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Blue Vs Brown
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TOPIC: Blue Vs Brown
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Blue Vs Brown 16 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 33
I have a question...when writing Kagome, which do you reference, her blue eyes from the manga or her brown eyes from the anime?

I think that the divide is as great as that of cat people and dog people (although, all of us on this site are dog people, even if it is only of the youkai variety).

I personally am a blue eye girl, although personally I have brown eyes. I get very slightly irritated when someone references Kagome's brown eyes.

Which kind are you?
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Re:Blue Vs Brown 16 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 0
I like either. I have blue eyes, but I think writing Kagome with warm brown eyes is sexy.

I have to admit in real life I like the look of blue eyes/dark hair and the opposite, brown eyes/blonde hair. I think the contrast is awesome!
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Re:Blue Vs Brown 16 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 17
I personally love the blue eyes. It makes her more unusual, more special. I, too, have brown eyes, and while I find them pretty, I think blue eyes are georgous on a person, especially if they have dark hair.
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LC Rose
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Re:Blue Vs Brown 16 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 39
I prefer the blue eyed miko, but didn't even know she had blue eyes when I started writing fanfic. So in a couple of my stories, she's brown eyed. Oops! Didn't actually read the manga until earlier this year. Now why didn't they put blue eyes on her in the anime?!?
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Re:Blue Vs Brown 16 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 33
I often wondered why they did not make her have blue eyes in the anime...that is a really good question!
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Tally Mark
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Re:Blue Vs Brown 16 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 18
I was reading the manga years before the anime came out, so the grey-blue eyes are completley ingrained in my mental image of her.

From what I've heard, the animators thought blue eyes were just too strange on a japanese girl...they wanted her to look more like an average person.

Kind of stupid if you ask me.
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LC Rose
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Re:Blue Vs Brown 16 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 39
tallymark wrote:
Kind of stupid if you ask me.

I agree, Tally! If Kagome is anything, she is NOT like other people. That is one thing I believe we can all agree on.
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Re:Blue Vs Brown 16 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 3
I kind of prefer her with the blue eyes of the manga. They make her more unusual for a Japanese girl. I was a little disappointed she had brown eyes in the anime.
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Last Edit: 2009/02/05 22:04 By Snowdrop.
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Re:Blue Vs Brown 16 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 7
I definitely like Kagome better with blue eyes. They make her unique and cause her to stand out in a good way. Plus, I really like blue eyes. I have brown, so I guess it's one of those "the grass is always greener things."
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Re:Blue Vs Brown 16 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 26
I saw the anime long before I read some of the manga, so I always pictured her with brown eyes at the beginning. When I first started to read fanfiction and saw that some authors gave Kagome blue eyes in their stories, I was very confused. I found out soon after that she actually had blue eyes in the manga, and I've favoured that idea ever since. Why? Because they make her stand out more from all the rest, and having blue eyes gives her a uniqueness that separates her even further from Kikyou (Kikyou doesn't bother me so much anymore, but I still don't like how Kagome was always compared to her). I like brown eyes too, but blue seems to suit Kagome's character more, I think...
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Last Edit: 2009/02/05 22:39 By Honey-Bee.
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Re:Blue Vs Brown 16 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 5
ohhh good I've been meaning to post one like this for awhile now...

Maybe it's just me ... but I don't think the rare colored manga pages look blue. Damn you Takahashi for your odd coloring style! I mean all the colors look washed out or antiqued.

Personally I'm on the brown eye side. It bugs me a little when fanfic gives her blue eyes. It gives her a more unique quality; that I do agree with.

I prefer the brown. I think brown eyes are pretty. I love deep dark brown eyes. whew now I am all dreamy. Blue eyes are ok too, especially with black hair, but they dont rock mt world.

Weird personal Information:

I find that I have trust issues with people who have brown eyes and blond hair. It makes me uncomfortable. Weird.
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Beat Cop
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Re:Blue Vs Brown 16 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: -666
Her eyes aren't blue and they aren't quite brown. I think the description would be gray or slate. I go with sepia, because it's more akin to the anime color and that's what I imagine when I think of her.

I actually get irked when people call it some sort of brilliant blue, because then it really doesn't seem as much like her. Instead she appears as someone for who the author can relate better, since blue eyes are predominately a western eye color.
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Last Edit: 2009/02/05 22:59 By ladybattousai.
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Re:Blue Vs Brown 16 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 9
I love her with blue eyes, I have always loved blue eyes. I find that Kagome having brown eyes like everyone else makes her a little to common. Which we all know she is anything but.
I love blue eyes with black hair. I personally have dark blue eyes so I fell in love with others having them.
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Mistress Sianna
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Re:Blue Vs Brown 16 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 26
I think I'm in the minority here. I started watching the anime long before I read a single page of the magna. Even then, I never thought her eyes looked blue. In my mind, her eyes are brown. That's how I've always pictured her. A lot of people seem to think that blue eyes make her stand out, and while I don't disagree with that, I like to think that it's her personallity that makes her stand out, not the color of her eyes.
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Re:Blue Vs Brown 16 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 5
Lush black hair and eyes the color of the stormy sea.

That is the way I like Kagome's eyes to be.

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Re:Blue Vs Brown 16 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 54
I prefer the 'brown' of the anime. Yeah it makes her seem all the more common and that's why I use that color. On the outside Kagome is very much the common, Japanese girl, it's inside where she differs and I love that about her. It helps to sneak her true personality onto people and distracts them into thinking she's just a normal girl, before they learn the truth.
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Aurora Antheia Raine
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Re:Blue Vs Brown 16 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 24
I always make Kagome have blue eyes in my stories because it makes her that much more unique. I never read the manga [ haven't gotten to it yet ] and in the anime she had brown eyes, so technically speaking, i should be set on kagome with brown eyes.

HOWEVER, i did not start reading fanfictions after watching the anime. i read the fanfictions first, developed an interest in that, and THEN started watching the anime. and in the stories i read, kagome had blue eyes.

therefore, it stuck. xD
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Re:Blue Vs Brown 16 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 2
I prefer Kagome with grayish-blue eyes. Like Zhang Ziyi's in Memoirs of a Geisha. It makes her stands out as a Japanese but it still looks natural. Brilliant blue eyes is just too odd on an Asian..
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Re:Blue Vs Brown 16 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 12
Though I prefer blue eyes, simply because I like the look of blue eyes with dark hair (or, more preferably, grey eyes with dark hair), I don't really agree with the argument that Kagome's should have blue eyes because it makes her uncommon.

Kagome's actions and mannerisms all scream uncommon in the Sengoku Jidai -- and her deeds and accomplishments mean much more than her eye colour ever would. I had always assumed she was given blue eyes to help differentiate between her and Kikyou. (Not sure where I got that impression, but there you go... ).
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Inu Guardian
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Re:Blue Vs Brown 16 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 10
Nefret wrote:
Though I prefer blue eyes, simply because I like the look of blue eyes with dark hair (or, more preferably, grey eyes with dark hair), I don't really agree with the argument that Kagome's should have blue eyes because it makes her uncommon.

Kagome's actions and mannerisms all scream uncommon in the Sengoku Jidai -- and her deeds and accomplishments mean much more than her eye colour ever would. I had always assumed she was given blue eyes to help differentiate between her and Kikyou. (Not sure where I got that impression, but there you go... ).

I agree completely. One can speculate that in the manga, the 'unusual' color of her eyes was used to set her apart from Kikyou, while still giving her a similar appearance. In the anime, the use of a more 'traditional' Asian color would be used to steer her appearance closer to Kikyou. If you look between the manga and the anime, Kagome more resembles Kikyou in the manga. I mean, near sisters. In the anime, they are as different as night and day. And not just mannerisms.

While I like her blue eyes, as I am a blue/green/grey-eyed, dark haired girl myself, I LOVE imagining Kagome with her brown eyes. Blue, you have the sky that is so high and out of reach, the ocean that is vast and deep, or a flower that is bright in it's peak. Brown, you have rich coffee, dark chocolate. It's so easy to go either way.
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Re:Blue Vs Brown 16 Years ago Karma: 3
I personally never favored Kagome portrayed with blue eyes because I believed she was being made out to be something other than herself... like her plain yet gorgeous brown eyes (I am most familiar with from the anime) weren't good enough. Now I understand where the blue eyes came from, hehee. I have to admit I only read the ending of the manga and had no idea the blue eyes originated from there. Oops! Silly me for not knowing my facts. I still personally like the brown eyed Kagome though... I know she is anything but ordinary, but I feel her portrayal as ordinary is more relatable and empowering... after all one shouldn't have to look special to be special. Beauty is within! And Kagome is all about finding whatever see needs within herself. But maybe that’s just me.
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Re:Blue Vs Brown 16 Years ago Karma: 4
Personally, I'm open to either eye color. Brown eyes are very beautiful, especially when the sunlight reflects in them. And blue eyes are just as nice. I guess it all depends on how descriptive the author is when describing her appearance. But I think gray is a good, happy medium between them.

And if we're using eye color to describe her: blue makes her exotic in an Asian standard, I suppose - I'm no genetic professional. It gives the author a chance to add a backstory as to how she got blue eyes in her family line. Brown eyes makes her appear like everyone else, but with a hidden power, making her unlike everyone else. So, I suppose I'm on both sides. lol

ladybattousai wrote:
... since blue eyes are predominately a western eye color.

Not to rail on you ladybattousai, but brown eyes are actually the more predominant color. I suppose it's more common in Europe because there is not an extensive mixture of races, but I can say that the dominant eye color in the United States is brown, making blue eyes a recessive trait in many Caucasian or Biracial children. I'm mixed and my dad has blue eyes, but my brother and I both have brown eyes, like our mom.

- CA
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Re:Blue Vs Brown 16 Years ago Karma: 11
ladybattousai wrote:

I actually get irked when people call it some sort of brilliant blue, because then it really doesn't seem as much like her. Instead she appears as someone for who the author can relate better, since blue eyes are predominately a western eye color.

Oh! Oh! Oh! Your response reminded me of an incident, but I digress.

Kagome is an Asian. Ninety-nine percent of Asians have brown eyes, therefore I write her with brown eyes which tend to engender warmth by their look alone (looks like your irises are permanently dilated). I find it contrasts nicely as compared to a certain dog demon’s tendency towards cool amber/yellow what have you.

Now to the aside that might amuse some...

Entirely different premise, of course, than the subject at hand but the blue brown question came into play from a reviewer, who was a young Germanic woman (yes, it is relevant as you REALLY CANNOT GET MUCH MORE ARYAN THAN THAT) who took me to task about “immediately” correcting this egregious error, which she was willing to forgive me for, darling girl that she was, if I promptly went back and made all references to her eyes as blue - ASAP. Why you might ask? Simple really. You see she could not really “get into Kagome” with this look (brown eyes).

A bit of digging and backing and “forthing” later, it turned out she simply didn’t like being reminded that Kagome was Asian…oh dear, what part of the fact that we are talking about Japanese people did she miss?

Not surprisingly, I have never changed the eye colour of Kagome in anything written.

Personal preference is one thing – blue, brown, green, chartreuse (wink) go for it. Tell me an enthralling story.

Adhering to manga or anime equally valid, but sometimes, just sometimes it is a very fine line. In that individual’s case, she erred in assuming that I would change simply to accommodate her own inherent stupidities.

More info than you wanted, just another perspective on blue and brown. See what you started lol!?

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Last Edit: 2009/02/21 17:39 By ElegantPaws.
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Re:Blue Vs Brown 16 Years ago Karma: 14
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Re:Blue Vs Brown 16 Years ago Karma: 0
I'm kind of a blue eyed person when it comes to Kagome. Maybe because I'm from an area of the states that was populated by an odd mix of both extreme northen Germans and Germans from the far southern/western end of the country. Meaning- a huge part of the population here has dark brown hair and true blue eyes. Naturally. Since I read the manga before I ever saw the anime (and I kinda hate the anime)and I find it normal to have dark hair and blue eyes, I tend to like that combo.
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