Sesshomaru and his shenanigans.
That's right Kagome, he isn't just any youkai, he is a Lord! Surprise, surprise!
Now it's moving.
Now he will have a friend.
Aw where's the faith Sesshomaru, ;). I'm really enjoying this story of yours.
lol! loving the story!
Ashatan (Chapter 24) - Fri 27 Nov 2015
I couldn't stop reading! ! ! I'm really curious as to how things turn out! How much longer till Kagome finds out Seshoumaru has a humanoid form!?! And how old are they?
Wow slow much kagome? Ha-ha and thanks for answering my question.
Lol. Love the ending to this one.
Aw he's so good to her.
This last chap who spoke the last line? Kagome or sesshy?
Oooo... the plot thickens. Can't wait to see what happens next.
Loving this so far! Please update soon!
Miss all of your stories <3
i would love if you could update this fan fic its awesome and im intriged i wanna know what happens
Wouldn't mind an update.
Thought this fic was awesome.
Keep it coming.
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