sugar0o wrote:
So i dont think Technolife is on Dokuga So i'm Shamelessly promoting her:
She's got a wonderful grasp on realistic SK drawing! If you've seen EP's avatar, then you've seen her work here's a link to the first page of her Doujinshi on DA, it is MA and does take you off of this site. She's also written a story to go with them. I have asked if she'd like to become a memeber of dokuga, but honestly she's a very busy person. That being said r0o adores her work and is well, shamelessly promoting. 
I join you in this wantonly shameless promotion of another skilled woman of the paints and drawing (

). I love! Love! Love!
LOVE! Her depictions. My all time favourite remains her depiction
In the Rain. The sensuality and richness of the piece is beyond words. The soft lines, the delicate reflective hues and the moisture of their lips...that
prequel to a kiss as I like to call it. Oh hot damn it is sexy, sensual and mature...a shared moment of desire. I am particularly fixated on Kagome's jawline. Have no idea why. I just love it. Both with downcast eyes ....just delish! Okay...right, you can stop now EP...any time now. The problem with me is when I adore something I gush! You should be use to that
Sugar0o considering the endless gushing I do with each piece you do lol! I am very much in love with them too. Sensual is your middle name. Okay gone back to my nice safe hiding place. Take care and thanks for the reminder. Cause perfection MUST! MUST be praised. It gives us all so much joy!
Namaste...oh and shouldn't you be busy keying a missive...something about dancing and the gentle swaying of comely hips? thinks so.
MASSIVE PS Thank you
Priestess Skye for the beautiful Siggy! You rock the house! Thank you! I love when you make sigs, banners, whatever you turn your hands and discerning eyes to. There is a grace to your work and they are always apropos of person, place and subject matter. Like a great interior decorator or anyone of any artistic merit, you take into account the individuals personal tastes and you are to be PRAISED FOR THAT! It is beautiful and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. GONNA KEEP IT!