Reviews for Delusive Alliance by HypnoticKiss
SakeMan- Tue 15 Apr 2008
Wow Sess-sama made a mistake. Out of all the fanfiction that I've read (witch is a lot) only one other story had him flawed or in this case mistaken in some way. Thank you for that, it makes him that much more realer. *snicker* Jaken in the care of Rin... poor Jaken he'll be engulfed in flowers.
FangedBeasty- Sun 13 Apr 2008
sokai- Tue 01 Apr 2008
SakeMan- Fri 28 Mar 2008
LOL But, is it just me or does Kagome get mikonapped all the time. But I have to say this napping was a breath of fresh air most of the time they just say 'Come with me miko or they die.' and take her. Thank the gods no one said that :3
Plz update soon!!!!!!!!! I NEEDS MORE, PLEASE!
arielle langley- Tue 25 Mar 2008
arielle langley- Tue 25 Mar 2008