Sex Scenes: Romantically Vague or Down & Dirty? 16 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 12
Vaguely inspired by fortunesque's Euphemisms for Naughty Bits thread.
So, writing sex scenes. What do you prefer to read/write in a sex scene? Do you prefer a candle-lit romantic scene, packed full of smex and euphemisms, in which everything works seamlessly and both partners (even if, nay, especially if one is a virgin) reach climax at the exact same moment, or sticky, dirty, potentially messy scenes where there's just that extra touch of realism, and somebody winds up tripping over their own underwear?
'Cuz, I personally go for the mushy stuff. For me, I read fanfic to get my fantasy fix, so when I read a sex scene that's what I'm looking for. I'm well aware that there's a lot of accidental bumping of foreheads or teeth, awkward positioning and (god forbid) braces involved in first kisses, but when I read it, that's usually the last thing I want to read, because I've already lived it (though fortunately without the braces).
So which do you prefer? (And, if you feel like sharing, why?) What makes a good sex scene? What things do you hate?
... And, no, I didn't start this just because my inner perv wants to start a thread about sex, why do you ask? 
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Re:Sex Scenes: Romantically Vague or Down & Dirty? 16 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 0
I personaly prefer when the characters clash teath and bite tongues and trup over underware. It makes it easier to immagine, to visualize. I can just see my boy fiend who wares high top boots he takes forever to unlace. Though a good and seemless encounter is apreciated once and a while. 
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Re:Sex Scenes: Romantically Vague or Down & Dirty? 16 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 31
I agree with Kiaya--I'm with the whole skin nipping, teeth clashing, shredding under garments. I like to read the nice romantic scenes too--but I always figure: Well, Sesshomaru's a dog--I don't he'd be the gentle type...just my thoughts... 
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Re:Sex Scenes: Romantically Vague or Down & Dirty? 16 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 26
I like sort of a combination of the two. I like to read-write sex scenes that are mostly romantic. But I also like that touch of realism too. Not necessarily tripping over underwear, but maybe little stuff like bumping noses when the characters kiss. Stuff like that.
Last Edit: 2008/12/28 16:07 By Lady Sianna.
Pfft! I was gonna stop procrastinating, but I never got around to it.
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Re:Sex Scenes: Romantically Vague or Down & Dirty? 16 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 5
Very interesting topic! I've been having a similar conversation elsewhere, about what makes a good 'lemon' fic.
Personally, I like something kinda in between - between the total use of euphemisms and the "down and dirty" of it all. I enjoy sex scenes in fanfic and books for the emotional intensity it brings to the story. Sometimes that can be accomplished in really mushy, romantic, baring-of-the-soul scenes; sometimes it comes from a shorter, more savage scene. It depends on what the author's going for - true destined love or a quickie in the afternoon, LOL
I don't like a description of every act down to the clinical details - leave *something* to the imagination, you know? Give me a general goings-on and then invite me into the characters' heads to explore their feelings and reactions to the act(s).
I don't focus on writing PWP or lemon-centric fic, but when I do I find myself very conscious of the language I use, going for more explicit terms or innuendo than in my 'normal' fic, like an unconscious warning that we're going down that road, so bail out now if you're uncomfortable LOL!!
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Re:Sex Scenes: Romantically Vague or Down & Dirty? 16 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 12
Saholia wrote:
I agree with Kiaya--I'm with the whole skin nipping, teeth clashing, shredding under garments. I like to read the nice romantic scenes too--but I always figure: Well, Sesshomaru's a dog--I don't he'd be the gentle type...just my thoughts...
Oh, I do love a fair bit of nipping, biting, what have you. I just meant, do you prefer scenes in which everything runs smoothly, everything fits perfectly, and Sesshoumaru manages to magically flip over WHILE imbedded inside Kagome while nibbling her neck and fondling her breasts all with one hand, and STILL manages to avoid tripping over his own fluffy-sama (or whatever his pelt this is called). 
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Re:Sex Scenes: Romantically Vague or Down & Dirty? 16 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 11
For me it depends on my mood (and what time of month) and how well written. If it's closer to the dreaded Auntie Flow, I prefer to read the rough stuff. If I'm feeling romantic, I go for the soft, cuddly fics. All, though, usually have biting.  This one has an oral fixation.
Im never going to do that again until next week....
I iz the Master Agreer of Dokuga Island with my O.K. Stamp of Yes!
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Re:Sex Scenes: Romantically Vague or Down & Dirty? 16 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 1
I agree with LuxKen27 and Lady Sianna...I too like the mixture of both...of course, it just depends on the situation. The latest update for Everyday Love by Priestess Skye is sort of example of what I'm trying to get at...even though she doesn't take it to a full blown lemon...you could easily classify it as both if she did.
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Re:Sex Scenes: Romantically Vague or Down & Dirty? 16 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 15
Of course you should have realism. But, we ARE dealing with a taiyoukai here, so there are just some things that need to be... stretched.
Also, Although I love lemons, I don't think that they're necessary every time the characters have sex. It's one thing to read/write a lemonfic, but I, myself, prefer to vaguely skip over the lemons every now and then. If you're just tryig to take up space, that's not exactly great writing etiquette.
Lemons and Reviews are love...
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Re:Sex Scenes: Romantically Vague or Down & Dirty? 16 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 0
I just meant, do you prefer scenes in which everything runs smoothly, everything fits perfectly, and Sesshoumaru manages to magically flip over WHILE imbedded inside Kagome while nibbling her neck and fondling her breasts all with one hand...
I need to be able to visualize what is happening. There have been some scenes that I have read and I'm all excited and the scene is playing perfict in my mind, and then I get to a certian part of a lemon and I'm just like 'Huh.' I have to be able to see my self doing it and if she, or he, is doing acrobatics on the bed it just doesn't speak to me. (Or she's not as engaged in the act as she should be.)
Another thing that can ruin a lemon is wrong word usage. I read one last week that had a perfict lemon untill it got to this one word that just jarred me out of my sweaty stupor. I read the rest of the lemon and then read it again, and it was perfict except for a single word close to the end.
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Re:Sex Scenes: Romantically Vague or Down & Dirty? 16 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 0
I think this is a good topic and everyone has made some interesting remarks. I would caution everyone that the forum is rated PG-13, so please keep that in mind when you are describing what you like. Nothing too explicit, right? Something like this:
I just meant, do you prefer scenes in which everything runs smoothly, everything fits perfectly, and Sesshoumaru manages to magically flip over WHILE imbedded inside Kagome while nibbling her neck and fondling her breasts all with one hand...
is skating the edge. Just remember, we do have 14 yr. olds reading on this site.
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Re:Sex Scenes: Romantically Vague or Down & Dirty? 16 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 12
possessed wrote:
I think this is a good topic and everyone has made some interesting remarks. I would caution everyone that the forum is rated PG-13, so please keep that in mind when you are describing what you like. Nothing too explicit, right? Something like this:
I just meant, do you prefer scenes in which everything runs smoothly, everything fits perfectly, and Sesshoumaru manages to magically flip over WHILE imbedded inside Kagome while nibbling her neck and fondling her breasts all with one hand...
is skating the edge. Just remember, we do have 14 yr. olds reading on this site.
Eeep! Sorry. Do you need it changed to something less graphic?
I'm so sorry.
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Re:Sex Scenes: Romantically Vague or Down & Dirty? 16 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 0
I don't see that you need to change this, just don't get any more explicit... LOL! Thanks for asking though!
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Re:Sex Scenes: Romantically Vague or Down & Dirty? 16 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 12
Definitely. Thanks for the friendly nudge in the right direction.  I definitely don't want to be scarring any of the young 'uns for life.
Thanks again for letting me know. 
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Re:Sex Scenes: Romantically Vague or Down & Dirty? 16 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 24
LOL! This topic is amusing. xD
I like reading lemons that are perfect since when I read them, I am imagining it as my own fantasy. Who wants a fantasy filled with errors? ;3
As for what kind of lemon though, then I would have said "down & dirty" over "candlelit." Aurora is a bit kinky. lolol.
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Re:Sex Scenes: Romantically Vague or Down & Dirty? 16 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 92
All my stories are adult only fics and i'm not ashamed to say that. The oneshots are always PWP but have more than just the usual romp and all my longer ones have at least a couple graphic lemons in them. I have always seen it this way when it comes to what i write... if you're going to do it, do it good and go for it! I try to write them as steamy and realistic as i can but, other than the oneshots, they are plot driven and sex is secondary and must fit in with what i am doing. I don't just chuck a lemon in there for no reason.
I like to read the lemons too, as long as they are realistic. But that's just me
Fun fact: All writers are crazy, to some degree. There is a reason for it -- actually making it through a novel almost requires it. If you love to read, then you\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'re continually benefitting from other people\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s craziness.-From Cracked
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Re:Sex Scenes: Romantically Vague or Down & Dirty? 16 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 20
I must reply and agree with Danyealle, I write what I like and what the work calls for. I tend to include my own personal interests and such into what I write and get so into it. I think ' what would I want to have happen? ' It makes it so enjoyable for me and for the reader, hoping to give the aforementioned a good breathtaking mental picture though I try to not offend anyone but, once again, I write what I like. Biting, roughness mixed with caring and tenderness with detail and intense emotion.Love fangs, ( my boyfriend has a nice set that are natural) and that is all I am going to say. Thanks for listening!
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Re:Sex Scenes: Romantically Vague or Down & Dirty? 16 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 0
I myself [as a very active sexual deviant] <-- that was a joke, prefer btoh scenes. In a lot of stories I notice people portray Kagome as the "new to this stuff" virgin, and in my opinion, when putting Sesshomaru in the position as the virginity breaker it should be slow and loving and as heartwarmingly romantic as possible while keeping the hot, erotic scene going. After a while, of course, things should get hot and heavy, bc everyone knows the same slow sex sometimes tends to get boring to the reader and the imaginary characters they're reading about (unless you're totally into slow sex...
Just a random note:
I noticed I've been replying to more sexual forums....I think I'm a perv! OH GOSH!!!!

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Re:Sex Scenes: Romantically Vague or Down & Dirty? 16 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 12
Gem_Fluffs 16 wrote:
Just a random note:
I noticed I've been replying to more sexual forums....I think I'm a perv! OH GOSH!!!!
Considering I started this one, I think it's just a healthy case of being in good company. Otherwise I'm totally a perv too. 
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Re:Sex Scenes: Romantically Vague or Down & Dirty? 16 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 5
I totally clashed teeth with my boyfriend the first time we kissed! AWKWARD!
ANyway~ I don't have a preference. Both are extremely enjoyable to me 
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Re:Sex Scenes: Romantically Vague or Down & Dirty? 16 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 0
What about the chapters of make-up sex? I hate those chapters! They are just a little too sappy for me.
"Oh, my love. I'm so sorry we fought. Can you ever forgive me?" And they sink down to the carpetted floor to express their love. But probably with a few more expletives.
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Re:Sex Scenes: Romantically Vague or Down & Dirty? 16 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 216
lmao you all have excellent GutterMarbles, and I'll try to keep this PG, personally i can write both sappy and realistically.
My biggest pet peve is those authors that don't like writing a lemon and they have you a weak one, like 5 - 8 sentences and its over. Seriously if your that much of a blusher about it, just say "they made love" and keep going. I kinda feel like Miss Dany does, if your going to do it, do it well. You don't have to be excellent at it, there are those out there that are, and those out there that aren't. that's how all fanfiction goes.
Anyway, other the that i just want to it make sense, i hate those fics where one sec they in position's 1 and then some how they end up 4 positions over. If that makes sense? like Kagome's ankle is suddenly by her own shoulder blade? yeah unless she's stretch armstrong not really possible... anyway. Other then that, i tend to like them raunchy to read, and anything to write, really it just depends on the story line and what i'm feeling like.
thats my 2 cents.

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Re:Sex Scenes: Romantically Vague or Down & Dirty? 16 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 26
I have found that my taste for lemons has changed since I started reading fan fiction. Additionally, my writing of such scenes has changed to reflect this.
When I first started, I liked "perfect" seamless lemons. Now, I actually find them kinda boring. I don't really want to read a lemon where the characters spend half of the time tripping, and falling over their own shoes, but a certain level of realism makes the scene more interesting to me.
Personally, my favorite way to add a bit of realism, is to have some amount of dialogue between the characters either right before the lemon, or possibly during it. I think it makes the connection between the characters a bit more meaningful somehow.
Pfft! I was gonna stop procrastinating, but I never got around to it.
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Re:Sex Scenes: Romantically Vague or Down & Dirty? 16 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 0
Teensie's never 'replied' to one of these. Is this 'chatting?' LOL
anyway, I'm a perv and I like all kinds. The braces thing is funny and the rough and dirty is also good. I am like a guy, sex is on my mind every 2 seconds LOL
my hubby said 'thank GOD i'm a woman. If I was born a man I'd be in jail right now."
that's it. I'm a freak
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