Firstly, glad to see progress in the fic! Not that I am complaining about the earlier chapters; you know how much I adore the pace of this story, but still, it is nice to see them move off. And Australia! Yay! Nice place :) (As you can see, I am typing comments as I read along)
It is really nice to see how Kagome is giving Sesshoumaru the second chance he deserves! True enough, he had made his fair share of mistakes, but the whole idea of them opening up to each other and talking is finally paying off. Of course, the dilemma between them still exists - how far can Kagome's forgiveness go is something I can't wait to see you address.
And kudos for creativity dearie! The hunt for the next shard definitely seems interesting; someone is carrying it around?? Gosh, this is bound to be good.
Just as I thought the dilemma might drag further, Kagome has realized how she has gotten accustomed to his presence! YAY!
...and during the connection...oh gosh, Maddie, you are so good at delving deep, deep, deep into such forbidden and painful emotions! I couldn't look away from the words, and I was so relieved when Sesshoumaru chose to cut contact with Kagome first before he ended up doing anything he might regret.
I am really really thankful for this chapter because Kagome has finally moved on. It was even better that she had moved on not for the sake of anyone else but for herself, and the scene with the little foot against her bare stomach was such an amazing one. Powerful with the imagery and the emotions, I feel like you've outdone your usual amazing self with this one!! :)
Much love to you, Maddie! Thanks for writing this chapter!
WOW. theres really no other way to describe it.
Keep up the wonderful work! ;)
Ohhh, I love it the smile was great! i know there's so much more to go on with the story, but I can't wait for the baby! I just know he'll be so cute and cuddly.
i have to say this is one of the best portrayls of sesshomaru ever! i love it i hope to see the new chapter up soon.
AutumnRain the connection only works if they are asleep and touching in some way? That's what I am interpreting anyways but I could be wrong it's been known to happen on serveral occasions LoL. So now what I am wondering is which half of Sesshou decided it was a good idea to kiss her in the "dream" world. It's obvious that the feelings of guilt she got were from Sesshou's normal side but I wonder if it was the beast that made him kiss her or if he did it on his own...hmmms...he didn't seem to have a problem with it lol. I'm proud of Kagome for standing her ground when she was confronted with the Beast this time. Though she was terrified she didn't back down and she told him how it was. I think that little Kiyoshi is going to be making his entrance into the world a lot sooner than either one of them had anticipated. I wonder if Kagome going through the well sped up his developement too. That would explain why instead of three months she only has about one to go...or you've got some other twist in there to throw us off LoL. I wonder what she is going to do to get to know the "New" Sesshou. He's not much for conversation but I think that would be a good place to start. She should talk to him, ask questions, find out if he has any interests or dare I say it hobbies. It's definitely going to be worth the wait to see what happens with that. Excellent Job as usual and Congratulations on your Award you deserve it 110%!!!! Best wishes as always **Huggs**
Two things were brought to my attention and it has to my thoey about the pup
Quote 1
The pup shouldn't be developing that fast. He frowned as he kept walking, as he wondered how that was possible.
Quote 2
The pup was strong, there was no doubt about that, but something was off about its development. He seemed to far ahead for a hanyou.
Love it when im Right woo woo
Dear Maddie,
This is an amazing chapter as always! You did a magnificent job with the flow - your updates remind me of a smooth-flowing stream with an occasional pebble in it. It's not all smooth-sailing, but still, it is progressing somehow and the pace is very comfortable. Well done, sweetie! I appreciate the lengthy and deep exploration of Kagome's inner thoughts and feelings - it gave us a very realistic portrayal of the situation. Conflicted, but not confounded. They are both unlocking themselves somehow, and it is a very beautiful process of knowing oneself and knowing the other. This forms a very believable and strong foundation for the relationship between the main characters.
And the beast is back!! Now I can't wait to see where you go with this. Do you know I read it with a mixture of fear and worry AND relief? Which is really strange, but I think I felt somewhat relieved that the beast was here so Kagome could start to face her deepest insecurities. It is only by this way which she can fully recover, and I definitely believe in your skills as a writer to portray it marvelously! :)
Keep up the amazing work sweetie!! I missed you loads!
I love this story! I can't wait for the baby to come. i hope Sesshomaru can do a good job showing Kagome his good side. Hopefully he'll find changes in himself and surprise himself of being able to love someone. Anyway on to the next shard. Thanks for the great read!
Sorry I haven't been reviewing consistently!
That chapter was really deep. In the beginning, I was seriously getting drawn into the story and what Kagome was experiencing the anxiety and problems. The way you developed the connection between them was AMAZING. I look forward to the next chapter and how the rest of this plot unfolds!
These chapters have such a great flow now. The slight development is growing this story awesomely. Astounded by the end of the last chapter, I was immediately drawn into the beginning of this one. The imagery in the "dream world" is just saturated with the many layers of both of their emotions. I can't WAIT to see more of this connection, because you can already tell that this is where all inhibitions are gone and truth is revealed! *excited...giggity...*
I'm kinda impressed with the Beast's "control" so far. There is still that hint of "disciplining" her, but it hasn't happened....yet. In the past he appeared very one track minded, never level-headed as his counterpart. Yet with these last interactions, there's room for understanding. Maybe with this new found connection, there will be some growth on his part as well? Although, more trouble is most definitely on it's way with the self realization of his imprisonment. I can only imagine...
We're always kept guessing at the turn of events. When's the last time he had a smirk on his face, huh? What is this? Sesshomaru starting to relax a little? Wassup wit dat?! lol Oh the possibilities of how he could gain her trust. heh. Lovin' it!
On a side note: I am still surprised that English is not your first language. Your chapters are well written and as another has mentioned, I too applaud your Beta (now that I know what that means...heh) for such an interesting read. ^_^
OMG!! What a wonderful chapter!! I want to say that I am really sorry for not reviewing b4, I had trouble with my computer and just barely got it fixed. Was using my sister's, but only for small things and at sporadic times, so I really apologize for the delay!!
Anyway, back to the review:
This chapter was amazing!! Everything I expected from Sesshomaru and to top it up Kagome has finally began to crack that cold wall she had build around herself!! HURRAY!!
I think it was just so sweet and tender when Sesshomaru took hold of Kagome's hand and kissed each finger... It almost made me misty eyed!!
Then during the kiss I can honestly say I was sqeeeeeeeing all over the place!! >_<
It was a little sad and a bit emotional to see that Sesshomaru is feeling such strong emotions, and I can honestly say that not in a million years would I have though him capable of tears!! It was a very special moment!!
The fact that the beast is a little more calm around Kagome is encouraging, however, I fear that now that it has figured out that the connection between the watch and his loss of control is there, he may do something to prevent it from working next time.
However, the fact that he was so concerned about the wellbeing of the pup and Kagome made it almost a tender moment. This brings to mind the fact that he thinks that there is something wrong with the baby, which leaves me to worry that there may be some truth to that.
Now that Kagome is willing to give him a chance, I wonder if she realizes that she is also giving his beast a chance, and if the beast will ever communicate with Sesshomaru and learn of the pain and suffering he has inflicted upon his beloved mate.
It hurts to see the beast love Kagome so much, but in his own terms, which doesn't help with Kagome's situation at all, I hope that some sort of understanding will reach it's mind and help him understand, while at the same time allow Sesshomaru to feel some of the same love his beast feels for Kagome.
I guess it will all be reveled in the future... All I can do is wait desperately for your next update!!
Before I leave I wanted to do something that up to recently I have never done, mainly because sometimes we only concentrate on the story and the writer, but never in those who are also involved in bringing the stories to us: The Betas!
So I want to thank Eve for helping you make this story a reality, for helping you make sure that is ready for all of us to read and enjoy, and thank you again to you for writing and sharing with us!!
Looking forward to your next update with anticipation!
Wow! That was a great chapter!!!! I love the fact that Kagome is willingly to give Sesshoumaru another chance. It just goes to show everyone how much strength she has in her human body and Im not just talking about physical strength. I guess it all depends on what Sesshoumaru is going to do with that chance. All I know is that he better be smart about it or he'll lose his chance with Kagome. Thank you for this chapter and hope to read from you soon. PLEASE UPDATE SOON!!!
Wow, PROGRESS!!! <3 ^_^
I wish Sesshoumaru had better control over his beast, because that is what ruining everything. Great Chapter!
another wonderful chapter; thank you! I've been looking forward to seeing what would happen next. What I love most about your story is that in each chapter there is some new development... in the begining it was the desolution of Kagome's spirit, and her opinion of Sesshomaru. Now its the gradual restrengthening of Kagome and her relationship (whatever that may be) with Sesshomaru. There may be slow parts to the chapter, where there is critical information or dialogue shared, but every chapter moves... its nice. It keeps me interested, and I look forward to more.
This was awesome! Is that vision they had in the connection supposed to imply anything? I very interested in seeing how this will all play out? Is it a bad thing that Kiyoshi's developing so fast?
That was a fantastic update. So much has happened, and I really hope that Kagome can eventually move on with Sesshoumaru and his beast.
This story is so awesome I can't wait for more. I hope your still working on it.
whoa. sesshoumaru? crying? ye gods what is happening? kiyoshi allowed it to happen?
please update!!
Great chapter as usual! Hope to see more action though. I really love the fact that Sesshoumaru seems to be experiencing some emotions that obvisouly he has never encountered before. I wonder if he saw some of the flashbacks that Kagome sees whenever she comes into contact with Sesshoumaru. Maybe now he will start to realize some of the pain that kagome goes through everyday because of him. Thank you for this wondeful and fun-filled chapter and hope you UPDATE SOON!!!!!
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