Reviews for Capital Offense by Oroyukae

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snowbird (Chapter 54) - Sat 27 Feb 2010

Now I'm on the edge of my seat, holding my breath in suspension.  I'm so worried that something will happen to interrupt Sato's plans.  I'm so afraid that whoever's behind all this will somehow get suspicious of Sato and try to stop him.  This someone could be on the committee that wants to keep them both as warriors for the liberation, a committee that is suspiciously keeping Miroku busy and away from them.  This may not even have anything to do with the 'mole'.  I just know  that I'm not going to relax until Sato talks with Kagome.  Even that won't be easy.  She's not going to want to open up to a stranger.  The suspense has me all tensed up inside. 

moonlight's.kiss (Chapter 53) - Sat 27 Feb 2010

aaack! at least some kind of blooming happiness is going on... cough... i simply can't wait until kikyou and inuyasha get together! it's gonna be too cute. uggh... now if only Kagome would tell inuyasha about the break up so , maybe he could go and see sesshomaru and this whole thing would be happy again. but then you'd probably sad-ify it once more by killing shippou or something! sad sad sad atmosphere... i still admire your writing skills, they are magnificent! update soon, the next chapter is needed! 

snowbird (Chapter 53) - Sat 27 Feb 2010

Kagome needs to get her head screwed on straight where the pups are concerned.  I know she's depressed and unhappy right now but she should think of what's best for the health of the pups.  She needs to eat more even if she's not hungry, take the herbs and vitamins, and not push herself so hard to train.  Inuyasha's warning her and she'd better listen.  I wish he'd come across the letter and read it.

I thought it cute the way things are beginning to change between him and Kikyou.

Eve (Chapter 53) - Fri 26 Feb 2010

Yah another great chapter!  I love it when you can get them out fast like that!  This is one of my favorites!  Keep them coming please!  What a great story!


If you ever need a back up beta person let me know!  Love to help!


Kiri Kyohaku

Snowfall (Chapter 53) - Fri 26 Feb 2010

Yay!  Kikyou is finally warming up!  That's really nice.  And, if Kagome and Sesshoumaru would confide in someone, the treachery would be found out.  Stubborn mules.  I have to wonder why Kagome isn't hungry.  That's really odd.  Inuyasha is doing a wonderful job.  I'm so proud of him!  And, I wish Shippou would stay away from that cave.  I have a really bad feeling about it.

Zyren (Chapter 52) - Thu 25 Feb 2010

I TOLD YOU SO!!!!  well maybe not you since you wrote this and already know but i knew it too. I knew Sessh couldnt be that much of a bastard but I can imagine that Kagome may have said some pretty cold things to him that would have him off in a rage.  ugh. i cant wait for the next chapter....oh yea and hasnt anyone noticed Kagome is missing from her usual life? doesnt that look suspicious, I feel like people should be looking for her....

katlady (Chapter 52) - Thu 25 Feb 2010

i just thought I'd  let you know  you are  truely evil...making kagome  read the  wrong  letter  you  had me  thinking my dear fluffy lord was a bastard. SHAME  ON YOU!!!


:P  but  I llove you all the  same now cause now I  know  what he TRUELY wrote I must  ask  casue    my fluffy cat  who i named sesshoumaru is looking at me insane caus e I SCREAMED what!!!?

and then screamed "SERIOUSLY!!"


How in the  world are ou going to fix this? Is  Inuyasha  going to find the letter that Kagome has and Sent the  diffireance or  is he and Kikyo going to be to into them selfs to really notice  what shes going through.

  all in all good  job update soon

Yulimon (Chapter 52) - Thu 25 Feb 2010

uh oh! they just can't catch a break can they?

great chapters! i luv your updating schedule.

Tal (Chapter 52) - Wed 24 Feb 2010

Ha!  I knew it, when Sesshoumaru didn't hand the letter directly to Miroku, that there was something fishy that was gonna happen!  And I was right!  I've been lurking on this story, and been enjoying it.  :)  Hoo boy, Sesshy's gonna be PISSED when he finds out who switched his letter!

snowbird (Chapter 52) - Wed 24 Feb 2010

I've been thinking about Kagome's letter to Sesshoumaru since my review yesterday.  I suspect her's was replaced also, because she would have made some reference to one or more of the contents in 'his letter'.  That would have made him suspicous and upset in a different way so the 'suspect' had to have made a switch either while it was in Miroku's possession or while Sesshoumaru slept in the infirmary with the letter on the table next to him.  I may be wrong but I don't think it's Miroku. 

2lazy2login (Chapter 52) - Wed 24 Feb 2010

ah, someone screwed around with sess's letter!  oooh boy... I wonder if the same was done for Kagome's if hers was real...

Sesshomaru (Chapter 52) - Wed 24 Feb 2010

Oh, MAN....poor Sesshomaru...poor Kagome! Eagerly awaiting the next chapter!

nightmareofcat (Chapter 52) - Wed 24 Feb 2010

ok i must say im absolutely freakin obsessed with this story, i find myself checking the site multiple times a day to see if you have updated.

ok so we have see the letter that kags recieved and the letter that sess actually wrote, so when we gonna figgure out when they were switched and what did the letter from kags say to set him off like that? 

your killing me here, the suspense is terrible!!!

Megan (Chapter 51) - Wed 24 Feb 2010

Who swapped the letters? Miroku must die for this. >=I What?

iloveprettysilverhair (Chapter 52) - Wed 24 Feb 2010

I KNEW IT!  The letters were switched!  It was the guy he gave the letter to (the director?), he put it in his folder when Sesshoumaru gave it to him, he must have had the fake one in there!  I knew it, I knew it, I knew it!  *breathes*  Ahem.  Anywho, I feel so bad for them!  I hope it doesn't take too long to get things worked out, they need some good lovin' with each other.  They deserve it.

Great chapter!

moonlight's.kiss (Chapter 52) - Wed 24 Feb 2010

Sesshomaru's letter was too sweet. now if only it got to Kagome rite? why why why the sad parts, everything was going so well! i am too curious to know who this master mind is that is trying to ruin everything... and i really really hope this sad spell doesn't last too long. even though i know it will. update soon!

Fluffy (Chapter 52) - Wed 24 Feb 2010


I think I know what's going on!!! Are they trying to get them to break up? Because if not that, then I am down-right LOST.

Thanks :)


Patricia (Chapter 52) - Wed 24 Feb 2010

aw poor sesshomaru!!!!!!!!!

that was so cute! he really dose still love her, he was gonna go after her and figure it out! unlike kags who just gave up.

how are they gonna figure this out? who set them up?

hes happy about the pups! i hope he finds out soon before they are born. 

Eve (Chapter 52) - Wed 24 Feb 2010

Ow something tells me that you can't trust the guy Sess gave the letter to.......  sounds like a good place to start looking for the mole.....hahaha


Keep up the great story!  I can hardly wait for the next chapter.  >^.^<


Silver Silence 89 (Chapter 52) - Wed 24 Feb 2010



Poor Sess....poor Kags..... :-(

Can't wait to see what happens

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