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ART THEFT!! 15 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 40
I was checking my deviantArt just now and I recieved the following comment:


We have just recently found out that your work has been used without your permission.

Follow this link to take yourself to the theft --->

Follow this link to take yourself to see other Art Thefts and maybe information about your own --->

Please do not be discouraged about this, and I hope that you will still containue to publish your work for people across the Internet to see. Fans and even people that are not fans of you will do their best to make sure that your rights are kept.

The theft came to my attention by Kairou Watoshimi (~CherryBlossomGoddess)

- Konosa Watasuki

Thank you for your time and I hope you the best of luck.

If you have given the person your permission to use your work then I apologized for the misunderstanding. I do not have the time to check up on every single comment to see if they have asked your permission.

I did NOT authorize this person to use my art. I am greatly disheartened.
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Last Edit: 2009/06/15 22:55 By Rikayu.

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Miss Kagura
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Re:ART THEFT!! 15 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 51
That's the same girl from yesterday's lynching.

I don't think we'll be able to get anything done about it. I think it might be best if those with YouTube accounts just left comments calling her out. With any luck, she'd be so ashamed, she'll take it down.

I'm sorry, Rikayu.
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Special thanks to the Dokuga Reviewer's Guild for this signature!
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Re:ART THEFT!! 15 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 26
Not you too, Rikayu-chan! *Hugs* This is so annoying. I hate seeing the artists I love being insulted like this. I don't know if Photobucket will do anything about the stolen artwork (it seems that people can post anything they want there), but I do know that youtube is pretty good at deleting videos for playing full-length songs... I don't have an account there, so I don't know if I can report it or not... Any suggestions? I'd really like to help, but I have a feeling we're dealing with a cockroach... it will just keep coming back.
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Last Edit: 2009/06/15 23:02 By Honey-Bee.
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Beat Cop
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Re:ART THEFT!! 15 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: -666
Don't worry about it, Rikayu. This is part of the internet. When you post your work, you take the chance that someone will come along and claim it as their own. And quite frankly I believe this girl enjoys the heaps of attention being leveled on her and her "OC".

As for this thread, keep it civil and thoughtful or else I use the mod-baton again.

*taps the end of her sparkly, pink baton in the palm of her hand*
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sugar0o who lurks
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Re:ART THEFT!! 15 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 216
i think i just figured out why she's not the sharpest butter knift in the bunch. According to her profile she's 14. no wonder she doesn't care. I'm sorry Rika-chan! i cant really say that i know what to do other then to start adding watermarks to your work. this girl just got slammed on DA yesterday, and she said she'd go to photobucket later, seems to has a youtube account as well. *huggles*

want me to fanart Dokugan's beating her up? we can glue plot bunnies to her Mutant ones... that dont die....
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Re:ART THEFT!! 15 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 2
AWWWWWWW Im so sorry that happend to you!!! Kids these days they all deserve spankings!!!!!!!!
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Re:ART THEFT!! 15 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 40
well, i figured that this would eventually happen. *sigh*

I do have watermarks on most of my artwork. only a few of my older artwork do not have them.

darn it. okay. i'll see how this goes.
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-Banner by the lovely, Priestess Skye

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Re:ART THEFT!! 15 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 14
Follow the instructions for submitting a DMCA violation on Youtube. I'd do it for you, but only the copyright holder has a true right to file a complaint. Make sure to provide links to your work. Also, someone needs to get a hold of YoukaiYume, her work was pilfered as well.
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Re:ART THEFT!! 15 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 14
Here's the complaint form.

If I were you, I'd register for an account simply to report this. Here's the email and snail mail for complaints as well.

DMCA Complaints
YouTube, Inc.
901 Cherry Ave.
Second Floor
San Bruno, CA 94066
Fax: 650.872.8513
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Re:ART THEFT!! 15 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 40
thank you. i already have an account there. so when i get home after work, i'll work on it.

thank you again.
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-Banner by the lovely, Priestess Skye

I claimed Miroku`s Staff in the Claiming Game!
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Re:ART THEFT!! 15 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 10
People these days have absolutely no morals!!! UH! I dont understand how someone can steal work from someone else and feel no guilt! Its horrible!
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Angelic Memories
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Re:ART THEFT!! 15 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 27
Has anyone messaged Youkai Yume? Her works on there as well.

Edited:Oops... I didn't read all the replies. I'm simply repeating Noacat
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Last Edit: 2009/06/16 00:27 By angelic memories.
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Re:ART THEFT!! 15 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 16
Ugh. People suck.
I'm sorry to hear about this. Hopefully youtube will remove the video promptly.

Be rest assured that this kid will likely plagiarize a paper sometime and get a zero on it. The world works this way...
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October Rose
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Re:ART THEFT!! 15 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 3
was reading life is exciting

When you create something original, you own the copyright for it. Likewise, when other people create content, they may have a copyright to it. As a creative community, it’s essential that everyone on YouTube respect the copyrights of others. If you’re not sure if something will violate someone’s copyright, the safest thing to do is to create something completely original, with images and audio you’ve created. If it’s all yours you never have to worry about copyright—you own it. If you’ve recorded something from a DVD, videotaped your TV screen, or downloaded a video online, don’t post it unless you have permission.

thats what you agree to when you join youtube.

and another in the cppyright section

Anytime YouTube becomes aware that a video or any part of a video on our site infringes the copyrights of a third party, we will take it down from the site as required by law. If you believe that a video on the site infringes your copyright, please send us a copyright notice and we'll take it down. If you believe we've removed a video that you uploaded in error and that you are the copyright owner or have permission, you can file a counter notice and let us know. Accounts determined to be repeat infringers may be subject to termination. Users with suspended or terminated accounts are prohibited from creating new accounts or accessing YouTube's community features.
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Re:ART THEFT!! 15 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 13
Aww Miss Rikayu! That's horrible!!

I adore your artwork!

We can't really uhm... flame her (i'm assuming its a her). She's only 14 years old O_O

But she needs to learn a lesson too...

Hmm.. what to do... what to do.

(beings to form angry mob) To her house!
(searches IP address)
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Tally Mark
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Re:ART THEFT!! 15 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 18
Oh. One of mine is in there too. Bleh.
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Re:ART THEFT!! 15 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 13
ahh tallymark, you seem so calm.

Maybe... inside you're boiling with such anger that you silently pray to wreck havoc upon the unsuspecting mortal! (bwahahaha) On with your evil plan!

(heh... too much coffee... sorry!)
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Sakura Hisakawa
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Re:ART THEFT!! 15 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 1
Well then. I saw this all and checked it out myself and I'm offended. The carelessness that dhe put into making this character hers. She was dumb because one of them clearly had Tales from the house of moon on there and well it was a dead give away. Anyone can clearly see that it was Kagome in all of those pic and well... yeah. She was a little thinker when she disabled the comments on the youtube account. If I was there I would beat that person with a blunt object. Kinda sad really.
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Re:ART THEFT!! 15 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 2
*cries* What's this world coming to!? For someone to steal artwork? There's not even a black market for graphic/computer art... at least I don't think there is... it would be really sad if there was.
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Kairou Watoshimi
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Re:ART THEFT!! 15 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 19
LadyBattousai, you sounded really threatening until I read the part of "taps the end of her sparkly, pink baton..." lol....

We'll all work together as one big happy family.
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Priestess Skye
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Re:ART THEFT!! 15 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 696975
CherryBlossomGoddess wrote:
LadyBattousai, you sounded really threatening until I read the part of "taps the end of her sparkly, pink baton..." lol....

We'll all work together as one big happy family.

lol don't be deceived by the pink and glitter. That baton packs one mean punch as it's filled with power.
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I claimed Sesshoumaru\'s Mokomoko-sama at the Claiming Thread!
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Re:ART THEFT!! 15 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 19
Well comments have been banned from being added to the vid, i'm sorry to all who have been stolen from, if you need any help this tiger is willing to lend you her claws.

On a side note, i am guessing our thief is a brunette and her fav colors are red and black, seeing since she changed Kagome in every pic she changed her clothes and hair.
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Last Edit: 2009/06/16 13:59 By inu_tiger_luver_393. Reason: forgot somethin
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Shikon Miko
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Re:ART THEFT!! 15 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 34
this totally sucks. I don't know what i would do if i found out someone was using my stuff without permisson or worse trying to pass my stuff off as their own. I think we should all take a note out of lady b's book and follow the sparkly pink baton
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tenchi no mai
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Re:ART THEFT!! 15 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 60
Oh, Rika-chan, I am soooo sorry that this has happened to you! You have my sympathy and my heartfelt wishes that this gets straightened out as quickly as possible. I guess we all know when we post something online there is always the chance someone may plagiarize it, but it is disheartening, to say the least.

Does anyone know how to get in touch with Irka-chan? One of her pictures is there also, and the old link that I have is disabled.
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Re:ART THEFT!! 15 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 16
She may have put it so that you can't post comments, but what about video responses? Hehe.
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