Reviews for Capital Offense by Oroyukae

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Miyuki-chan (Chapter 58) - Thu 04 Mar 2010

I love the story line i don't think i've ever read anything like it. Awesome job. Please update again soon.

stars (Chapter 58) - Thu 04 Mar 2010

please data

DaichiChiru13 (Chapter 58) - Thu 04 Mar 2010

You're writing is so good! You always end on a great note too, I read your fics when I should be studying for my finals. Alas.

sesshys_mad_hatter (Chapter 58) - Thu 04 Mar 2010

tomgs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! quit with the damn cliff hangers!!!!!!! this is my favorite story seriously its the first story i check when i wake up and before i go to bed!!! so question does sesshomaru faint when inuyasha tells him kagome is pregnant with twins? lol thats what my husband did when i told him i was pregnant and he acts just like sesshomaru... it would be funny to see the "killing perfection faint because he is going to be a father 

Ceferadel (Chapter 58) - Thu 04 Mar 2010

that was oh so cruel to leave us at such a climax of this chapter!! But, as a writer its simply brilliant since I'll be stalking dokuga all day and tomorrow hoping to find out what Sessh's reaction will be. Once again you write so flawlessly and know just how to suck a reader into your vortex. Keep up the magnificent work. :)

Valore (Chapter 58) - Thu 04 Mar 2010

omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ceres (Chapter 58) - Thu 04 Mar 2010

Gah!!! How could you stop there, that´s cruel! At least now Sesshoumaur knows why Kagome "broke up" with him and that there is someone who is plotting against him leaving the organisation.

Why is Sango acting so bitchy? It´s not if Miroku is cheating on her and his work is really important to everyones well being. She should be glad that he´s showing her how much he loves her as often as he can, other women are not so lucky and don´t have such a wonderful male as Miroku as a partner. Sorry, but she´s acting like a spoiled bitch.

Damn, I´m really dieing to read more.

snowbird (Chapter 58) - Thu 04 Mar 2010

Yip, yip, hooray!!!  I'd whistle if I could.  Everything is finally coming out into the open.  Now, I bet Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha will go after poor Miroku but I still believe him to be innocent.  My money is still on Sango.

iloveprettysilverhair (Chapter 58) - Thu 04 Mar 2010

Holy sh!t what a way to break the news!  OMG I'm sooooo glad that it's finally out in the open, I just wonder how Sesshoumaru is going to react O_o  I can't wait to find out!

Wonderful chapter :D

Neva (Chapter 57) - Wed 03 Mar 2010

Oh i can noooot waaait for the next chapter! Fantastic story, sucked me right in :)

ceres (Chapter 57) - Wed 03 Mar 2010

Yes! Finally some progress for Kagome and Sesshoumaru. It´s been so long since they were together and then everything went downhill. Poor Kagome and Sesh, it´s time that they see a little bit of light after all they went through. Damn, it´s so hard to wait even though you update so fast.

iloveprettysilverhair (Chapter 57) - Wed 03 Mar 2010

FINALLY we're gonna get some answers! (I hope I hope I hope).  I'm dying for some Sess/Kag action!  22 chapters of no Sess/Kag is torture!  The need some them time.

Wonderful chapter :)  Keep up the great work!

Valore (Chapter 57) - Wed 03 Mar 2010

ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh i wanna knoooooooooooooooooooooooooow what happens!!!!! like now D: this is gunna be gooooooooooooooooooooooooooood <3

chika1345 (Chapter 3) - Tue 02 Mar 2010

That's right Kagome! No one picks on nana! poor kags, she's kinda in the same fix as them with keeping her powers under wraps except she actually gets to use hers in private. nice story

chika1345 (Chapter 2) - Tue 02 Mar 2010

Ahhh! Another great chapter! man i love this! kaggy's weird in general but a good weird! yay she's befriended yasha!

chika1345 (Chapter 1) - Tue 02 Mar 2010

EPIC STORY! Just stared reading this and it is unbelievable awesome! man that opening chapter was soooo kool! poor sessh, that's sad about inupapa but man this was good!

iloveprettysilverhair (Chapter 56) - Tue 02 Mar 2010

Awwwwwwww!  InuYasha and Kikyo are so cute XD  I hope Kagome interrupting didn't completely put Kikyo's feeling on hold.

I can't wait for the Shishi to talk to her, if he gets a chance.  I want to see Kagome and Sesshoumaru together again!  Or at lease awaiting each other for their time to come around.

Another wonderful chapter Miss O!

Tana_san (Chapter 56) - Tue 02 Mar 2010

Yeee Haaa!!!! Go Kikyou! I agree with InuYasha, Kagome has some bad timing. I'm sure Inu is experienced enough to get the girl to change her mind if she shys away from him now. I'd be embarassed too if I got caught kissing someone I've lead everyone to believe I dislike. I liked the first encounter though. Who would of thought her to be one to steal a kiss from a sleeping person, let alone a hanyou?

It's also nice that Sato found another of his own kind. I'm rather curious as to how much he's going to find out before he actually talks to Kagome. Hope he's not sitting in that tree when he discovers Kagome's pregnant. I can just imagine him almost falling out of the tree...

Well, I'd love to write more but I've ended up with a severe sinus infection and need to rest but when PJ said you updated, I just could not resist...JEN

Eve (Chapter 56) - Tue 02 Mar 2010

OMG !  I'm laughing so hard right now!!!!!

Another Great Chapter!

Love this fic 

Awaiting with baited breath for the next chapter to this saga!

Your very avid reader!


Kiri Kyohaku

Silver Silence 89 (Chapter 56) - Tue 02 Mar 2010

Go Yasha, Go Yasha, its ur birthday, Go Yasha!!!!!!!!!!!!


Oh yes!!!! Love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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