Reviews for Capital Offense by Oroyukae

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88pieces (Chapter 52) - Wed 24 Feb 2010

so the letter was changed!!!  but why??????????!!!!!!!!

Ceferadel (Chapter 52) - Wed 24 Feb 2010

Poor Fluffy and Kagome... :( Someone is really trying to mess with what they have going. Sessh needs to escape and run to her or Kagome needs to go after the damn inu!

Tana_san (Chapter 52) - Wed 24 Feb 2010

Oh my whoever it was that took that letter from Sesshoumaru knew that he was going to write Kagome and deliberately kept Miroku in that meeting. Hmmm, it's still a bit confusing how who ever it was knew Sessh would come looking for Miroku so the letter could be intercepted and switched but I'm sure it'll be made clear soon.

I told you I didn't like Sesshoumaru letting Kagome go but I could understand him actually doing that for her sake. I guess the person/persons who are wanting to cause trouble figured if Sesshoumaru lost it and went outside of the facility that the whole organization would be brought down and Sesshoumaru being the strongest youkai they ever encountered would be killed.

What a twist this is taking. I must say, I am most happy that Sessh was actually writing to tell Kagome he wanted her as his mate. I can't wait to see how this works out.   JEN

ceres (Chapter 52) - Wed 24 Feb 2010

I really fell for it. The one who wrote the letter really must know Sesshoumaru because the words and the writing was Sesshoumaru´s and the situation was really fitting. I still don´t believe it´s Miroku, he saw how both of them reacted as Kagome tought he died and Sesshoumaru because of the seperation and he is not a cruel person. It must be Mikaru or someone high up in Kisho. Mikaru because he knows the brothers well and their situation, too. I don´t believe it´t Sango either, she doesn´t know Sesshoumaru so how could she have known how to write like him or what he would say?

Damn Miroku, just when he needed to be really cautious he fails and the two who didn´t do anything wrong have to live through agony just because he was careless. I hope he will get wise really fast, he has to see that something is really wrong. The same with Inuyasha, he is the only one who will know that the letter is not from his brother when his scent is missing.

It´s been so long that a story had me on coals, damn you´re really good and this story is your best.

aj (Chapter 1) - Wed 24 Feb 2010

ok now i'm confused about the letters. he was expecting her to be upset, but he was mad that she dumped him. yet he send her the letter about them getting married and having puppies, but he didn't want anything to do with her anymore. or is their a rat i sence? that will add to the story?

kagomesirene (Chapter 52) - Wed 24 Feb 2010

crycrycrycrycrycrycrycrycrycrycrycry...why'ooooooo why...crycrycrycrycrycrycrycrycrycrycrycry


sooo sad...i feared that the letter might have been replaced, but that means that the mole is very very high up O.o or that they think sesshou so important that they won't accept him leaving for kagome and want him to fight for youkai liberation

cannot wait to read more soon

snowbird (Chapter 52) - Wed 24 Feb 2010

Oh forgive me Sesshoumaru!  I was so GLADLY very wrong.  Whew!  After reading some of the other reviews about someone else re-writing his letter, made me begin to have doubts, too.  He was merely acting 'guilty' over his confession about his past to her and not about sending her a breakup letter.  I have a suspicion as to who might have done this terrible thing.  She knows Kagome and her romance details with Sesshoumaru.  The thought occurred to me while she was asking if the blood bond could be broken.  Sango.  She could easily have access to anything in Miroku's possession.  If it was Sango, Kagome will be hurt and feel betrayed, but more than that, Miroku will be deeply hurt.  Horrors!  I just had a thought.  She might even be the mole!  I hope not because Miroku loves her so much.  I was wrong about Sesshoumaru being the writer of such a terrible letter, so I hope I'm wrong about her.  I hope Inuyasha gets his hands on the letter Kagome has because he will be suspicious it is a fake, I hope.  He knows his brother and hopefully his handwriting and will not believe he wrote it.  I wonder if Kagome's letter was re-wrote to make it worse than the original.  Pleeeeease, have something happen soon to clear up this terrble plot to tear them apart.  I don't want them to go for months or longer thinking they were betrayed by the other.  That's so heartbraking and makes me want to cry.  It makes me want to tear this 'other person' into little pieces.

Moonlit Rose (Chapter 52) - Wed 24 Feb 2010

Hold Up! Wait a minute! I like Starlyte now. I had to go back and read chapter 49 again cause something aint right. That is not what kagome read. Those letters had to have gotten switched.  i bet it was that dude who was supposed to had that letter to miroku. That is so mess up. man.....Oh well can't wait for the next chapter.

Starlyte (Chapter 52) - Wed 24 Feb 2010

OMG did someone switch the letters?! After reading this chapter i had to go back and re-read chapter 49 to make sure what the letter Kagome had read said again, because it sure wasn't what Sesshomaru thinks he write. Then i thought nah maybe i just read that chapter wrong, but noooooo, which means someone has definitely swapped the letters, or Sesshomaru is confused about what he wrote? Aaaaahhhh this is confusing and slightly hurting my head trying to work it out, but at the same time the suspense and intrigue is Awesome!!!!!! Your writting is amazing, and im greatful you update this frequently!! Thanks once again!!!

TheWonderCage (Chapter 52) - Wed 24 Feb 2010

OOH! You got me! I was already up in arms about Sesshoumaru being such an ass. Although, I had a nagging feeling that, that was actually the case. (the letter switch-e-roo) OOOHHH MMMAAANNN!! I can't wait to see what happens next!! :D

sweetest angel (Chapter 52) - Wed 24 Feb 2010

So the letter she read wasn't from him? But does the letter he received was really from her? if not then that mean the responsable is Miroku (for the exchange). the  "not leaving smell on the letter to not bother his beast" seems fishy for me. it's suspicious. But at the same time, miroku had a strange glint in his eyes when he talked about the letter of sesshomaru as if he knew what was inside but when she read it, what was inside couldn't explain his comportment. And just when he was needed, miroku had just disappear.

Would they bend so low just to insure that sess and kag stay to work with the organisation? after all, the superiors weren't all to happy with the idea of after all the hard work to train sesshomaru they would not win anything in return.

or was it a way to make him lost it?

GAH! the possibilities are endless and giving me headache! lol please, update as soon as it is humanly possible to! I'm begging you! I really can't wait for the moment when sesshomaru and everyone will know about the pups or when they will know everything and see each other again!

Kristina Kimball (Chapter 52) - Wed 24 Feb 2010

good job so far...I have been thinking on the last few chapters with the letter exhcange...i had a feeling that sesshomaru's letter was switched...i feel bad for them both...he should ask the guy who he gave the letter to...

good job and update soon

Snowfall (Chapter 52) - Wed 24 Feb 2010

So, that bastard that took his letter made a switch?  Was Miroku in on it?  It's all so confusing!  You have me on the edge of my seat.  Now, I don't even know if what Sesshoumaru received was really her letter.  This is bad-very, very bad.  Can't wait to see what happens next!  ^_^

GlassDoll (Chapter 52) - Wed 24 Feb 2010

I knew the letter was switched! I just knew it! I'm addicted to this story, so much that I'm getting frustrated that all these obsticles keep forming to split them apart. Sato better locate Miroku fast or get basic info because this is just killing me. Keep up the great work!

iloveprettysilverhair (Chapter 51) - Tue 23 Feb 2010

Argh, so frustrating!  Seems as Sesshoumaru is having some sympathy pains :D  I'm very interested to see how Kagome responded, poor girl! 

Another great chapter, keep up the amazing work!

kagomesirene (Chapter 51) - Tue 23 Feb 2010

susssssssssssssssssssssssssspeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeence is killing me....argh... >.< these letters haunt me day and night...did sesshoumaru really wrote that letter...did he recieve kagomes real letter...

please update soon ; ) i know i don't need to beg you cause you're nice and update pretty fast anyway *lol*

Ceferadel (Chapter 51) - Tue 23 Feb 2010

I can't wait for our favorite stubborn male to finally figure out Kagome is pregnant. And Kagome must be dying inside, I know I would. I would live for my children and only my children. Its how I am now, but instead of having actually kids its my horse, bunny and cat lol.

DawnFire_ice (Chapter 51) - Tue 23 Feb 2010

Argh!! The suspense is driveing me crazy. I agree with the other reviews though. I am certain that her letter is going to piss him off or leave him completely confused. And poor Kagome pregnancy is hard, let alone on her own with twins. Sessh is really going to feel like a heel though when he finds out ... Keep up the great story! ^_^

Walter205 (Chapter 51) - Tue 23 Feb 2010

 OoOOooh, liar liar pants on fire!!! Miroku never told Kagome to conceal her scent (at least that we don't know about, anyways). Hmm, this gets more and more interesting. I'm guessing Miroku had both letters replaced, probably on orders from someone higher up than even his supervisor, judging from the conversation he had just before he talked to Sesshomaru for the final time. And to address previous reviewers, since I don't have any other means of getting messages to them, he probably thought this message would distress her because he was frank about how much he missed her and wished he could be with her, I imagine Kagome would find that very upsetting. =D

Zyren (Chapter 51) - Tue 23 Feb 2010

ok now im really thrown he knows what he wrote would upset her, and we all know Sess isnt good with words. hmmmm maybe the letter wasnt tampered with, i still dont like that guy that gave it to Miroku i just dont trust that he wasnt up to something. and now im really curious to know what Kagome wrote, I hope it pisses Sesshoumaru off and he forces Miroku to take him to her. I really dont want this little spat to be dragged out for too long.

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