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Loveyaa (Chapter 7) - Thu 05 May 2011

And the decision has been made...and it seems that all that matter approve of it. I wonder how Sesshoumaru's mother will really take this when she has Kagome to herself for tea. Let the real fun begin now. I wonder how Sesshoumaru will initiate her and how Kagome will take it. I can't wait for the next set of worries to hit Kagome :)

janjan (Chapter 7) - Thu 05 May 2011

AWesome!!! cant wait for next chapter!! update soon!

Forfirith (Chapter 7) - Thu 05 May 2011

UhUhm~! Me gusta!

Lovelly chapter dear. Can't wait for the next one!

Eve Nighte (Chapter 7) - Thu 05 May 2011

Another wonderful chapter! I felt the intensity of the situation and even though I knew Sesshomaru would pick Kagome (as did Kagome), there was a part of me still hoping he wouldn't change his mind.

The character of Chiyoko is a wonderful addition to the story (she seems like the perfect bitch lol) and I loved the little outburst from Kagome - I did a little happy dance that our Kagome wasn't just going to stand there and take it.

Also, now that the announcement has been made, I hope the lemons are coming! >D

Keep up the great work :]

P.S. Congratualations on the nominations - you definitely deserve it!

Nikki (Chapter 7) - Thu 05 May 2011

Great story, very well written can't wait to see what you do next!! ^_^ Please update soon

Treece (Chapter 6) - Mon 02 May 2011

I only have one thing to say: More.

Julie (Chapter 6) - Sun 01 May 2011

this story is amazing so captivating. I cant wait to see how well you write a lemon. I love how intelligent Kagome is in this story. 

PLEASE dont stop writing honestly i have had my heart broken so many times by writers who lost motivation! and i cant bear it if that hapens to you too! so I love your writings :)


Aurora Antheia Raine (Chapter 6) - Thu 28 Apr 2011

Wonderful chapter! I loved it, as always. I love how Kagome keeps trying to defend her intelligence but I love, even more, how Sesshoumaru just completely tuned her out and let his thoughts run away with him. I adore your use of vocabulary and your writing style, it really adds a little something extra to this already amazing story. I'm definitely looking forward to the next chapter. =) Keep up the great work.

jojo661538 (Chapter 6) - Thu 28 Apr 2011

yay i finally refound your story its been a while i really really love your story keep up the great work i hope to read more soon ^_^ oh and my pup is also named shadow the only  thing is that shes female

JeniNeji (Chapter 6) - Wed 27 Apr 2011

This was an extremely good chapter :) I loved it !

Eve Nighte (Chapter 6) - Wed 27 Apr 2011

Another awesome chapter! I loved the switch in point of views -  we FINALLY know what Sesshomaru thinks of Kagome and I have to admit, I was blushing at all of his thoughts =^_^=. I can only imagine my reaction when those thoughts become long, heated nights (probably will faint) lol.

It was nice to see Kagome finally let loose and just be herself - her confident, emotionally, "wont-take-'hn'-for-an-answer" self lol. You definitely kept Kagome and Sesshomaru in character the entire time; job well done!!

Thank you for the early update! I came home from an exam and I was SO happy to see that this story was up-dated :D

Keep up the amazing work :)

P.S. I'm hoping that the next chapter (or the one after that) has some lemony goodness >D

P.P.S. Shadow is adorable!! ^_^

WildcatYST (Chapter 6) - Wed 27 Apr 2011

This chapter was perfect! I don't think the dinner between Kagome and Sesshoumaru could have been any better. Can't wait for more!

Mia (Chapter 3) - Wed 27 Apr 2011

love ur story wanted 2 wait and review till d whole story was over but could not had 2 give u thanks on ur awesome work and i do agree with u no 3 somes i not a 3 some person it leads out in a diasaster no i hav not had 3 some be 4 but ppl i no did and it was really bad especially if u r in a conitted relationship so my thanks to ur awesome writing if u feel like doin a 3 some 4 d next chap feel free 2 do so i will review  love ur story keep up the excellent work untill next time u know u love me i love your storues at least angain keep up d good work.







                                                                                                                                           LOVE AND ADMIRE

                                                                                                                                         ME MIA LOVE U HAHA

                                                                                                                                         MY BF BEING AN ASS

                                                                                                                                         WANTS ME TO COME @

                                                                                                                                         HIS HOUSE NOT HAPPENING


Mia (Chapter 3) - Wed 27 Apr 2011

love ur story wanted 2 wait and review till d whole story was over but could not had 2 give u thanks on ur awesome work and i do agree with u no 3 somes i not a 3 some person it leads out in a diasaster no i hav not had 3 some be 4 but ppl i no did and it was really bad especially if u r in a conitted relationship so my thanks to ur awesome writing if u feel like doin a 3 some 4 d next chap feel free 2 do so i will review  love ur story keep up the excellent work untill next time u know u love me i love your storues at least angain keep up d good work.







                                                                                                                                           LOVE AND ADMIRE

                                                                                                                                         ME MIA LOVE U HAHA

                                                                                                                                         MY BF BEING AN ASS

                                                                                                                                         WANTS ME TO COME @

                                                                                                                                         HIS HOUSE NOT HAPPENING


Loveyaa (Chapter 6) - Wed 27 Apr 2011

I had read ur story earlier and am quite estatic that you have decided to continue the story and updated. I find this story really entertaining. It is not all bout the physical pleasure that comes with being a concubine but there is enough hinting at it to keep things lively and really interesting. I can't wait to see how Sesshoumaru declares his choice and what he will put Kagome through after that. I eagerly look forward to what comes next as Im sure so does Kagome and Kotono (I like the relationship that you have created there) and all the goodies that will be learnt about Sesshoumaru :)

Chie (Chapter 6) - Wed 27 Apr 2011

I've been reading this pretty much since the beginning and it is VERY rare for me to start on incomplete stories. I probably should already have left a review before to tell you that I am really enjoying this story - but unfortunately I'm a very bad reader and hopelessly lazy, too.

But I decided to correct that. :3 This is really a great story and I have great interest in seeing where you will take it. I really like your writing style, and I adore the details and the thought you have put into the setting. You also handle your OCs really well, and Kotono is very interesting. The inclusion of Go as a way of assessing the candidates was particularly clever, and thought it was a really nice touch. All in all, this is a very good read, and I wish you the best of luck with it. :3

Lory (Chapter 6) - Wed 27 Apr 2011

I have read all your stories so far, and I have to tell you, from the bottom of my heart that I trully admire your style and they way your stories always evolve. You make it sound like a river that is peacefully comming down it's path, without any disturbance from the outside world. What shocks me to no end, because I am - and I hate to admit it - a very heavy reader, is that you always surprise me and you practicaly suck me into your stories every time I start reading.

I trully adore this story and the way Kagome seems to intrigue the Lord. But the finest touch to this story is Lady Kotono, who, by all means, seems to capture my heart as a feminine character, even if your version of Kagome is definetely gorgeous :D

So, if you accept this meek apreciation from my side, I would encourage you to write more and sooner, because you make me want to read more with every chapter.

I may sound selfish, much like any other reader here, but please, for the sake of this semi-sane person that writes this lines, could you make it more... sexyer? I would like to see what Sesshomaru is going to do to this little ningen of his. I just can't wait :D


Gambate and I hope your muse never dies XD


~Lots of love from one of your readers, one that will never leave your side XD

*stalker mode!* Oh, and your puppy is adorable :x I have one too, but it's older and fluffier :D

You two, take care in the future *hugs*

Syl (Chapter 6) - Wed 27 Apr 2011

YAY!! An update and again shaking my fist at the screen >.<. Love it. Her temper cracks me up and Sesshoumaru has himself a dirty mind, no? :P MOAR. >:3

KT (Chapter 6) - Wed 27 Apr 2011

=D  Awww!!! Thanks for the early update! Made my day again. What I really like about your story is that it brings up the anticipation, while leaving us pondering what could possibly happen next! Every chapter makes me just want to find out how it will progress and... it can just be summed up to one word....    AWESOME!!!!!!!!


I can't wait to find out what happens next!

Lillian (Chapter 6) - Wed 27 Apr 2011

I love this story, and I love A Restless Night's Dream! I started reading your stories before  ARND had been finished, and I love your style and ideas. They are so creative!

You might know me as Sascha-sama... ;)



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