omg sesshy cried....
Holyyyy Crap!!!! Awesome chapter!!!! But I hate the cliffy >:l and I can't believe Sesshy was crying!!! Wow :O
God gah Kagome!! You are so stubborn. She is so true to character with her bull headedness you put in there. I like it lots. Can't see her being anything other than that. And Sesshomaru's timeliness to be there in time before she was attacked? Could there be some possible connection between them already? Maybe from the mating, perhaps? I did enjoy the idea of his anger being sparked by both her actions and those of the dwarf youkai. He got a wee possesive and authoritative and THAT is the lord I occasionally miss from this story. lol
The mystery is getting bigger and bigger around Kyoshi! The wee one is making himself a deciding factor into the direction his parents' interactions go. I don't honestly think it's easy to make an unborn child an effective plot device, but it's happenin!! In a really good way. Sesshomaru's first tears! Can't say I was expecting that range of emotion so soon. How will he handle this? How can he continue the same? Will he?
Also, I don't see how pickin up the pace (as mentioned here) will do any good to this story. From the get go, there was mention that this would take a lot of time before there was any hint of romantic feeling between the two. And it makes sense, there's no reason to rush that. There should be well thought out reasons to bring it to that point and I'm all for reading several more chapters of development. This even had an altercation in it that didn't involve Kagome crying into the floor and Sesshomaru leaving to "go get some smokes" (heh). I'm learning to expect curveballs from the author. She's good at that.
Poor Sesshomaru. That's really sad. I feel bad for him.
WOah!! that was such an intense chapter! wow does this mean he feels what kagomes feeling like shes suffocating?
hmm I dunno i supose Ill find out soon!
Cant wait for more!
should have known you had updated you reply to reviews when you update.
Sesshomaru CRYING??? You know if Kagome saw that she could likely forgive him.
And my little theory from my last review, im not going to forget it mate.
What i want to know why Sesshomaru hand got burnt? Did Kiyoshi do it? or Kagome. and if the pup did it why would he hurt his own father?
Keep up the good work, I want to see them come to Australia.
Woe, now, if Kagome could only see Sesshoumaru crying, maybe, she could learn to forgive. This was absolutely a fantastic chapter with endless possibilities!
could you please take it up a notch?
ouf ! tellement de tension dans l'air ! les passages où ils doivent se toucher pour établir les deux contacts. Tu écris vraiment bien en anglais et je trouve qu'on ressent bien les émotions que tu décris. un grand BRAVO !!
les deux derniers chapitres étaient extra. et je sais que la suite ne me décevra pas.
à la prochaine !
I guess Sesshoumaru is slowly starting to get accustomed of being a father huh? But I cant help but wonder what will happen between Kagome and Sesshoumaru once the baby is born. Great chapter as usual and thank you once again and PLEASE UPDATE SOON!!!!!
Now I'm wondering if it was the baby she felt or the mark. >.< Great chapter and a nice peek into Sesshoumaru. I liked the silent interaction between them at the end.
Great Chapter as Always Mate, I have a feeling that Kiyoshi is a full demon, sorry just how is he controling his aura and something the beast thought in a earlier
Quote from Conspiracy
but what he had found worried him. The weak, and new aura of the child was quite confusing; he had never felt one like it before. Also, it had a different vibration to it, and he didn’t know why it happened; the child should be an hanyou, and that did not feel as if it was an hanyou.
With the Aura control, i I just have this feeling the child will be a full demon. Even though i should be half.
I really like the bit where Kagome asked for help with her pain, about time i should say, how can someone go though that much and not want to get rid of it.
Again Loving the story and i know my theory is likely wrong. I Look forward to the next installment,
Cheers Matey
I think its sweet that he had packed some books, thinking of Kagome. She's always at the forefront of his mind, even if not for romantic reasons. It says a lot about where they may be able to go.
You can almost feel how tense and awkward that was, for both of them. That was most definitely a major step!! Hopefully she will gain some more perspective on her own powers and strengthen herself. Sessh is finally becoming aware of his other emotions aside the overwhelming guilt he seems to always experience. Which will allow him to grow as well. I would assume that there are more positive steps to take place? Yes? Maybe?
Really good chapter. Thanks ^_^
Great Chapter ;D
Interesting. I am interested to see how much more they have to connect to help them both get past things. I am also inteested in seeing how she faces down his beast, since I can't see her getting past things unless she does.
At least they are putting the pup first. Great chapter!
that was amazing i feel bad for her to go through that but her son is in pain! well please update soon!")
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