Reaching Towards a Hopeless Angel: The Story You Never Knew! by Sesshomaru's_gurl
Alone She Sits
hee hee.. hope you all enjoy this. I am... (evil grin) This should contain the same chapter titles and follow a little of the story, however.... WELCOME TO THE TWISTED MIND OF ARTEMIS RILEY! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA !!!!!!!!.....
Alone she sits. Of course she's gonna be sitting alone at a time like this! Why would she want to let anyone near her at this very moment, ESPECIALLY Inuyasha? The pain was overwhelming and Kagome couldn't stand it.
Even though it was rough, she didn't budge from her spot. Doing that would only worry her poor friend and the next thing you know he is by her side and trying to help her! No! Kagome will not have that! Having terrible pains was enough she didn't need Inuyasha making them worse! Sacriligious!
No matter how much she tried , or how many times she tried, nothing seemed to work. It just kept coming, and coming, and coming, and then it gets worse, and worse, and worse until the feeling is so enormous that it is entirely unbearable. And if Inuyasha were to find out why she was in such pain he would freak on her.
*Oh why isn't Kami-sama ever on my side?* Another wave of pain rushed through her tiny, pitiful female figure. Kagome scrunched in pain. *Especially not right now?* She noticed Inuyasha look at her.
It was hard to hide that pretty little blush that crept across her face.
(Inuyasha's POV)
Kagome was in so much pain. He couldn't stand it. The terrible thing was was that she was trying to keep him from her, as though she was warding him away with her miko abilities. For a second there, he thought she was.
Inuyasha could tell there was something wrong with her. She was all curled up in her sleepy bag and madly aching to twist in pain, but because of his sanity, she didn't.
He was about to say something when he noticed she was watching him.
It was so hard for him not to look at her pretty little blush.
(Kagome's POV)
It had taken a while to gather her modesty and look away from him. How dare he?! How dare he stare at her whilst she was in so much pain and suffering?! She will have his head for this!
A moment' s later Kagome felt Inuyasha shuffle from behind her hidden form in her sleeping bag.
*NO!!! DON'T COME NEAR ME! I'LL KILL YOU!* (A/N not like when she meant she would have his head. No. She really would kill him... grin... and unintentionally!) Sadly though, and not to her relief, Inuyasha stood up casually.
Casually. Casually. Not as though he cared about her state of mind or physical health. CASUALLY! This enraged poor Kagome.
Really enraged poor, suffering Kagoem Higarashi.
(Inuyasha's POV)
Inuyasha was anything but stupid. He could tell she wanted to say something and she wasn't saying it. This made him agitated that she was the one person he trusted and loved
(secretly loved however. He would never admit that aloud.) most in the world and he was the one person she trusted and possibly loved most in the world (or at least he hoped) and she wasn't opening up to him.
This had to stop. Screw her pain.
Closing his eyes, Inuyasha folded his arm in the sleeves of his haori and stood up. As casually as possible.
(Kagome's POV)
Kagome didn't know what to do. She was freaking out. Big time. Another wave of pain shook her body and all she could do was cry out.
Instantly, she regretted it. Inuyasha had reacted instictually to her cry of pain and burst forth to rescue her. Now there was nothing she could do to stop it.
Inuyasha had reached Kagome in a blink of an eye, not caring if she was trying to ward him off. Which she was, and she WANTED him to know it too.
To Kagome's disarray Inuyasha had gently picked her up and held her to his breast. She grunted in frustration. She began to calm however when he started to rock slowly back and forth in a soothing, rythemic pattern.
That disappeared quickly when a jolt of pain came forth. Kagome choked back a sob. Inuyasha started to whisper gentle words to her.
"Kagome," he bagan, "I know I am a little hard on you. I know that I have called you rude names and made you sit me all the time." Kagome tried to supress a grin. This guy was stupid!
"I am sorry if I have made you distrust me. I want you to get over this cold soon so you can get better." Kagome had a really hard time not laughing. Inside, she was squealing! This guy was really stupid! Inuyasha continued.
"Listen to me. I need you. I want you by my side. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me and if I lose you.... I don't know what I'd do." Inuyasha paused and covered his eyes with his free hand. However touched with his words Kagome was, she was in a fit of hysteria. Inuyasha needed to get a clue. Badly. Kagome snickered.
"Please don't cry. I'm right here." he said. "
Just let it out. Don't hold it in. Don't hold back with me." Kagome thought over his words.
"Are you sure Inuyasha?" she asked caustiously. "Do you even know what you are asking of me?" Kagome was really confused. Did Inuyasha really know? His answer was all she needed.
"Kagome.... I love you."
A long moan escaped from out of nowhere, and it was not what Inuyasha had expected from Kagome. The moan was long, dragging, loud, and sounded wet. It was as though the real pain was being released from Kagome's body, and through the most unpleasant of ways. Still, the sound continued, and it was now begining to bubble.
The sad thing is, the moan was not coming from Kagome's mouth, but rather the other end of the reciever. Inuyasha gagged. Kagome blushed.
Inuyasha held his nose in disgust. "BY GOLLY KAGOME WHAT DID YOU EAT?! EEEWWW!!!!" He pushed Kagome off his lap. "Are you sure you didn't 'drop; anything, GEEZE Kags! I've never heard one like that! What did you think you were doing?!"
"Well you told me to let it out!" Retaliated Kagome.
"I didn't mean THAT!!!" Inuyasha shouted back. "What do you have to say for yourself?"
Kagome thought for a second. She placed a slender finger to her right cheek and looked thoughtful as she scrunched her face up and barely stuck out her tounge. "Well...." she began, "I do FEEL better!" She giggled.