the most.
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Re:Is it really that bad? 15 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 4
*gives some pringles Jalapenios to MS* There you go, hun...
Just don't ask where I got them from.. xDD
Can we talk about something light?
Do you prefer Light Pringles????
The most beautiful souls are those which can be bared with love.
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Re:Is it really that bad? 15 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 2
Dokuga used to make me really said because i never got any reviews, and when i did, they were really inconsistent (where i would get 0 for 4 chapters of a story, and then 10 the next chapter). i still really enjoy writing so that's what makes me keep going, and after i published a couple of stories and started updating more consistently, i got a small number of loyal fans. they are really encouraging.
but that being said......there aren't a lot of people on dokuga that review. its nothing like spark was. until your name gets more well known and you find some loyal fans, i would suggest posting on fan fiction . net (sorry, i wasn't sure if they'd let me post another site's URL). fans are nuts there. sometimes i get 17 reviews for one chapter. and i LOVE IT!
hope this helps.
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Re:Is it really that bad? 15 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 4
What a coincidence.. I'm just reading one of your fics, Nautical_Paramour ... Hehehehe *giggles*
I'm on chapter nine.
And yeah! Of course your post helps.. n_n
Now... why is the majority ignoring my question of DOES ANYONE WANT PRINGLES??? xDD
The most beautiful souls are those which can be bared with love.
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Re:Is it really that bad? 15 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 13
I want pringles!!
What is... Light... pringles??
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Re:Is it really that bad? 15 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 4
Pringles... Light...
For diet...
Like... diet coke... 7up light...
The most beautiful souls are those which can be bared with love.
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Re:Is it really that bad? 15 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 5
Hahaha! You should change your topic subject with 'Pringles anyone?', Runya.
Hmmm I want one! I like the barbeque flavour please.
Wait before you kick me out after stuffing my face with Pringles let me say this.
I felt the same like you once. I post a story and not one bit of review.. (You could still read my unreviewed story here  ) I felt sad. Really, is my writting that bad?? Made me lost my motivation and all.. But I tried to understand. I'm new here and heck, I DO have problem with grammar and the choice of words in English. So it actually became my motivation to write better and to seek beta.
So just look at the bright side!!
And in this realm there are some readers that do not review even though they are madly and deeply in love with a fic (Me include)! So don't think about it too bad.
And about asking for reviews.. I think it's not a problem. As long as you do not force your readers to review. Because I noticed authors who demanded reviews until certain number or they won't continue the next chapter. That's sad.
Ask the reader nicely, like your reviews are my fuel!!!
And that is the truth!
So could I ask for another Pringles? Hot chilli please!
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WHO WANTS SOME PRINGLES?? 15 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 4
NO! *hugs container of pringles tightly* MINE!!! @:
Can I change the title of the thread? lol...
Maybe I'll just create another one *grins*
ps. miwa thx for ur words! ofc i wont kick u out of the thread... well, unless u eat MY PRINGLES *hugs the container a little* MY MY MY MY...!!!

Last Edit: 2009/07/22 10:11 By Krazy4Fluffy.
The most beautiful souls are those which can be bared with love.
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Re:WHO WANTS SOME PRINGLES?? 15 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 51
I want some Pringles! Some for Mr. Roboto too!
Special thanks to the Dokuga Reviewer's Guild for this signature!
You're like the hot guy in the club who keeps scratching his crotch - LadyB on why she doesn't click my links
The few, the proud, the morally corrupt. - Agent Phisbon3s
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Re:WHO WANTS SOME PRINGLES?? 15 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 4
What flavor?
Oh! OH! Spicy?? Onion and sour and cream? watchu want wachu want!?
PS. Let's have some fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WHO LIKES GALAXY????????? or maybe MARS!!! or just... SNICKERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The most beautiful souls are those which can be bared with love.
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Re:Is it really that bad? 15 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 31
 Oh great googly-moogly, YES!
I love me some freakin' sour cream and onion!
When he heard a sound which was bitter sound and a sweet sound all at once, which began like hello and ended like goodbye. ~ The Storyteller
“And then, Dave made an improvised megaphone by using a squirrel, some strings and a megaphone.”
- The Narrator from Dave the Barbarian
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Re:Is it really that bad? 15 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 4
are you okay, dude?
It seems u just spoke Sansecrete  Mind rewinding a bit?
 .. God, I love the view from here...
Who's wearing skirts?  .........
Edit: I just remembered I'm a girl!!!!!  No need for that silly position  ... Can I go to Scotland???? Might get some nice views there... 
The most beautiful souls are those which can be bared with love.
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Re:Is it really that bad? 15 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: -666
All right, I believe this thread has reached it's logical and with the last comment, it's most illogical conclusion. No more, please.
I reject your reality and substitute it with my own.
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