Minister of Silly Walks
Posts: 739
Re:Strange dreams 15 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 25
I had a Dokuga dream not long ago. I can't remember what happened in the dream, but the only thing that lasted through the entire dream was I was text messaging Lady B.
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Re:Strange dreams 15 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 15
I just had the most random dream last night where I was a drug dealer (I have no clue why, seeing as I am most definitely NOT a drug dealer) and the cops caught me selling drugs-that looked strangely like hamster food-too two kids in a bathroom. For some reason they didn't arrest me and instead sent me to some sort of camp where they had to test you to see if you were a drug dealer...and the warden was my art teacher...
Anyway, long story short, I managed to hide all the drugs I had been selling by throwing them in the yard next to the camp I was in and my friend randomly appeared and suddenly it was halloween and I went home.
Apparently my subconscious is completely opposed to my conscious mind...which is only partially insane. 
Last Edit: 2009/05/26 21:04 By ToWriteLoveOnAPage.
“It is impolite to stare, miko,” he said, his smile gone, bringing Kagome back down to earth.
Oh, hello earth, how are you? She addressed the planet in a daze. Just got back from whatever parallel universe I\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'d fallen into, did you know Sesshoumaru smiles there? Weird.
~Of Gods and Demons
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Shikon Miko
Posts: 1154
Re:Strange dreams 15 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 34
I have so many weird dreams that i'll try to go slow. I'll just use one for now, and we'll go from there.
this is the most recent weird dream I've had: (technically I think that this should be classified as a nightmare but i wasn't freaked out which freaked me out the most)
Well, you know on those CSI shows the labs right? I was in one only it was the ground floor and one wall was made completely of glass. There was this little boy who was with his dead mother and dying sister, we couldn't figure out what killed them and someone suggested something to do with the liver, so they cut open the dead mom to look at her liver and figured out what was happening to the sister. She died though before anyone could do anything for her.
Rather than dealing with the pain of loss, the little boy went over to a lit bunsin burner and stared at the flames, someone told him to get away and turned around for a moment, when they looked back like seconds later, the kid had his face in the flames, letting it get burned. He wasn't crying or trying to flinch away or anything, I have the feeling that he wanted the feel the pain of a burn more than anything. It was weird.
Then things shifted a bit. I was still in the lab like room, with that little boy, but he was on one of those steel tables you find in a morgue covered by a white sheet, sleeping on the table, not dead. I asked him what he was doing there so later and he jumped up looking guilty, he turned to this older, fatter looking guy (he looked really childish like he had Downs Syndrome) He was wearing a white muscle shirt with sweat stains and gray jogging pants. I told the older guy that hwasn;t supposed to be there and that he had to leave, I grabbed him by the arm and half-dragged him to the door. As soon as we got close to the door he started to freak out, muttering gibberish and pulling trying to get his arm out of my grip. He was calling back to the little boy begging him to help. The boy got up and tried to get me off of the guy wanting him to stay. I pushed the boy back behind me and put myself before him trying to protect the boy from the older guy.
The childlike guy was still throwing a tantrum, angry that he was being separated from the boy. Somehow he got a hold of a hammer with e really long, rusty looking nail attached to the end (the place where you usually take nails out) he started to wave it around as he yelled gibberish, the boy yelled back trying to reassure the big guy. Then the older guy threw the hammer/nail it flipped through the air in slow motion headed right for me I turned at the last second and tried to move the kid out of the way but I was too late. The nail part of the hammer went right into the middle of the boy's forhead. He had that disbelieving look on his face for a moment before he fell to the ground.
Then my alarm went off and I woke up. Like i said really really creepy. Shoulda been a nightmare but i wasn't freaked out until I realized that i wasn't freaked out.
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Re:Strange dreams 15 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 9
I had a strange dream one time where I was in a neighborhood I didn't reconize and my mom stood in front of me. Then all of a sudden the skin on her face fell off until her skull was left.....then she morphed into Jason with a chain saw and chased me down the street 
Last Edit: 2009/05/26 19:11 By InuYoukaiLiz.
PROUD Inupapa fangirl
"I wish for a heart. A heart of the man whom I'll never allow to forget me." (to Kagome) - Kikyo
"Go Naraku, gather the shards of the jewel, and once you found them all , then I will send you to hell." - Kikyo
I support a problem with that?
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Re:Strange dreams 15 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 31
Okay, Smittee has so many strange dreams, it's not even funny. Luckily, most of them I make into the fan fiction people read, or the rps people play with me. Let's not forget most of my dreams pop in Cedric, in which makes every dream turn nightmare. (Cedric is a loooong story, so I not put.) a lot of them I'm a shape-shifter in as well. So, I will post the ones that are the most random that I don't make a story.
The Batband!
All right. Unless you have seen the new batman movie, or aren't a huge comic book fan, you might not know one of the people in the dream I had.
Okay. Last night, I dreamed that Harvey Dent, Zuko, from The Avatar, and two random guys wanted me to join their rock band, as the lead guitar. I told them I couldn't play, but they Zuko threw a guitar at me. I somehow knew how to play it, and so said it out loud, in amazement. WE were playing at my high school, which I graduated from, at night. The joker even came to see our performance. The strange part is he didn't come to go after Harvey. O.o He just wanted to see the show. O.O We slept in a building near the guidance office, because we were always to tired to go somewhere else. When I went to visit my friends and boyfriend, in the morning, I tried to disguise myself, when the dean stopped me, and took off my sun glasses. He then allowed me to have them back, after some people asked for my autograph. When I finally got to talk to my friends, Harvey came, grabbed my arm, and was beginning to drag me out of there. Then, being seen, we had to make a run for it. I yelled at him, for taking me away from my boyfriend, only to hear him shot at me," YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND?!!?" And then I woke up.
You have 13 hours-Wait
(I was in middle school, I believe)
Every night, I would dream I was in Sarah's room. The Goblin King would come. I would then say,"David Bowie!" Then, he would stop, look irritated, and say something that would make me study hard the rest of the week.
"Do you not remember this film? Cant you even remember your lines!" He'd then point to the clock and say,"I will come to you the same time every night. Until you learn your lines, I will NOT let you go any further. You must also learn my lines, so I don't have to wait for your mind to configure what I say. Are we clear?"
"Perfectly clear," I would say.
Then, I woke up. After I memorized all his lines, and could remember Sarah's lines, I was finally able to go farther in the world of Labyrinth. I only change one thing...When he is asking 'Sarah' to be with him-yeah-I chose the 'yes' word. Smittee gave him a mistake line, but he wanted that.
I will prolly post more dreams here, once they decide to pop up.
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Re:Strange dreams 15 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 51
When I was a lot younger, I met this acrobat and that night, when I went to sleep, I had a dream that I was in a slave circus, and I had to perform acrobatics with no net. Except, under the tightrope where I was supposed to walk, there were a bunch of pigs? The acrobat I met told me that pigs love to eat acrobats, and that if the fall didn't kill me, the pigs would.
So I tried, and failed, and when I fell, I didn't get hurt, but all these pigs ran over to me and started snorting in my ears. I thought they were going to kill me, but they didn't, and everyone was just laughing at me for freaking out.
Special thanks to the Dokuga Reviewer's Guild for this signature!
You're like the hot guy in the club who keeps scratching his crotch - LadyB on why she doesn't click my links
The few, the proud, the morally corrupt. - Agent Phisbon3s
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Re:Strange dreams 15 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 27
Well I have to say that is rather strange... I am glad I'm not the only one to have really strange dreams.
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Re:Strange dreams 15 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 0
OOOOO that is scary. I have had a lot of strange dreams. Once was when i was in a completly whit room. you know one where nothing is in it and I was number five from the kids next door.(lol) Then out of nowhere this big lady sat in the middle of the room with a big wooden spoon in her hand. She also had a lamp and I looked in it because I head screaming. when I look in it I saw my family trapped in a purple kind of sand. I tried to take the lamp and save them but the lady held on to it. My family was screaming help me morgan help us! So (out of the blue, or white) I took out my weapon and started hitting the lady all over her body. But she just sat there and never moving or feeling anything. I kept hitting her until I couldn't anymore. Then out of nowhere she hit me with the wooden spoon and started hitting me with sesshoumaru's demonic speed. Then I fell and i guess Died. When I woke I was sweating and i was hurting in every place the lady hit me. hahahah. that's a strange dream.
Another dream I had was I was in the picture of dogs playing poker. They asked me to sit down have a sigar and join them, so i did. We were playing for at least an hour and then I won. i said yaaaaay and how you like me now succas! And they got mad. They said I cheated and they all stood up with big guns in their hands. I got up and ran down the dirt road and almost got away until I ran off a cliff into the darkness. Then i woke up and since I was 3 or 4 when i had this dream I slept with my mom that night. She told me that I was kicking her until I woke up. HAHAHAHA. Also another dream I had was when my family was playing monopoly except we were actually in the game, but we were pieces of food. I was hungry so when i won the game I ate everybody. haha.
baby fairy
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Re:Strange dreams 15 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 2
 woo now thats a crazy dream!!! I always have the dreams where i fall in love but the guy never loves me back  sad i know!!!
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Re:Strange dreams 15 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 20
Okay,,,,I had this dream that I was dead , only I was aware of what was going on around me. I was on the table with my entire chest cavity open and on display. It gets even weirder as I looked up and saw the M.E. was Doc Robbins from C S I and he was speaking - relaying the cause of death to what I thought was the recorder . He wasn't. I witnessed him removing my organs one by one but he did not weigh them nor really look at them much...just kept talkinng.
Once all the organs were extracted , he remover the rib spreader and started sewing me up. I could feel the needle going through my flesh but it didn't hurt - it was like when they stitched my leg closed after I was attacked by a German Shepard as a child , and I could feel him tugging on the sutures as he stitched me. I compared it to what it must feel like when a stitching a dressmakers dummy. While I continued to watch him close me up , I saw movement out of the corner of my eye and turned my head to the far corner of the room to see Grissom [ aka William Peterson ] standinng there in the corner watching my autopsy and listening to what Doc was saying. He looked....odd. Then , I woke up.
I had never had a dream like that before in my life and it took me a week to stop analyzing it. I know....I'm a freak .
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Re:Strange dreams 15 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 40
I'm cursed with remembering most of my dreams when I wake up. And sometimes, I have teh strangest dreams.
One that I particularly remember and laugh about is an Alic in Wonderland sort of dream. I'd eaten a piece of cake that was given to me as a birthday present and in consequence, I shrunk to the point where I could fit in someone's hand. I somehow ended up riding on top of my dog's head around my living room before beiung picked up by little girl dressed up like a doll. Strange that she had whiskers and a tail. She then flushed me down the toilet with a green dinosaur and black dozens of black and white sheep laughing beside her. o.o
One that I frequently have is of me running through complete darkness. I'm searching for someone that I don't know, but I see a light and he's standing there with his hand held out for me to hold. He has... the most romantically deep voice I've ever heard in my life. He's calling out to me and right before my hand touches him, the floor i'm standing on disappears and I fall as he's trying to reach me. o.o
The most random dream I have to say that I've had, is me having tea with a hippo and a giraffe, both of which are wearing neckties and have british accents. I'm dress in one of those old english dresses with the frills and everything with my hair in old-fashioned curls. A lion dressed sophisticatedly comes and he has a crown on his head. There is a small mouse on his shoulder dressed as a knight and they greet me eloquently. He sits beside me and an elephant and monkey serve us more tea before they also join us. Then we all laugh too enthusiastically when the mouse knight says "my, isn;t this a wonderful day?"
-Banner by the lovely, Priestess Skye
I claimed Miroku`s Staff in the Claiming Game!
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Re:Strange dreams 15 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 2
Honey-Bee wrote:
So that was one of my strange dreams... But after reading Angelic's dream, mine doesn't seem all that strange anymore. lol.
Thanks so much... lol.
I told Angel the same thing.
Last Edit: 2009/05/26 01:28 By DreamWalker.
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Re:Strange dreams 15 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 26
I've had a lot of strange dreams, but the one that stands out the most for me is the one I had a few years ago. In the dream, my brother and I were walking through the mall (actually, he was walking, I was wearing my rollerblades). We stopped at a doughnut shop and - luckily for us - got the last box of custard filled doughnuts. We left the store with big, stupid grins on our faces until a ninja dropped down from somewhere above us. I screamed as the ninja threw shuriken stars our way. In our panic to evade the deadly weapons, my brother ran one way and I skated another. So, we were seperated, and more ninjas appeared. For the most part, I managed to avoid everything they threw and/or swung at me, and even tripped a few of them up by pushing racks of different things down to block their path. But in the end, I found myself lying on the ground, ninjas surrounding me from all sides. They all looked down on me, and I'm like, "Alright, alright! I give up! Whatever you want, just take it! I don't care anymore!" One of the ninjas step forward and I close my eyes, expecting to be killed. But then I felt something being yanked from my hands, and I open my eyes to find the ninja holding up the box of doughnuts I didn't realise I still had. "Alight guys," the ninja said to his buddies, "we got what we came for." They all cheered as they walked towards the exit, leaving me on the floor to watch after them in complete disbelief.
So that was one of my strange dreams... But after reading Angelic's dream, mine doesn't seem all that strange anymore. lol.
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Re:Strange dreams 15 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 27
I have many random dreams.
Once this week I woke up wanting chocolate pudding because me and a group of friend made a ton of pudding to fill a swimming pool. We invited everyone over for the pudding swim olympics which I got silver. I went off searching for my medal when it got lost and I was suddenly in Australia (I live in Canada) I followed a Kangaroo to Russia where a prince told me I was his princess. He demand I marry him and give me a large ruby, which was stole by the Kangaroo along with my silver medal. The Kanga pawned it to a mouse who threw it over a cliff.
I grabbed a flying eagle to chase after the items but found that I falling over a waterfall and landed in the ocean. I went deep sea diving, without the gear and found an underground cave. Much later, after wandering I came aross this sparkling green wall. I touched it and was abruptly brought into another realm where I was told I was a chosen one. A friend of mine came in through a hidden double door and pulled me over a fence. And as if to prove it could get stranger me and my friend had a cup of tea while falling thousands of feet. But we were caugth in an umbrella before being flung into the swimming pool of pudding again.
I then woke up as everyone was singing to my alarm clock singing the same song: A Little Piece of Heaven by Avenge Sevenfold.
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Re:Strange dreams 15 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 9
Okay I had this one dream when I was little where I was about 6-7 years old and I was living in my old apartment. Well, in the dream I took the keys to our old Dodge Ram truck and opened the door and climbed into the driver's seat. I turned the ignition and somehow I was driving the truck around the block O.o Wierd huh?
Another dream I had involved the nun that looked over the boarding house. (I went to a private Catholic school out of Texas up in Washington state for three years and I was taught by nuns, priests, and lay people) Anywho, in the dream I was riding in the "villa van" with the head nun of the boarder house driving (we were the only ones in the van) What was freaky was the nun was cackling evilly like some psychotic woman and she drove off a cliff. I was literally gripping the edges of my seat and screaming bloody murder. And then..........I woke up xDD
The last wierd dream I've had was I was with one of my old friends from the private school and my mom was there too. Anyways.....Ummm my friend was droning on about sports while I was.......eatting laptop equipment O.o and my mom was sitting next to me just staring at me and saying nothing (you know one of those intent and creepy kind of stares...that's what she was doing). Now this is definately the wierdest dream I've had so far.
Last Edit: 2009/05/25 18:31 By InuYoukaiLiz.
PROUD Inupapa fangirl
"I wish for a heart. A heart of the man whom I'll never allow to forget me." (to Kagome) - Kikyo
"Go Naraku, gather the shards of the jewel, and once you found them all , then I will send you to hell." - Kikyo
I support a problem with that?
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Strange dreams 15 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 26
I thought we had a thread like this before, I looked but I didn't see one.
Okay, I had the weirdest dream last night. I was turning into a vampire.
I can't imagine for the life of me what inspired such an unsual dream. What was additionally strange about it was how blasé I was about it. I was like looking in the mirror watching my fangs grow like "hmmm... that's interesting. I don't know how blood is going to taste, but I guess I have to do what I have to do. It's going to be a little different having to avoid sunlight."
At one point in the dream I was like rampaging through the streets (at night) with a bunch of other vapires. I suppose I was looking for my first victim. I woke up before I could find one.
Weird right?
What strange dreams have you guys had? C'mon share with me! Don't be shy! 
Pfft! I was gonna stop procrastinating, but I never got around to it.
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