Reviews for Capital Offense by Oroyukae

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Tana_san (Chapter 43) - Fri 12 Feb 2010

You know, you have no need to be worried about anyone losing interest in this fic just because the RW needs to come first. You are one of the only ones I know that posted practically everyday, so relax, we're here.

I think that Kagome has her hands full with trying to understand Kikyou and keep up what Kikyou is trying to teach her. It's difficult having to learn from someone who doesn't seem to like you and on top of that you're forced to live with that person. How can you learn what's required and needed if you know that you aren't wanted there? It seems as much as Kagome tries, she fails to measure up to Kikyou's standards. 

In a way I feel sorry for Kikyou. I don't know her full story but from what I do know, this organization has helped her become more angry and bitter than anything else. She isn't being used by The Department but she also doesn't have any "life" working with this organization. She still shouldn't take her frustrations out on Kagome and Shippou but I'm sure with Kagome's "way" of getting into people's lives, Kikyou will come around.

Look's like Sesshoumaru has found his first real friend in Sato. I like this guy. He has a genuine kind personality. He was able to get 'Tough as Nails" Sesshoumaru to calm down and talk reasonably to a point that Sessh was able to somewhat trust him and rely on his word. It was good to see that there wasn't any damage done by them having to subdue him again and that he was able to get his inner inu to understand come to an agreement to work with Sessh as the dominate personality.

I'm also glad he and Miroku were able to find an understanding of sorts and I was impressed that Miroku ripped into his superior and made him see the damage wasn't Sesshoumaru's fault but their's and that Miroku will have full discretion where Sesshoumaru is concerned. If Miroku can get Sesshoumaru's trust back, I think they'll make one major partnership of their own in freeing youkai from that band. I also loved the idea that Sesshoumaru got such a great suite to use while he trains. Miroku did a nice job acquiring that for him. I'm sure this is going to be the first taste of the finer way of living for our Inu.

Oh, one more thing, I'm so glad InuYasha is being "looked after". It's kind of neat that it's Mikaru that is watching over Yash like Sesshoumaru does. I just hope Sesshoumaru doesn't hold any resentment toward Mikaru for acting the part while really being free. Oh and when Kagome was having those intense thoughts about being with Sesshoumaru and Sesshoumaru kept feeling like something was off with his pack, was Sesshoumaru picking up Kagome's sex-sations?  JEN

Ceferadel (Chapter 43) - Thu 11 Feb 2010

awww!!! I'm about to cry... its just so beautiful!!

Kiri (Chapter 43) - Thu 11 Feb 2010
I know life gets in the way sometimes but glad to see the next chapter - more please!!!! Love this story! Still can't wait for the next chapter to be up! >^.^<

iloveprettysilverhair (Chapter 43) - Thu 11 Feb 2010

Another lovely chapter, though bittersweet I admit.  I feel so bad for the both of them!  All they want is to be together and they have to go through all that crap, it's sooooo not fair!

Wonderful job, can't wait to

kazenokoi (Chapter 43) - Thu 11 Feb 2010

I was so glad to see another chapter up! I can't wait for the big moment when Sessh and Kag finally get to see each other again. If your prior chapters are anything to go by, it's going to be amazing!

snowbird (Chapter 43) - Wed 10 Feb 2010

I guess it's time for Miroku to be forgiven.  This chapter showed a better light on him.

Kagome should not think Kikyo rude in ignoring her question since the answer was personal just like she refused to talk about Sesshoumaru which was personal to her.

Hoshi Phoenix (Chapter 43) - Wed 10 Feb 2010

Awesome chapter as always! So can't wait to see what happens next! :)

mary (Chapter 43) - Wed 10 Feb 2010

truly wonderful concept, expert execution. i hope this wins th dokuga award! 

moonlight's.kiss (Chapter 42) - Mon 08 Feb 2010

God, i wish i could update as often as you do. your story is awesome. completely and totally, no questions is your others i'v fallen in love with(: keep updating on super writer mode!

Kiri (Chapter 42) - Sat 06 Feb 2010
This is a wonderfully spun tale. I like it a lot - can hardly wait for the next installment! Keep up the good work! Wish I could be a beta for you - They always have the luck! Awaiting with bated breathe for the next chapter! >^.^<

snowbird (Chapter 42) - Sat 06 Feb 2010

I'm glad Sesshoumaru is playing it smart by not trusting them, especially Miroku.  He does seem to have taken to Sato, though.  I'm glad Miroku was decent enough to re-inforce Sesshoumaru's faith in Kagome. 

knifethrower (Chapter 42) - Fri 05 Feb 2010

I've read plenty of fanfics that have really unhappy endings, and I had a bad feeling that this was going to be one of them.  I had no idea how you would manage to make life bearable for our heroes in the world you created.  So now I'm giving a big sigh of relief, that hope is emerging. 

loveyaa (Chapter 41) - Thu 04 Feb 2010

OMG!! this just keeps getting better and better. I am on the edge of my seat waiting to see where things go from here and how long it will be until our star-crossed lovers will meet again. I love the progress that you are taking with Kagome and Shippou's relationship. It might just be my fav one. Anyway poor Miroku...and Kikyou (well a little). Hopefully there is going to be a happy ending in everybodies future :) til next time...

reveiwer579 (Chapter 41) - Thu 04 Feb 2010

your writing style is amazing and i'm completely in love with this story. i love how you made shippou so wonderfully innocent and sweet too(: great job and update soon.

WiccanMethuselah (Chapter 41) - Thu 04 Feb 2010

As far as *I'm* concerned, the last chapter let us know, quite succinctly, why Miroku couldn't risk telling either Kags or Sessh the whole plan.  I mean, obviously, they couldn't control themselves, even though he WARNED them big-time that there would be serious problems.  *I* think that, in order to keep the Department from being suspicious, this was the only way Miroku could have gone about it.  And we can't forget that he was acting on orders from above.  Not that I think his method was the best, but it seems to me, reading through it, that it was the only way he could clean up the mess and divert all suspicion.  Eh, but what do *I* know, huh? LOL!


This chapter was a wonderful way to let us know just WHY Kikyou is such a mean-spirited, controlling, demon-hating witch.  Obviously she has her reasons, but she's taking them out on the WRONG people, and I trust that coming chapters will make that even clearer to her... I'm rooting for a change of heart on her part.  Right?  I mean, c'mon, we ALL know that Kags has that effect on people.  After all, look how many tried to brush her off, shut her down, and (in Sessh's case, cut her off at the knees) with no luck whatsoever.  I'm betting that InuYasha ends up w/Kikyou... am I right???  Yeah, I know.  I should quit the speculating and let YOU, our esteemed authoress, tell the story!! ;)


I love Shippo's character in this story.  And *I* think it was a stroke of genius on your part to bring him in that way!!  Pure genius.  Still, it left the little guy a bit conflicted, but that's par for the course for one of your stories!  Your characters all have to go through a lot of soul-searching before they find their way, don't they?  And it's SOOO true of ALL of us.  I like it... VERY MUCH SO!!


Thank you for another EXCELLENT installment, dear friend... I will be eagerly awaiting more as your schedule permits.  I can hardly wait to see how you get Sessh to agree to his training... and how you get him to KEEP from killing Miroku, *snerk*!



Ceferadel (Chapter 41) - Thu 04 Feb 2010

naughty naughty kikyou. And her fluffy better come for her! As we all know he will finish his training first since he's such a perfectionist. Then it will rain blood for him to find her mwahha

snowbird (Chapter 40) - Tue 02 Feb 2010

I have to agree with Sesshoumaru's opinion on this freedom organization.  I don't like their tactics either.  Even when I'd eventually join and be trained by them, I still would not trust or like them.  Also, I would never trust or be friends with Miroku.  Also, he is not the demon expert he thought he was.  I'm just highly irritated and pissed at the whole bunch for the way they went about the handling of Sesshoumaru and Kagome.  I don't care what excuses they come up with, it could have been handled better and with less mental anguish on the lover's part.  I'm afraid my first impressions of this organization is going to stay with me throughout the rest of the story.

Tana_san (Chapter 40) - Tue 02 Feb 2010

*bows respectfully* I stand corrected, but I noticed I was not the only one who saw what Miroku was doing as stupid and wrong. I can now understand the reasoning behind the separation but as Sesshoumaru said, they were not informed why they should not couple, they were just warned it wasn't a good idea. Full disclosure could have prevented any of this, even if Miroku told only Sesshoumaru since when they talked in Miroku's office it was agreed that a union wasn't going to happen.

Hope Bunny is feeling better now and you as well. Hugs and prayers for good health and easy learning for you both!  JEN

Snowfall (Chapter 40) - Mon 01 Feb 2010

Awesome, action-packed chapter!  I can tell that you worked really hard on it.  Thanks for explaining the reasoning behind taking Sesshoumaru the way they did.  It makes sense.  Arrogance had gotten the better of him.  Everything was so intense! Wow, Miroku almost bit the dust!  That was close.  I hope the inhibitor isn't permanent.  I'll have to go back and check to see what you've said about it before because it seemed rather bad, though I doubt that Sesshoumaru couldn't overcome it.  You did a wonderful job with detail and description.  I could see everything in my mind.

I love Sato, too, and hope to see more of him.  He's a real sweetheart.  That boss needs to have his ass kicked, though.  Nice little tidbit about Kikyou's seclusion.  I sure worry about Kagome being with her.  She seems so cold.

The ending was amusing.  Miroku's laying there in pain while the other two have a discussion, but I'm sure that discussion is very necessary.  I can't wait for them to get Inuyasha out.  Please don't kill him!  You've made him into such a sweetie.  ^_^

snowbird (Chapter 39) - Sat 30 Jan 2010

I just had to add another review after reading the other reviews.  Tana_san and sweetest angel expressed my sentiments exactly about the situation that Miroku has created.  I especially agree with Tana_san's review.  Miroku has created his own 'Frankenstein' situation and seems completely oblivious to it.  He's so pompously confident that he is in control.  He is the one responsible for the injury and death that Sesshoumaru has caused since his capture.  Hopefully something will occur to bring Miroku back to his common sense to realize what a screw-up he's made in his handling of Sesshoumaru and Kagome.

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