Re:Author Updates? Poll of sorts. 15 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 27
For me it's not exactly whether or not they're working on mutliple fics; it's entirely up to the quality of the chapter. I don't mind if an author takes awhile to update a story if the chapter is long and satisfying. However I don't mind author's that have shorter chapters that they update more frequently. There is a favorite author of mine on FF.net that updates every few months, but her chapters are about 30 pages long and filled with so much action, drama, angst and intrigue that I can't be mad at her for going so long in between updates.
So again for me it's really about quality and substance.
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Re:Author Updates? Poll of sorts. 15 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 9
I think we had a question like this before in another topic but my memory eludes me to which one
Anywho.....I sadly admit that I'm sporadic and most of the time when I say I'll update a story while putting others on hold....I don't follow through with that vow and I end up updating a story I put on hold. Other times I do follow through with my vow....but when it comes right down to it when I'm in the mood to update I look through all my story files and randomly pick one to update (even if it's only a few sentences or a few paragraphs) and when I get tired of updating that particular story I save my progress and update another.....sadly, that's my method and I'm sure some if not most of my readers would sooner tie me up and poke me with a pitchfirk demnading I update a particular story then wait until I update and post just one chapter.....
As for my prefernece when I'm the reader I usually like daily updates...it keeps me intrested in the story...if not I usual find another interesting story and wait patiently until another update comes....I'm usually good with my patience level other times........I get frustrated to the point of groaning in annoyance 
PROUD Inupapa fangirl
"I wish for a heart. A heart of the man whom I'll never allow to forget me." (to Kagome) - Kikyo
"Go Naraku, gather the shards of the jewel, and once you found them all , then I will send you to hell." - Kikyo
I support Kikyo...got a problem with that?
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Re:Author Updates? Poll of sorts. 15 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 10
I adore authors who are able to update regularly and two or more times a week. But, it's a big surprise when I haven't seen a story in a couple weeks, and the author busts out with a nice long chapter. It shows that though they had to take longer than usualy, they weren't idle in that time. You have authors who update nearly every day or every other day, and the chapters to their stories are shorter. I guess, since I love a good long story, I appreciate the long waits for longer chapters.
Unfortunately, as a writer, I am stuck to one a week. That's if I'm lucky. I can't speak for everyone, but as a mother, time revolves around my son, and that puts a major damper on how often I'm able to sit down and write something out.
The frequency of updates also needs to coincide with your creativity levels in your mind. *scratches head sheepishly* As of right now, I'm full of ideas for one of my stories, but I have it a massive traffic jam on my other one. Nothing coming in and nothing going out.
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Re:Author Updates? Poll of sorts. 15 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 15
As a reader, I don't mind either way how an author decides to update. I figure everybody is going to have their own method of doing things, so I just go with the flow. However if I see an author post up multiple chapter length stories in one day (not one-shots but a full on chapter based fic) all with one chapter each, I do have a tendency to hold off on reading them until a few more chapters pop up.
As a writer, I'm definitely more sporadic, mused-based, and plot bunny driven in how I update. So one week I'll be really keen on a story and then somebody will post up a challenge that makes my muse happy and I wind up flying off on a tangent to write something else. 
I like to have a martini, Two at the very most.
After three Im under the table, after four Im under my host.
- Dorothy Parker
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Re:Author Updates? Poll of sorts. 15 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 20
Hmmmm, that is a good question.
Personally, I don't really have a preference of one over the other (but I guess that could also be dependent upon the fanfic (s) in question). However, I don't like when a fic isnt updated until like months or years after that last update so you'll ahve to reread the entire thing to get back up to speed (unfortunately I'm sooooooo guilty of that.
Thats my opinion, if it helps 
*piku piku*- the sound of blinking
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Re:Author Updates? Poll of sorts. 15 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 216
yeah that's what i'm trying to figure out really, i basically want to know do you guess like getting a story more times, a week, ie finishing it faster, so that the author only works on one at a time, before starting/updating another?
or are you guys okay with the sporadic updateer author, like myself. I have many fics that gets updates 'often' in consideration to myself while others are muse based and have been something like back burner'd. Of coarse this isn't intentional. but i find myself wondering as a reader/reviewer, as a dokugan.
Do you guys prefer someone who hashes a story out one at a time until its done before they give you anything else, or do you guys like authors that give you updates of what their muses/plot bunnies allow out to play.
I for one dont mind either, sometimes i like one more then the other, as a reader/reviewer, but as an author i find its hard for me to force a story. or stop a muse/plotbunny.
i hope that clears up my thought, i guess i want to know what everyone else thinks.
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Author Updates? Poll of sorts. 15 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 216
okay chams blow pop, TAKE 2!~
yeah anyway,....
r0o was wondering,
We have a lot of authors that do high volume updates, like, a chapter every 2 to 4 days on single stories.
Then there are authors that work on multiple fictions at once, updating a single fic sporadically, or more regularly, but with more time between updates, so that they can work on multi-fics at once.
That being typed, which to do you [Dokugans] prefer?
Regular single story updates every few days, or updates sporadically/long time between to accommodate more fics?
Does this make sense?
eh.... TAKE 3?
3:56 AM [--name here--] ask if they would accept a single update a week for --story name here-- rather than two or three a week, if i would start another story at the the same time and update that one once a week as well?
Last Edit: 2009/04/20 18:54 By sugar0o.
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Re:Author Updates? Poll of sorts. 15 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 0
hmmm should we do a poll r0o?
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Re:Author Updates? Poll of sorts. 15 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 40
Personally, it depends.
There are times where I've got many ideas and I'm able to update a story more frequently, while other times, I may not update for a really long time.
It all counts on inspiration. Same thing goes for if multiple fanfics at one time. I may neglect another simply because I have no new ideas or no inspiration to continue it as much as I want to.
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