
Redemption by CatsEyes


Hello, CatsEyes speaking! The story you are about to read was my first one-shot. I'm actually very partial to it, for more than one reason. I guess you could say it's my little "experiment". To introduce another facet of my personality most of you have never seen, I am also something of a poet (or consider myself to be one, anyway). So I took the liberty and entwined one of my poems with this story, and the effect is, in my personal opinion, quite lovely. As you've probably guessed, the poem is titled "Redemption".

To my faithful readers, I sincerely hope you enjoy this little piece of my imagination. Oh, and to any newcomers out there, just sit back and trust me. Okay?


– \\ | // – | – \\ | // – | – \\ | // –

Even the Darkest of souls –

Alone and exiled unto themselves though they are –

May with Light be Reached.

– \\ | // –

Great, clawed hands tightened their hold on the unconscious girl as the demon carried her through the forest at breakneck speed. Her white and green uniform was torn in several places, and she bore a few scratches on her face and legs. Other than that, she did not seem to be terribly injured.

The people left behind, however... That was a different matter.

Blood ran down his fingers in streams of red, the hot liquid dark against the crimson of his haori. He laughed, ignoring the cries of disbelief as he slaughtered the creatures that had crossed him. Filthy, disgusting, vile things – they had no right to exist. No right to breathe the air his beautiful flower graced. The monk and exterminator thought they could interfere? Fine then. He'd take care of them too.

Miles away, those he had called his "friends" lay in the dark rift between unconsciousness and awareness, having been brutally knocked aside. It was only that faint recognition that had kept him from killing them as well. Yet this was not the reason he ran.

Having placed enough distance between them and the cursed battlefield, he came to a stop deep within the mountain woods, his chest heaving. Gently, hands trembling, he placed the girl down onto the grass and fell to his knees. Red eyes gazed down at her in despair as he brushed his fingers across her face.

His Kagome – his little flower – had gotten between him and his prey. The bruises on her shoulder and cheek were of his doing. HIS doing. He had hurt her, rendered the one person who could love him for himself helpless in his grasp.

He felt as though his soul was being ripped apart.

"Speak to me," he breathed, his voice halting and metallic as though he was not used to speaking. His hand went to cup her cheek. "Open your eyes... Kagome..."

Despite his pleading, the blue eyes he had come to cherish remained closed. How could he have done this?? Guilt weighed down at his chest, and with it his anger returned. Those bastards – this was all their fault, not his! If they hadn't tried to take her away from him...

"It seems I was wrong."

He stiffened. Snarling, he rounded on the other demon that had just emerged from the veil of shadow and trees.

"Stay back!" he warned, standing in front of Kagome in a purely possessive manner.

Unfeeling golden eyes regarded him coolly for a moment before lowering to the woman on the ground. The newcomer's mouth curved upwards in a faint smirk, although it was void of all humor. "You have gained no control whatsoever. You did this to her... didn't you?"

A low growl rumbled in his chest like distant thunder as he flexed his claws threateningly.

The other demon's eyes narrowed, the smirk gone from his face as he looked back up at him. "You have lost all sense of judgment. You can no longer distinguish between enemy and friend. You don't even recognize your own kin... Fool." Although his face was as listless as ever, the disgust was evident in his voice.

His hand went to curve around the hilt of his sword.

The sound of metal being drawn against metal rang like a death toll in the stillness as his sword flashed in the twilight. The other demon's gaze turned cold; his voice deadly soft. "If you insist on disgracing our family," he began, bringing his sword to the side. "...Then I have no choice but to slay you." He flipped the sword over, so that the double edge was turned toward his opponent. "Your mindless rampage ends now."

– \\ | // –

The most Frozen of hearts –

Unfeeling and long dead to the world –

Can with Compassion be Moved.

– \\ | // –

Kagome moaned slightly, her eyes blinking open in confusion. What...happened? she wondered hazily, hand rising as though to rub her head. Pain shot through her arm. She gasped, her eyes widening as memory and realization came crashing down on her.


Fear seized her throat, its sickening, metallic taste like a coin under her tongue. Inuyasha. His demonic blood had taken over when a band of desperate youkai, fooled by Naraku, had nearly destroyed the local village in attempts to find her. Each and every one of them died at the hanyou's claws; even those that had not touched her, despite their pleas of mercy. And then he'd...

"No! Don't do it, Inuyasha!" she cried. "They're your friends!" He ignored her, catching Miroku underneath the jaw and sending him flying. Sango he tossed like a rag-doll, and Kirara, whom had rushed to defend her partner, he dispensed of with near frightening ease. Realizing the gravity of the situation, Kagome rushed towards Shippou, whom had frozen in absolute terror at his friend's actions when she felt a clawed hand catch her arm in a terrible grip. She screamed –

Her cries had fallen on deaf ears. Only Tetsusaiga could calm her friend's blood-lust now. But the sword had been thrown several yards away in the early stages of the battle. She had to get it to him. Rising shakily to her knees, Kagome groped blindly for something to hold on to. Instead of the rough dirt of the wasteland, however, her fingers met with the softness of lush grass and earth. She blinked. Huh? Where...?

A snarl drew her out of her thoughts. Looking up, Kagome's eyes widened. Inuyasha... and Sesshoumaru?! Why were they fighting? Her eyes widened even more when she noticed the many lacerations carved into her friend's body. Very slowly, so as not to attract attention, she felt for the bow hooked over her other shoulder. Still there.


– \\ | // –

For as Darkness yearns for the Light

So does the spirit desire Completion

– \\ | // –

Inuyasha lunged at the elder demon, bringing his claws down in an arc intended to remove his opponent's intestines. Sesshoumaru dodged his attack easily, pivoting on his heel with little effort as his eyes narrowed in mild irritation.


Enraged with the taiyoukai's bored tone, Inuyasha skidded to a halt in the earth before whipping around to lunge at him again with a feral snarl. Again Sesshoumaru dodged; again Inuyasha missed. This time, however, the hanyou's half-brother disappeared in a white blur, only to reappear in the air above him.

His face set in a frown, Sesshoumaru brandished his sword as Inuyasha turned to attack yet again. Forks of what looked like lightening surged forwards with a distinctive crack, catching him directly in the chest. The hanyou's eyes widened in shock.

Blood spurting into the air, Inuyasha plowed into the earth, a choked gasp escaping his throat as the impact sucked the air from his lungs. The force of the blow sent him skidding for several yards before he came to a halt at the base of an aged tree, its leaves stained red with the changing season. Beads of sweat ran down his face as he panted for air, groaning slightly.

Sesshoumaru came to a landing some distance away, his expression unreadable. Unlike his brother, he had come out of their battle virtually unscathed with only a few kinks in his armor to show for it. Not even his sword knew the stain of blood – Inuyasha had been repelled by the force of his will alone.

And yet, despite his current advantage, Sesshoumaru made no move to carry through with his attack. Instead, he merely watched the hanyou's chest rise and fall with each labored breath.

The bastard son of his father's mortal wife – the half-breed who had turned idiocy into an art form – was still his brother, nonetheless. By blood, it was unforgivable to even contemplate his death. However, allowing his brother to live as a ruined shadow of demonic perfection... that was equally abhorrent.

Silence fell onto the forest, broken only by the soft chorus of leaves as the wind blew through them. With all the deadly grace of a blade unsheathed, Sesshoumaru crossed the distance between him and his brother.

"You were born in dishonor, Inuyasha," he remarked quietly. Despite the overwhelming sense of power he radiated, Sesshoumaru made practically no sound as he moved over the twigs and grass that made up the majority of the forest floor. "But I shall at least give you an honorable death."

Inuyasha snarled, red eyes flashing as his brother approached. In his current state, the fact that he was nearly in shreds was lost to him. Pressing his hands flat against the ground, he tried once again to stand, or at least to sit up and face the threat approaching him. Sesshoumaru did not even give him the chance. He knocked him down again with his foot, keeping it there on his chest even as Inuyasha cried out in rage.

Sesshoumaru's eyes narrowed. The dying sun was reflected in his blade as it rose high into the air. Eyesight dimming, Inuyasha could only stare up at the sword that would end his life.

"Farewell, little brother."

"NO!! STOP IT!!!"

– \\ | // –

Just as the mind – once lost to Sin –

Upon itself demands Retribution.

– \\ | // –

An arrow screamed through the air, just barely grazing Sesshoumaru's cheek as it sailed deep into the surrounding forest, leaving behind it a trail of pink light. The taiyoukai blinked, his face bearing no other sign of surprise. Following the arrow's path, his eyes locked with those of stormy blue. It was his brother's companion, he realized upon closer inspection. The girl named Kagome. There was no mistaking that strange outfit and gentle scent.

Sure enough, the telltale hum of the bowstring sounded in the air as it vibrated to a stop. Her tears of rage, cascading down her cheeks in translucent floods, momentarily caught him off guard. This did not fit with his earlier perception of her; the girl before him had always been brave, if not entirely reckless, whether against him or some other threat. She was crying? Why? Ignoring a few scrapes and bruises she was not hurt in any way that normally called for such a reaction.

"Get away from him," she whispered, bringing her bow up once more. Reaching behind her, she took another arrow from her quiver and put it to the string, allowing it to rest there threateningly. "I won't miss next time."

Sesshoumaru could not ignore the amount of power this girl held. If her arrow hit... His sword lowered slightly. "Girl," he growled, his calm voice belying his irritation. "Stand aside. My quarrel is with Inuyasha alone."

"I said get away from him!" she yelled, pulling the arrow back and locking it with his face. "I'm warning you, Sesshoumaru! If you don't move away from Inuyasha right now, I'm gonna shoot!" In response to her rising emotions, a brilliant corona of light surrounded her like a flame.

His fierce golden eyes narrowed at her audacity. He turned away from Inuyasha, facing her fully as his blood rose to the unvoiced challenge she had conveyed. It coursed through his veins in a flood of instinctive ferocity. "Do not think to play with me, little miko," he admonished, his voice deceptively calm. "You cannot protect him. Now. Stand aside." Sesshoumaru rarely ever repeated himself. The fact that he was doing so now was surprising.

Kagome could feel the dark surge that was his aura swell ominously. She had fought against this particular demon lord many times before, and had always regarded him with both fear and awe. Very rarely had she experienced the full weight of his gaze. Now that she was, the calculating glare he was sending her was enough to make her blood freeze over. A bead of nervous sweat ran down her cheek.

She pushed back the wave of fear threatening to paralyze her lungs, holding her ground resolutely as she returned the glare with equal fury. How dare he hurt her best friend! "No," she almost sobbed, drawing the arrow back to her ear even as the tears ran down her face. "I won't let you kill Inuyasha!"

Seeing Sesshoumaru's eyes darken, she let her arrow fly. The taiyoukai's image blurred. Kagome blinked, momentarily confused before he reappeared right in front of her. She gasped at his sudden proximity, trying to jump away, but it was already far too late.

She had not realized just how dangerous defying Sesshoumaru was.

– \\ | // –

Yet it is the Nature of those shadowed

To imprison themselves –

To doubt and to Fall off kilter.

– \\ | // –

In an instant he had her slammed against the trunk of one of the surrounding trees, its bark grinding painfully into her already sore back as he pinned her there with his body. Her bow fell to the ground with a clatter, her quiver shattering with the impact. Gasping, her eyes widened when she felt the arctic touch of steel against her throat, the threat in its razor sharp edge all too real.

She froze.

The rage in the demon lord's eyes was frightening. "You will not 'let' me?" he repeated in a dangerous voice. "What makes you think you can stop me; a woman, alone and without her weapons? Your claws are blunt, aibyou."

Kagome swallowed, her eyes wide in sudden fear. His gaze was far too intense. It burned her – seared her – but she could not look away. It was almost as if the danger he radiated had hypnotized her. She was trapped.

"H-he's your brother," she whispered finally with some difficulty. "Please..."

A shadowed look passed across Sesshoumaru's handsome face. "Silence," he hissed, his sword pressing even harder against her throat. Kagome's breath shuddered as a result as the demon lord bore down on her. "The hanyou is a danger that must be destroyed," he declared with alarming coldness. "I will not permit him to dishonor my family's blood with his inability to control himself any longer."

"No!" she pleaded abjectly. "Y-you can't – "

"Continue to vex me, human, and I might just kill you instead."

Kagome's eyes widened. For a moment she just stared at him, thousands of emotions passing across her face. Finally, the debate in those beautiful eyes stilled.

"...Then kill me."

The words were spoken with such calmness and resolution that it took Sesshoumaru a full ten seconds to actually register her statement. When he did, it was with a frustration and anger he had not experienced anywhere outside that which he reserved for his father in rare times of reminiscence. Frustration for the fact that she challenged everything he had been taught. And anger at how willing she was to throw her life away for something he deemed unworthy.

"As you wish," he all but snarled. Despite her brave countenance, Kagome's eyes filled with dread as she waited for death to come with the curve of his sword...

But the blow never came.

– \\ | // –

Even offered Forgiveness

It is only by their Choice

That the condemned be Saved.

– \\ | // –

The cold pressure at her throat lessened slightly. Surprised, Kagome slowly raised her head to look up at her captor, only to find herself reflected in the fire that was his gaze. Sesshoumaru was staring her as though having discovered something rare and unknown.

His gaze was piercing. "You would give up your life in his stead." Although his face remained impassive, there was a slight question in his voice. He frowned slightly. He had not been expecting such a willing sacrifice on her part; this woman never ceased to intrigue him.

"You are aware of what he has done," he continued, his tone noticeably different from the usual condescending air he took when speaking with those inferior to him. "He has slaughtered countless humans. Your companions lie critically wounded due to his hand. Given the chance, he might have very well turned his claws against you."

"I...I know." Her eyes lowered to look over Sesshoumaru's shoulder, at her motionless friend who lay bleeding on the ground. His wounds had already begun to heal due to his demonic heritage – he would survive.

Provided that Sesshoumaru's blade did not fall.

Sesshoumaru tilted his sword very slightly against the side of her neck, the action forcing her to look up at him again.

"Why then risk your life for him?"

She could do nothing but stare back at him as he searched her eyes for... She didn't know what. Pressed as close against him as she was, Kagome had a view of Sesshoumaru none before had ever gotten a chance to see, and she searched his eyes in turn. What she found was surprising.

The frozen pools of liquid gold were not void of all feelings, as she had once believed. They were subtle, it was true, but still there, deep in his gaze. And now Kagome could clearly see... Confusion? Jealousy? ....Respect?

"I really don't know why," she answered finally. "And neither do you... do you? Why you can never seem to finish Inuyasha off..."

Golden eyes scrutinized her with increased intensity. "Perceptive little aibyou," he murmured, sounding mildly impressed. He pulled away slightly. "Even threatened with death, you do not cower or shrink away. You seem to hold others before yourself... an interesting trait. I am beginning to understand why Inuyasha shields you so vehemently. You must truly be important to him." His lips curved once again into a feral smirk as he gazed down at her with a strange gleam in his eye. "He is as foolish as he is incompetent, then, for leaving you so unguarded."

Kagome glared at him, her fear quickly being replaced with anger. "Listen, you–"

"I came here to eradicate the mindless shadow that Inuyasha has become," he said, interrupting her. "I will not leave without accomplishing this."

Her face paled. "N-no! Don't hurt him!" She began to struggle, but Sesshoumaru held her down with the weight of his body. He looked almost pitying of her lack of comprehension.

"There are many ways to destroy someone, Kagome." He pronounced her name slowly and carefully, allowing it to roll off his tongue as he would an exquisite wine. "Since you wish it, I will not take my half-brother's life." He leaned closer to her, his voice lowering to a growl. "I will take yours."

Before Kagome could move – before she could even utter a word of protest – Sesshoumaru's blade was back against her throat. The razor edge bit into the delicate skin and, in a dark imitation of a caress, glided down towards her shoulder, cutting her as it did so. Kagome gasped, her breath hitching in her throat as the sword partook of her blood.

The crimson liquid pooled against the edge of the sword before condensing into a single bead. Kagome tracked its movements with her eyes, watching as it slid down the gleaming steel like oil. After what seemed like an age, the droplet finally connected with the hilt. The sword glowed slightly as the blood sank into the metal. Kagome swallowed nervously, her breathing ragged as she lifted her gaze to Sesshoumaru's once more.

– \\ | // –

When themselves Cleanse their hands of blood

Will the doomed be released of Damnation,

– \\ | // –

"Wh...what..." she began incredulously, her voice cracking.

"You came between me and my opponent," he told her, his expression unreadable as he watched for her reaction. "You openly challenged my dominance, facing me without fear and demanding that I do the same as an equal. The penalty for such blatant insolence should be death. However..."

He took a step back from her, releasing her from his grip. Suddenly weak, Kagome slid down to her knees. Her arms came up to wrap around torso as though suddenly cold. Sesshoumaru tilted his head to the side, still gazing at her as she trembled. "Your altruism intrigues me," he concluded cryptically. "None but I shall have the privilege of taking that away."

His sword lowered to rest at his side. Kagome followed its descent with her eyes, followed its slow return to the scabbard as Sesshoumaru sheathed it with practiced ease. All the while, Sesshoumaru just continued to stare at her with an emotion she could not identify. Kagome felt stripped bare under his gaze – more weak and helpless than she had ever felt before. What had he done to her? What magic –

Sesshoumaru gave her the faint half-smile a predator gives its prey. "Your life is now mine."

Kagome blinked in shock. His? Her life was...

"Sesshoumaru?" she called timidly to his back as he turned, walking away into the growing darkness. "What are you...?"

He paused briefly, still facing away from her. "He should come to shortly," he informed her listlessly, referring to his unconscious half-brother on the ground. "Your companions are already making their way here with the Tetsusaiga. Use it to reverse his transformation." He turned very slightly; just enough so he could glance back at her from across his shoulder. "When Inuyasha awakens, inform him that although I have spared his life today, I will not be so kind in the future should he prove unworthy of that which he is blessed with." Having said what was needed, Sesshoumaru walked away into the forest, leaving a thoroughly shaken Kagome behind.

Somehow... she did not think he had been implying Tetsusaiga.

Her hand rose to touch the cut on her neck, only to find it wasn't there. Her lips parted in surprise. "Sesshoumaru..."

– \\ | // –

And when Love has been found and accepted

Even demons may obtain Salvation.

– \\ | // – | – \\ | // – | – \\ | // –


Aibyou – cat

Sesshoumaru appears a whole lot darker than I've written him before in my other stories... but I like it. For those of you who wished this was longer, do not fret! I will publish very soon a sequel to this story... probably in one or two weeks, depending on what bizarre circumstances occur to me. Also, any responses you might have would be a wonderful incentive... Who knows? You might just inspire me to add in elements I might not have thought to on my own...

...That's your cue, by the way. Thank you!

INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000
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