Switcharoo! 16 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 16
Yo momma!
I originally posted something about Mary Sues and the use of the canon Sue, but it was decided by me and the folks in the chat room that said topic was controversial. Since I couldn't delete my thread, I put "Stuff" and "Yo momma"... couldn't think of a topic at the time. So, I'm editing to make this thread into Nobody's idea. All this thread needed was a good one! Thanks
If you could change places with any Inuyasha character for a day, who would it be?
Last Edit: 2008/12/24 22:25 By not-active.
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Re:Stuff. 16 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 0
Is a horse. 
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Re:Stuff. 16 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 19
What is the point of this thread?
And my wonderful Icon was made by the equally wonderful Danyealle Myst
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Re:Stuff. 16 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 31
lmof Inutigerluver! I was wondering the same thing!
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Re:Stuff. 16 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 0
I am giving this thread purpose, because all threads should have one. If you could switch places with any Inuyasha character for one day who would you be and what would you do? 
Last Edit: 2008/12/24 22:02 By .
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Re:Stuff. 16 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 19
Well this is an easy one, I would be Kagome, because she just rocks! what would i do...hmmm well first i would go in search of Sesshomaru, and then well lets just say that what I would do next isn't exactly PG ok! LOL!!!
Last Edit: 2008/12/24 22:06 By inu_tiger_luver_393.
Reason: Typo
And my wonderful Icon was made by the equally wonderful Danyealle Myst
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Re:Stuff. 16 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 2
This is a no brainer... I would be Kagome and seduce Sesshy. 
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Re:Stuff. 16 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 39
I would be Sesshoumaru and start my day with kicking Jaken. AND then I'd go and seduce me a miko....while fighting with my half-brother.
Muses...cannot live with them, cannot kill them.
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Re:Stuff. 16 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 0
I would be Naraku. THink of all the house work i could get done with those tentacles. Or all of the things i could grab. i wouldn't even need a cart at the grocery store. It would be awesome.
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Re:Switcharoo! 16 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 16
I'd be Sessy because I'd be super hot. And I've always kinda wondered what it would be like to be a guy... strangeness. 
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Re:Switcharoo! 16 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 5
I'd be shippou. He has it easy and he's sooooo cute!
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Re:Switcharoo! 16 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 31
I'd be Rin!!!! I'd spend ALL my time next to Sesshomaru! *grins*
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Re:Switcharoo! 16 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 3
Sango, definitely! She's got the cutest yet most badass pet in the world, and she freakin' wields a boomerang as tall as she is! Who would want to be a ninja when you could be Sango and fight like hell? I'd go find some demons to annihilate and then spend some time flying on Kirara.
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Re:Switcharoo! 16 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 59
I'd be Tokijin . . .
- I'm strapped in Sesshy's pants all day
- When I'm not, he holds me firmly in his hand
- He uses me in various positions
- With the right stroke, he can unleash my true power
Have a great Xmas!!
<3 L
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Re:Switcharoo! 16 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 9
Smoke get your mind out of the gutter...wait or is it my mind that should get out of the gutter
and ivy fyi i believe that damn boomerang is taller than Sango
and i would be.......Kagome so i can Sit Inuyasha to hell and back, then take back my soul from the clay pot, mess with Naraku, play with Rin and shippo, take a bath then go hunting for a smexy demon lord and end my day with some explicit NC +17 content. 
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Re:Switcharoo! 16 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 26
Smoke Goddess wrote:
I'd be Tokijin . . .
- I'm strapped in Sesshy's pants all day
- When I'm not, he holds me firmly in his hand
- He uses me in various positions
- With the right stroke, he can unleash my true power
<3 L
You so get a Karma for that one!! LOL!!!
I'd probably be Sango. Let's face it, in the anime, she's the only female who can kick some serious butt. With that being said, I'd probably just go around kicking some serious butt.  It's a good way to reduce stress you know.
Last Edit: 2008/12/26 04:00 By Lady Sianna.
Pfft! I was gonna stop procrastinating, but I never got around to it.
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Re:Switcharoo! 16 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 8
I would be Sesshoumaru or Naraku, then I'd skip through the forest singing "I feel pretty, Oh so pretty, I feel pretty and witty, and GAY!"
*begs Fluffy not to kill her*
Soon-to-be Mrs. Mistress Incomprehensible
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Re:Switcharoo! 16 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 4
your evil Wicked!!!
I have to say... I would be Sesshoumaru too... and I would confuse the hell out of everybody by seducing Kagome... and Sango. Mostly Sango. God that chika is sexy.
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Re:Stuff. 16 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 12
Nobody wrote:
I would be Naraku. THink of all the house work i could get done with those tentacles. Or all of the things i could grab. i wouldn't even need a cart at the grocery store. It would be awesome.
HAHA. That's awesome.
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Re:Stuff. 16 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 39
I'd be Kanna. Nothing would phase me and, if I didn't like you, I could just suck you up in my mirror!
Muses...cannot live with them, cannot kill them.
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Re:Stuff. 16 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 216
Nefret wrote:
Nobody wrote:
I would be Naraku. THink of all the house work i could get done with those tentacles. Or all of the things i could grab. i wouldn't even need a cart at the grocery store. It would be awesome.
HAHA. That's awesome.
r0o agree's, though i would be Miroku, My GMs would dictate it. r0o could be no other, though i'd avoid that b0omerang like the plague..... in fact r0o thinks Miroku might be part r0o, or the r0o is a descendant.
Last Edit: 2009/01/08 23:43 By sugar0o.
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Re:Switcharoo! 16 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 0
I would be Mokomoko-sama...
I'd be wrapped around Sesshoumaru permanently... and he strokes me so nicely when he's thinking! *sigh*
He is protective of Rin, but Mokomoko is the only thing he shows real affection for.
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Re:Switcharoo! 16 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 39
possessed wrote:
I would be Mokomoko-sama...
I'd be wrapped around Sesshoumaru permanently... and he strokes me so nicely when he's thinking! *sigh*
He is protective of Rin, but Mokomoko is the only thing he shows real affection for.
Oh that's a good one, Possessed. Can I be mokomoko with you? I want to be stroked nicely by Sesshoumaru, too! 
Muses...cannot live with them, cannot kill them.
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Re:Switcharoo! 16 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 4
LC Rose wrote:
possessed wrote:
I would be Mokomoko-sama...
I'd be wrapped around Sesshoumaru permanently... and he strokes me so nicely when he's thinking! *sigh*
He is protective of Rin, but Mokomoko is the only thing he shows real affection for.
Oh that's a good one, Possessed. Can I be mokomoko with you? I want to be stroked nicely by Sesshoumaru, too!
**drools** Me three!
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