Did you know that the apple is in fact not the forbidden fruit? We had this come up years ago in a game of trivial pursuit. Even ended up calling our most religious family friend, that follows the bible, to double check and it is only called the forbidden fruit. No fruit is actually named in any version of the bible. Just a little piece of trivia.

I think what happened is people mix up the forbidden fruit with the fruit of knowledge, which I believe is the apple, and don't even realize it hehe.
And I know a lot of people desire what they can't have the most, but I've noticed I seem to be more of a realist as I mostly desire obtainable things. But then again, I have always been a bit odd lol. I find what I see as the 'sweetest fruit' is what I already have rather than what I desire.
And taken in a more literal tense, I think kiwi is the sweetest fruit.