Reviews for Capital Offense by Oroyukae

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Walter205 (Chapter 1) - Sat 09 Jan 2010

 I had been wondering for a while if your prologue had been a prelude showing his time in jail that had been mentioned in the story, or it was the present for an event that had happened "back in time" during the story. Now we seem to be leaning torwards the latter. Looking for updates. =D

Waterunleashed (Chapter 20) - Sat 09 Jan 2010

NOOOOOOOO! Oh man that stupid bitca (Ms. Ueda) needs to drown. I'm really curious about what is going on with Miroku, is he really looking out for them I mean that is definataly his canon personality but something tells me that he is somehow involved with The Department. It's too convenient that he just happened to find the letters, he just happened to see Inuyasha going into her building. I know that he is a very observant guy but there are a lot of coincedenses. :( I really hope they don't suspect him. I love how you portray him, he really does need Kagome, she could bring him so much peace. But how to get them together and not have her die.... I really hope this story has a happy ending. Although I know a lot of your stories always seem hopeless in the middle which is why reading them is so great. I'm dying for the next update.

Lena (Chapter 20) - Sat 09 Jan 2010

Were do you come up with this  stuff? This is a great story, I actually follow this story religiously, Im going to be upset when I leave though I won't be able to read for a while. *sigh* Anywho keep up the great work and update soon.

Jenis Miranda (Chapter 19) - Sat 09 Jan 2010
love the story! i have stayed up all night to read it in its entirety. i'm hooked! cant wait for more! :)

loveyaa (Chapter 19) - Fri 08 Jan 2010

OoOooO...things are still heating up!! I wonder how much longer Sesshoumaru's band is gonna be able to control him? Well I can't wait to see how things calm down. til next time...

Sesshomaru (Chapter 19) - Fri 08 Jan 2010

Woah...I kind of expected that Hojo would end up dead!!  Please continue!

Tana_san (Chapter 19) - Fri 08 Jan 2010

Ok, I'm alittle worried right now. Kagome sent Sesshoumaru home and the first thing he does is remove his shirt and take a shower... Now anyone who who watches any type of police or Criminal Investigations programs knows that Sesshoumaru should have gone to some place OTHER than his own home and showered where no one knew who he was. He maybe could have called a friend and asked for clothes saying that he had a mishap of some sort and his clothes got too wet or soiled to make it home. I think he going home in in those clothes and showering will leave definate evidence behind that will surely implicate him IF he is suspect. InuYasha took the shirt and put it in a bag and put it in the trash when he should have taken it, hid it and gone somewhere to burn it, watching until it was thoroughly burned, as well as any other article of clothing or shoes that may have been splattered...on second throught, maybe he should burn his shoes too, as if they left any imprints behind can be traced back to Sesshoumaru.

I know that Sessh was distraught (or is confused a better discription?) because all these actions can and will come back to bite him in the butt if he's suspect.

What Kagome also made some grave errors in judgement when she was thinking of a way to make this believable. Sesshoumaru killed Hojo with his acidic whip, correct? If this IS the case, would not that leave behind some trace of his acid? There are other things I can point out but I'm sure that you already have this figured out and you totally enjoy seeing how many of us think of these things, especially because I know you love the CSI series and wish to get into that field of work.

So, I'm going to leave this here because otherwise I may add that I'm wondering if they put a tracking device on Sesshoumaru, oh and... see, there I go... And you wondered if we would enjoy this fic because it strays from the normal genre that these fics tend to use. I am getting quite the thrill at second guessing everything and seeing how close I come to seeing if I'm right.  JEN

LM Bluejay (Chapter 19) - Fri 08 Jan 2010

MORE!!! MORE!!! lol

Waterunleashed (Chapter 19) - Fri 08 Jan 2010

Ok so I just know Miroku incinerated that last letter about the boys cause he wouldn't just leave it lying around right? Poor Sesshomaru his world has gone completely bonkers and he has no idea what to do. Kagome is handling this pretty well but I guess that is because she will always put others before herself. I wonder if this is going to make Sesshomaru enforce the rule of we don't associate with Kagome or if he will drop it. Oh man I can't wait until they meet up again which probably won't be until she goes back to work. Please update soon I love this story.

Ceferadel (Chapter 19) - Fri 08 Jan 2010

wow. Kagome is my hero.

Ceferadel (Chapter 19) - Fri 08 Jan 2010

wow. Kagome is my hero.

Yudelle (Chapter 19) - Fri 08 Jan 2010

What an amazing chapter. I swear I'm like in love with this story, it's so good. I'am officially hooked. Lol. Nicely written. Good job. Keep up with the good writing. Can't wait for the next update.

X.xVictorianXRosex.X (Chapter 18) - Thu 07 Jan 2010

This story is so amazing! I look forward to seeing the email that says its been updated in my inbox everyday. I can't wait for more!!!! ^.^

tessahime (Chapter 18) - Thu 07 Jan 2010

Oh. My. God.  If you don't update within twenty-four hours, I will go insane.

LM Bluejay (Chapter 18) - Thu 07 Jan 2010

Go POISON WHIP!!! Hojo had it coming at some point in the story, better late than never. LOL. I simply adore the sweet bitter irony of Sesshomaru being the one to come to Kagome's aid rather than InuYasha. I look forward to more of you work.

Silver Silence 89 (Chapter 18) - Thu 07 Jan 2010


Seshiepersonalpriestess (Chapter 18) - Thu 07 Jan 2010

That was freakin AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ceferadel (Chapter 18) - Thu 07 Jan 2010

we'll damn! Quite impressive kill for still having that band on... I really hope he doesn't get put into jail... he better not! Kagome better do an excellent clean up and crime scene where she killed him and hopefully miroku will help too.

Valore (Chapter 18) - Thu 07 Jan 2010

DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hojo got fucked up lol


love the chapter can't WAIT for the next one <3

Tana_san (Chapter 18) - Thu 07 Jan 2010

Oh yeah, they'll know it was him. It will be easy to figure out. How many others of his kind are having trouble with that band recently? They just had him report for adjustments on the band and they'll figure that since Kagome works at the same place as he does it would stand to reason that they may know of each other.  I haven't a clue how Kagome can cover this up but I can't wait to find out.  JEN

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